Saturday, October 11, 2008

Short update on kids . . .

Since I don't write a weekly family letter anymore I am more random than usual--it may also be the meds! Anyway, we have had our parent teacher conferences the last 3 weeks. I was holding my breath with all of them since Taran is now in high school and in honors classes but they are all doing very well. I wouldn't say they are perfect, we have things we need to improve--I say we because I am not doing a couple of things I should be like listening to kids read and asking them questions to inspire comprehension. The problem is that most of them that I am suppose to do this with regurgitate the whole story instead of summarizing, anyway, I ramble. My mom actually went to the high school one for me since I was just out of the hospital. Tim and I went to the Junior High. And last week was the elementary school and I went all by myself, Tim dropped me off and picked me up. He was at a soccer practice at the school.
Soccer season is finished except for Taran who has 3 more games! Hopefully this cold front that came in will leave and go back to nice cool, fall weather instead of FREEZING wind! Izak's team has struggled, half the kids have never played before and some are highly distracted but they won today, yeah!
Taran, Timo and Izak are in flag football and they are really enjoying it. I enjoy watching it so I hope I can go to a game now that I am doing better.
I am excited for the fall break next week. It is also Gwen and Emily's birthdays. I wish I could say we are going somewhere fun. But it's good we couldn't afford to go since I probably would not have wanted to go in my condition--I don't know maybe I would! Last year we were in sunny San Diego--a nice change from here!
Today Tim took Taran, Timo and 2 of Timo's friends (Tyler and John) to the BYU vs. New Mexico football game. Our friends the Thomases gave us 3 tickets, because of the weather Tim thought it best not to take the little kids. They had fun and it wasn't too cold. Everyone's got BYU football fever, it's fun that they have done so well--they have looked sloppy lately. That's it for now!

1 comment:

Shellie said...

Sunny California is very enticing this time of year. This weekend was beautiful weather!