Sunday, November 16, 2008

Grateful For Freedom

Okay, you probably were expecting me to write about our country, etc. Maybe another day. But I am actually writing about driving. I actually hate driving but in our area buses aren't too convenient or I'd opt for that mode myself. Friday I started driving again! I haven't been driving because I have been on painkillers that have inhibited my ability to drive and I don't want to get picked up for a DUI. So I have been at the mercy of Tim, my Mom and friends to get me around. I took my kids a couple of places Friday and then Saturday I went shopping. It was so pleasant I didn't even notice any bad drivers--common here. But the other good thing is that I am getting better!!!! I have been exercising more (my elliptical) and doing some back strengthening exercises. I feel pretty good with just Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I just got sick of the painkillers and decided to try it on my own. I have been cutting back on my pain meds all a long so it wasn't super drastic. I have to admit I still have limitations but I am so grateful to be able to be more myself--that kind of freedom is priceless!


Shellie said...

It's almost like being 16 again, but this time, you're not scared to drive!

The Cranes said...

Sometimes it takes losing something to realize how grateful you are for it. It's nice when it is just a temporary loss. It's easy to take things for granted--I am often guilty of that. I have also never understood why someone would voluntarily limit their freedom by taking something into their body that they know will take away their ability to drive safely (alcohol, illegal drugs.) But I am thankful for those that choose NOT to get behind a wheel once they have chosen to take in the alcohol or drugs.

The Cranes said...

Oh, and glad that you are recovering so well!

RAQ said...


Katie said...

That's great. Glad you're able to do a little more each day.

4boyzmdmom said...

I felt the same way after surgery--couldn't drive, couldn't bend over or lift anything for 72 hours. It sounds nice in theory (lying around and doing nothing), but in reality it is no fun! It made me appreciate that most of the time I am so healthy and can do so much, even though sometimes I wear myself out. I'm glad you are getting better and hope you keep improving!