Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring is Just Around the Corner . . .

We had the pleasure of going to A Year with Frog and Toad musical. We were blessed with free tickets from Zane's preschool teacher. I had paid for myself to go with the class earlier in the month. They gave her some complimentary tickets, I guess I was the only one who wanted tickets. We have the books and are great fans so it was pure delight since they did a fantastic job! The kids having been talking about it ever since we went. There is a story called Spring is Just Around the Corner. And it actually is here. I took pictures of some of my tulips that are coming up. I planted them in a garden box I reserve for flowers. I was so excited when they first started to poke through. It gives me great energy and a sense of renewal to work in the dirt with my hands.
Here are some random pictures of Gwen. She is starting to enjoy the Disney Princesses and dressing up. It is very cute! I thought I'd take this opportunity to share these with all of you! My how the time flies!


4boyzmdmom said...

My older kids loved the Frog & Toad books, also. We have most of them...I will have to get them out and start reading them to Seth! I love spring also! I was just thinking yesterday that it is uphill from here on out, all the way until November (ok, a few hot days in there...) That made me feel really happy to think about that!

andrea said...

Jared's kindergarten class went to that play last week, and I helped drive them so I got to see it too. I thought it was so well done and cute! Highlight of my week!