Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just some thoughts on God...

I have been pondering the fact that many don't believe in God. And why I do. I can see where the opinion if there was a God why does he let all this suffering and ugliness happen. But I understand God to be my Heavenly Father who loves each of us and because he loves us he lets us learn and make mistakes. He blesses us even when we don't deserve it. Because he allows us to make mistakes we sometimes hurt others besides ourselves. I find comfort knowing that every loss will be made up for in the next life. Those who seemed to suffer more than others will be duly compensated then. As a parent myself I see the wisdom in letting children learn from their mistakes, instead of trying to shield them from every harm. Of course we guide and warn against things that are harmful but God our Heavenly Father equally does so through his commandments. They are for our protection and they will bring us greater happiness and peace if we keep them. Just like the rules I set for my children they will bring them greater freedom if they keep them. The other side is there is a consequence for every action. If we choose not to keep God's laws or commandments there are consequences which may not manifest themselves right away but eventually if we do not change/repent we will suffer as His son has for our sins. When my children make poor choices they seem to cry foul when they get a negative consequence but if I do not follow through on the consequence set up I am a liar. I lose credibility and they will not listen in the future because my word means nothing. God is similar in He has integrity and can not and will not let consequences change except in the event we repent because his son paid that price for those who accept his atonement. It's sort of like when my little neighbor boy dropped his Popsicle all over my floor and I told him he could have another one if he cleaned that one up. I got him all the stuff to clean it and then my son and his sister saw that he was overwhelmed and they stepped in and cleaned it up for him. It was so touched as I watched these young children help him do what he felt he could not on his own. I am ever grateful to God for loving us enough to send his son to sacrifice for us. For loving each of us to be who we are and make our mistakes and loving us back to Him. He is ever ready to help us and love us all we must do is pray and ask. He does not make us be good or coerce us into submission. It is our choice to live as we wish but if we want greater peace and happiness it can only found in following his commandments. Yes bad things happen to good people but I know that good people find strength in God when times are tough and he helps them arise to their challenges. He has blessed my life abundantly and I know whenever I am down he comforts me and strengthens me, even at times when I feel I am undeserving. He loves me, and he loves you. I see it in the beauty of the world around me and in the newest born baby. He is magnificent in every way and if we let ourselves come to know Him in a very personal way we can feel his power and love in our own lives. It is real. If you don't believe me, pray, ask Him to let you know he loves you and you will feel it. I know you will even if you just ask to have the faith to believe. It will come. You are his child and he loves you and will answer you. I know it.

1 comment:

4boyzmdmom said...

Beautiful thoughts...thank you!