Friday, June 10, 2011

Freedom Friday and the Lion King...

My brother emailed this article to me and it's fascinating to me how ignorant our government can be...

After reading this article I conclude that either Obama is unintelligent or is a calculating, evil genius trying to destroy our economy while appearing to care about health care for the poor and needy.

What interest would he have in a complete economic disaster? Think about it...what will people do when they are desperate for quick fixes and answers? They will sell their soul to the guy who gives them the easiest out, "I'll fix your problems give me the power and I will take care of you." Sound familiar.

Scar, from The Lion King, and many other famous villains real or imagined offered similar promises to those who were eager for a quick meal. And what ending up happening in the Lion King? The Pride Lands were over run, the food was gone because there was no self-restraint, no law but Scar's. Something to think about...

Also another thought I had about this article is who were the bozos that made it a law to provide health care for full-time employees. Sure it sounds good but again here is the government demanding an employer do something for their employee. So the employer pays the employee less...The article points out that if the government did not do this the employer could pay the employee more, the employee could chose their insurance--maybe the cost would go down due to competition...what a thought? And the extra money would have created more tax revenue because they tax income not the money used for health care insurance.

This is just another example of why the government needs to be less regulating, they just end up messing things up in the end. Let's hope the new congress can repeal Obamacare because our health is not to be messed with!

1 comment:

4boyzmdmom said...

Really good thoughts...never would have thought to compare it to Lion King, but you are right! Scary that things could end up that way...