Monday, June 14, 2010

Eagle Scout as in World Cup...Birthday

I spent over an hour on this post but one of my kids HAD to go on FB and lost it so I am just going to leave the photo collage as my week's review instead of trying to write it again. I was unable to use the photos I took on the 10 mile hike Taran and I took to finish his hiking merit badge but they were beautiful! And he is on his way after I spent 20 hours getting the paperwork ready! Have a great week!


The Cranes said...

I hate it when that happens! It's been too long since I've seen Gwen! She looks older!! 20 hours on paperwork?? Ugh! What a good mom you are!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for commenting on our salon blog:) We just started it so its still a work in progress... so thanks for visiting! Your fam is beautiful!!!