Being a parent isn't easy. You've heard it before, it's not for wimps. Well, I am a wimp. And why God thought I could handle seven amazing people to be my children has caused me more than one sleepless night.
You know, you go to college, take classes from experts, you read books and blog posts, you go to extra parenting classes...and then in the end what really matters is LOVE.
You know you can do SO many things to help your child, help them develop their talents, their testimony of God and Jesus Christ and you can try to teach them life skills ie organization, being part of the team/family and so on. But if it isn't done with love, not just love but in away THEY feel loved. It doesn't matter.
It's hard. We all feel love or loved in different ways. And true love is finding out how that is for the other person. Some are simple or similar to our own thus 'easy' and others need love in different ways. I am learning and I am going to try to love these seven children the way God somehow knew I could.
It will take change, it will take God's help and but you know I love them and I really want them to know that. It matters to them and so it matters to me.
I am so sorry I didn't see it until recently and hopefully they will forgive my wimpiness. Look past the mistakes and see my heart...someday.