Tuesday I had to get my crown put on
then my visiting teachers came or one came anyway—there was a mix
up, no ones fault. Anyway, I always enjoy visiting with them. I had
to pick up Timo and his friend Clay from work after she left. I did
the family grocery shopping that afternoon. Izak had his first
soccer practice that night from 6:30-8 PM and then a friend's
birthday right after. He got home super late but had a lot of fun!
Tim and Timo went over to Tim's parents to move the last of their
furniture so they could get their laminate flooring installed
Thursday. Tim knew Wednesday night would be too hard to fit it in.
Wednesday June came over. We took her
for a walk to the school to return the books to the library. By the
time we got home she was super tired so I fed her mac-n-cheese and
some strawberries. Actually she fed herself, I just gave it to her!
Then she wanted her bottle so I rocked her and fed her until Timo
wanted me to make him some mac-n-cheese. So he fed her, I should
have taken a picture of that! Owell, she rested enough at that
point that when her bottle was done she was ready to go again. So
the kids played with her, Zane was the best. He was super cute with
her. That late afternoon Timo worked on his eagle project, making
the triage bandages. We had about 13 scouts help others that just
watched but we got them all done and now he just needs to sterilize
them. There are a lot! Right after that we ate dinner and he, Izak,
Tim, Micah and Zane went to Young Mens. They were having a 3v3
basketball tournament with all the young men—Tim was a ref. They
divided up the boys into somewhat even teams as in each team had
almost the same amount of each Quorum. Timo organized the bracket
and teams. His team won which he wished hadn't happened, he wished
other kids would have won. (Since he wins a lot he felt bad) But
there were 3 deacons and him so it's pretty impressive. Izak's team
was the most stacked team, if there was one, and they were in the
championship with Timo's team. Izak thought it was fun and wasn't
mad that Timo's team won. It sounds like it turned out good over
all, as in even kids who don't care about basketball came and seemed
to have fun. Meanwhile Emily, Gwen and I were at the church for the
young women's activity, it was a craft that they didn't have time to
make. It's a dry erase board made from frames, craft paper... so it
was quick and easy. The girls seemed to like it. I had a choir
board meeting right after and I went with my friend. It was long
then we chatted until 11 something! Owell! She is just so fun to
chat with. I am glad they have kept me just over publicity a few
emails and phone calls and I am done!
Timo and his winning team and his YM leader with double thumbs up and wig! |
Thursday Tim took in our window that
was broken to get fixed then he took Izak to my mom's to mow her
lawn. Timo had my car. I was able to get a lot of stuff done around
the house. Especially laundry, people say I will miss doing so much
someday, I REALLY doubt it. I will miss reading to little people and
such but I don't think I will miss laundry! I know people who can do
all their laundry for a week in a day! It takes me 2 days to catch
up on not doing laundry Sunday! And I don't do Emily, Izak or
Timo's! They do their own. Tim picked up Izak from my mom's and they
went to an open football practice at BYU—it was pretty fun I guess. After Teresa and Izak watched the USA women's gold medal soccer game at my
mom's and then she brought him home. Our neighborhood does a free swap, it's to help out those in need and help people get rid of
stuff. You don't have to donate to do get anything. I helped set
out stuff and grabbed a pair jeans for Emily and one for Gwen. Later
Timo, Tim and I with some other parents of choir kids picked up stuff
that was going to go to a local donation center for the choir kids in
our neighborhood to sell at a large yard sale in September. We ended
up not getting very much because we didn't get over there as soon as
we should have. Owell, something is better than nothing. Every
little bit helps!
Friday we went to 7 peaks in Salt Lake,
everyone but Timo who had to work. We stayed until noon and then
went to the zoo. It was super cool to see the newest improvements
there and most of the animals were active since it was a little rainy and overcast. We had a great day but were very tired in the end! Tim and I
went to a wedding reception for a girl in our neighborhood that
night. We were just going to leave when Jordan Johnson, Tim's
cousin's son, came up to us so we had a nice chat with him and his
date (the groom's sister). Small world! Tim and I ran to Krispy
Kreme to get Taran some before he leaves the States on Monday. Tim
says that he is the most spoiled missionary ever...owell. I also
sent him a Book of Mormon with our family's photo and testimony in
spanish and then Emily's picture and her testimony that I translated
(I had the Mia Maids write their testimonies and I taped it in with
the translation. Tim and I watched Mirror Mirror after we got back
and the Olympics were pretty much done. Emily and her friends went
to the Lone Peak girls soccer game. I am not sure what Timo did
besides watch the Olympics with friends.
Saturday Tim was up early to go golfing
at 7 AM. It was a 'tournament' of guys from the neighborhood. But
they were in teams of 4, and they used the best shot on each hole,
that kind of thing. He had fun but didn't get home until after 1 PM.
Meanwhile I went to send the stuff to Taran, hopefully he got it! I
also ran some errands since I was on that end of the valley. When I
got home I fed the kids lunch then I took Timo and Izak school
shopping, mostly for shoes. After many stores Izak found some at the
last store. Timo may have to try online. So I think other than
Timo's shoes we are ready for school that way. I need to double
check the school supply list for the elementary school and the jr
high and high school kids will get their info after school starts
unfortunately! I am dying at the amount the school fees are costing
over $300 for Timo Emily is close to $200 and Izak's are over $100.
Gwen hadn't really done her stuff while I was gone and Tim left soon
after he got home to pick up our window and help his parents move
furniture back and hook up all the electronics. So I helped her get
her room clean and some things. I am going to have to clean the
bathrooms this week since she didn't really get past her bathroom.
Emily went to a LP football scrimmage and her friends on the Freshman
team beat the Sophomore team! She came home after that game (there
were more) and she worked on her online computer class. I ran to get
milk and stuff and return our movie. Izak and Micah swam at a
friend's who have an above ground pool until the sun went down.
Today I woke up with a severe allergy
attack, my nose was running like crazy! Unfortunately I didn't get
back to sleep so I am not feeling great at this point. I had taken
some 24 hour allergy stuff that usually works so I can't really take
any other meds until tonight! I am going to go to Sacrament Meeting,
I think. I don't like missing but I need some rest so we'll see. We
get to talk to Taran, they are allowed to call from the airport. If
we don't hear from him in the morning we'll have to wait around to
talk to him in the afternoon! I told him in my letter to call in the
morning our home phone. I am glad that we don't need to go up there
to the airport. We've said goodbye but it will be fun to hear from
him! I turned on the TV to watch the Spoken Word and the USA men's basketball team was barely beating Spain. After the Spoken Word we switched back to see the last 25 seconds! I was impressed with how patriotic the team was. I am somewhat sad the Olympics end today but it will be nice to get to bed earlier and not be distracted all day and night! I did go to church and Sacrament meeting was awesome. It was about the importance of the Sacrament and Keeping the Sabbath Day holy. I came home after and took a nap. I feel less zombie like now. Summer goes too fast and so do the Olympics but I am glad we have this last week to maybe do some more fun stuff before this summer is totally over only problem is we have A LOT going on. Timo needs to finish up his eagle project: making cribbing and triage bandages for our emergency blocks in our neighborhood. He is getting close!
Have a great week!
Shoot! Between the swimming pictures and the olympics and laundry talk, I just realized I never washed all the towels! Maybe reading blogs again will help! How excited Taran must be! Love his letters!
You look so awesome in the wave pool! Sorry about the school fees; that is ridiculous! We don't have those here although we do have very hefty supply lists. Still, I'm sure you are shelling out way more than I am. (Unless you count Scott!) I didn't see nearly enough of the Olympics but what I did see was fun. So do you not get to go up to the airport anymore? Have they asked families not to meet their missionaries there when they are leaving?
I'm excited to see you soon!
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