Tuesday I was going to go to the temple when my friend couldn't go with me I went ahead and got the donuts for the classes that won the reading contest--one winner for upper grades and one for lower grades (it was an average). I also got some shopping done for Zane's birthday party, that night. I also helped my friend who did the awards for the reading program hand them out that day. It took us about an hour. The kids seemed happy about their prizes. I am glad that is over, now I can focus on my Young Women's lesson. I am teaching next Sunday, all the girls. And of course I have big plans...not really but you know I have some specific goals and they are lofty...we'll see. I was able to get the little boys to piano and get the stuff ready for the party. I even mopped which seems a waste but it made me feel good and isn't that the point? We had the boys over for pizza and then we went to lazertag at Trafalga.

Wednesday the kids didn't have school so they slept in and milled around playing with Zane's new toys. I ran around getting stuff. I was in charge of the smoked Turkey, cranberry salad and the drink. So I got that done when I got home. We met Tim at my mom's, as well as Taran whom my mom picked up. We went a little early to mix the salad and drink--cranberry lemonade. It was all yummy stuff! We had fun celebrating Zane, Timo and Amber's birthdays as well. Teresa gave some of the funniest cards--it's kind of a competition between her and Keith and they are great at it. We missed Teresa that night she wasn't feeling up to it.

Thursday was Zane actual birthday so he had chosen crepes for breakfast but most of them were planning on going to the Turkey Bowl so I convinced him to go with some cold cereal that I don't buy anymore.

Friday Tim and I went to the Temple after breakfast. They needed patrons for sealings so we did those. It was really nice, of course. Timo went with my mom to lunch in honor of his birthday. Taran did some music recording with his friend Andrew. Tim took Izak swimming to pass off his 2nd class swim. He did it! He has tried before but was so freaked out it didn't happen. Now to get him to pass the 1st class swim! Emily had to be at the Night in Bethlehem at 5 PM so she ate early. She is a Hebrew girl and she and the other children do a dance and act. Timo went to a friend's that night as well and Taran so we had to be ready to get Emily. I also ran to the store for some things Taran needed and there were still some Black Friday deals out! Amazing! Gwen and Zane watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carrey version). Tim ended up getting the heat bulb for the turtle while he and Izak were out because they went near PetSmart.

Saturday Tim and I went out to my mom's after scriptures. She needed some help in the yard still. We offered Taran and Timo to go or help the little kids with their Saturday chores. They opted to stay home and so it was like a date for Tim and I. Keith and Amber showed up a little after us and then Charl and family. My mom's next door neighbors the Bergesons came over as well. Between us all we had the yard looking good and ready for the major digging happening in January. Because we were so quick we got her Christmas stuff out: outside lights on the bushes and small trees, inside artificial trees set up...She was super appreciative since what we did would have taken her a lot longer than an hour! The kids were done when we got home. Tim had set up our trees the night before but they still needed decorations. He decided to work on the house lights after lunch. It was cold in the shade by then so that made it slow work. I put lights on all the bushes and trees in our yard. We don't have many so it's not too bad. Tim finished at 5:30 PM just as it was getting dark. I helped him as I could handing him stuff. He almost had an accident. The ladder slid and it stopped with about 1/8 of an inch holding him there! I saw it! Freaky! I would work on the tree inside and upstairs while making dinner and checking on him. The kids were in and out and Gwen, Zane and Micah decorated their own bedroom trees. Gwen helped me with the living room tree too. It's a bit of a bummer no one cares about decorating the trees much anymore. So I finished the inside tree after Tim didn't need the ladder. I didn't attempt photos of our outside lights because they never turn out. I think I might try it at dusk tomorrow. We went to the Night in Bethlehem Emily is participating in, a free live Nativity. Our tickets we were assigned were at 8:30 PM. I had reserved 9 forgetting Emily was in it! So my mom used the extra ticket. It was nice to have Taran with us but I forgot my camera! It was really nice and got us into the spirit of Christmas. Maybe we can volunteer to help next year! We put the little kids to bed and then watched Trapped in Paradise on Clearplay--quite a bit of swearing but a wonderfully funny Christmas show! I folded laundry. Tim ironed.
Today Zane had his baptism interview with the bishop so he is set. Timo had his interview so he can baptize him and get his temple recommend. He and Tim went hometeaching after church. Taran went to his ward which only had Sacrament Meeting and it was combined with another ward. He hung out with his one roommate from out of state who was by himself. He came back for dinner and to get all his stuff-he did laundry here. I was able to get some stuff done for my lesson today. I am excited but cautious. I was hoping to get to the other Christmas tree decorated in the basement. Maybe tomorrow. I did get other decorations up yesterday and Friday but I want all the boxes GONE! I enjoyed church the Sacrament Meeting talks were about Scripture Power. This is something I know is true, the scriptures give us amazing power in our lives! They testify that our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ love us, each personally and are concerned about us. That was going to be my Thankful Thursday this week that I am thankful for my knowledge of them. I am not sure what kind of life I would have not knowing about them. They give me peace, comfort and confidence in my future and the power to overcome any trials that come my way. Happy Holidays! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
busy week! Still can't believe that heat lamp! haha
Wow, I can barely get up one tree let alone several! I'm glad Tim wasn't hurt hanging up lights. My guys were really nervous hanging up our one string of lights using a rickety ladder, but then the next day in Sacrament Meeting Scott bore his testimony and related the experience to doing things we need to do even though we are scared and the Savior being there to catch us if we fall (Tanner and Jared were holding the bottom of the ladder for him and saying they'd catch him if he fell.) My goodness, he is always seeing analogies like that! :)
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