So can I tell you HOW relieved I am this week is over? Lots of good stuff but it was a lot and I am glad to begin my holiday celebrations wholeheartedly! Monday Tim stayed home from work because he was ill. I went to my parents and dad wasn't up to much. I did some little things here and there for my mom but she didn't leave. Gwen had dance later that day and went--yeah! Then after Izak went to scouts and Gwen and I ran errands. Emily had the last night of the Night in Bethlehem. She signed up to help again next year! For Family Home Evening we watched the short movie Madagascar Pequins holiday adventure and then Joy to the World about Jesus DVD. We had peppermint ice cream with chocolate syrup. I had tried to make these brownie waffles I found on Pinterest . According to the info the waffler needs a setting possibility of low which ours has just one setting. So we had a huge brownie mess which I cleaned up and made the rest of the batter in a pan.
Tuesday Tim stayed home again...he had a fever so I wouldn't let him go to work. I went to the temple first thing and made it back for my YW meeting at 10 AM. Then Emily called during the meeting so I went and got her out of school after my YW Presidency Meeting. After lunch she went to bed. She seemed to feel a lot better when she woke up! That night was Pack Meeting and it was Zane's first since he JUST turned 8.
Wednesday I drove Gwen and Luke to preschool. And then I tried to get my house back together. It was in complete disarray with all the running around. Gwen and I went shopping for some Christmas things after we dropped Luke off. That night was a Court of Honor with an Eagle Court of Honor afterward. Timo was busy with the Madrigal Feaste at the high school.
Thursday a guy came by to appraise our house we are refinancing to a lower rate, we never thought we'd do it again but we should end up on the same schedule we were on only paying less monthly nice! It was stressful for me because I have not been doing well on keeping up with stuff but it was okay when he came except for the teenagers' rooms and my craft room. Owell, I live here right? I picked up Gwen and Luke and worked on a candy advent.
Friday Gwen and I went to Anna's and watched June. It was fun. Emily wasn't feeling well but went to school because she had a test. I had told her I would come get her after watching June. She ended up feeling better and telling me she didn't need to come home. So Gwen and I ran errands--got stuff for Zane's baptism on Saturday. Emily and a friend who magically showed up after school went to Grandma Pew's to help set her Christmas Village. Nate took them and Maddie since I had to take Zane to a party that was out of the neighborhood. Gwen and I mailed the package after we dropped Zane off. I started making dinner when we got back and cookies. I made 3 batches of cookies. One I realized too late I had only put half as much sugar! Oops! I was getting ready for the baptism on Saturday. I finished at about 10 PM.
Saturday I went early to get my eyebrows waxed and made it home with plenty of time to get ready for the baptism. I wanted it to be fast prep after so I had it all on the counter ready to go but covered it and hot chocolate in the crock pots. Since it was not during a meal this was the plan. It was a nice baptism service.

Today was testimony meeting and Tim, Timo and I bore our testimonies. I taught YW and got a lot of positive feedback. Even Emily said that I did well! I had such an overwhelming strong impression to do the things I did I really hope it helped inspire them! Now we need to eat before the Christmas devotional tonight! I leave you with recent photos of Taran and his crazy roommates! Happy Holidays and remember it's not about the presents but HIS presence. Clever, I saw it somewhere!

a)dud you see that "presence" quote at my house? because I have it on a little sign.
b) i love how many pictures June is in :)
c)you should put all the baptism pictures up on facebook :)
Wow! I can't believe Zane is 8! I am glad I am not the only one who worries about what strangers think of my messy house! ;) You will be so great in YW--such a blessing to those girls. I am still getting used to YW also. I am much more comfortable in Primary and I miss it. But YW is a great place to be also!
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