Monday was Halloween...why does that seem months ago! The kids dressed up of course! I helped my mom go through photos and stuff. Then Gwen and I went to Izak's class Halloween Party--I'm the room mom. Luckily one of the moms that signed up to help did all the games, the teacher came up with the treat on her own so I really just showed up! Gwen and I ran one of the games. Then I took her and Zoe to dance, they got to dance in their costumes! Then we ran home and met up with the kids. We went to Tim's parents' when Emily got home. Amy brought Ammon and Jeremy so we saw them. Erika was doing Grandma Pew's hair while we were there so we saw her too. Then we went to my parents'. My mom had invited us for dinner. She made Navajo Tacos, pizza and homemade donuts which were delicious! Charl and Katie brought their kids. Tate didn't want to dress up but play with the football. It was lots of fun but they were anxious to go trick-or-treating with their friends so didn't stay long. The traffic was horrible so I took back roads to get home and beat Tim by a half an hour! He was behind us but didn't see where I actually going or he might have followed. Owell. It was gorgeous weather so we had lots of trick-or-treaters and the kids went longer than usual so they got lots more candy than usual. I mostly sat on the porch and handed out candy. Tim took Gwen around. Some neighbors made homemade donuts and hot cider for the trick-or-treaters. Fun! Timo had to work so after work he and his friends went to the wealthy part of our area--not where we live. They got mostly large to Kingsized candy bars. Emily didn't go trick-or-treating but went to a party at a friend's. There was some drama there so it wasn't a fun night for Emily. Once the little kids were done getting ready for bed Tim showed them the Halloween book by Jerry Seinfeld while we listened to it best Halloween book EVER!
Tuesday we let the little kids sleep in and then they went to school once they were rested. Tim took a sick day for the kids, so I could meet with the principal and go to the temple. I met with the principal to solidify the reading program and the kick-off assembly for it on Friday. By the time I got home all the kids had gone back to school and Gwen was at Luke's. Tim and decided to go out for lunch. We went to Chick-Fil-A since I had a free salad there. I love their lemonade! Tim got a sandwich. We got home just before the kids. Zane had his last flag football practice and Izak worked on the Geocaching merit badge with a group from the neighborhood. He loves it! I worked on some reading program stuff that night.
Wednesday I picked Gwen up from preschool (and Luke). After we dropped Luke off we went to Costco for gas and other stuff. Then we went to Ross and I found a cute dress and some cute black boots for reasonable so I got them! I also got some Christmas stuff--as in presents and new bath mats as well. That night we had Zane's last flag football game, a meet the candidates and a choir board meeting. Tim went to a meet the candidates and I did the rest. Zane's team did well and my friend Lisa took this great picture of the team.

Thursday I took Gwen and Luke to a PTA meeting at the school to explain what the Reading Program was going to be this year. So I took them to the park right next to it to play. At first they mostly explored the empty creek--which seemed to have a stream of yellow through it instead of water! they enjoyed gathering leaves and throwing them in the air!
Tim and I took Emily and her friends to the semi-final of Lone Peak 8th grade A team vs. PG 8th grade. After we dropped them off we went to Kneaders so I could get Pumpkin Bread for the author coming to the school the next day and the librarian. Tim had to do stuff at the church that night so I was prepared to pick up the girls but they got a ride home. Lone Peak lost so they were crying--even the boys!
Friday morning Gwen and I watched June for Anna. We took her to the park for a little bit. Gwen loves to swing so I decided I should get a photo. After that we went home quick so I could grab a quick lunch and head to the school. Gwen ate a lunch I had brought her. We were greeting the picture book author Kristyn Crow. She has had 4 books published so far and lives in Utah. I thought it might inspire the kids to read for the reading program if they met an actual author! The librarian had read her books to the kids all week so they were a great audience as well! Kristyn did a great presentation. She told the kids how she decided as a kid that she wanted to write books. She shared some stories she wrote--hilarious and clever! She also read 2 of her books and used instruments and students for the final book. This was one of the books the librarian read to the kids so they were really into it! She was really great to sign Gwen's book Bedtime at the Swamp which she loves! And let me take their picture together!
That night Tim was going to take the kids to the Lone Peak Semi-finals/last home game but made it back too late. So he took them to Trafalga and then Wendy's for dinner while I cleaned. I had told them I would do the cleaning since were helping my mom on Saturday work in the yard. I got a bit done. Timo missed the game since his friends didn't have money to go and then they had a birthday party after the game.
Saturday Tim dropped Emily and her friend Emily off at play practice which was ALL day. She has had practice all week and now into this week it will intensify as the play starts this week. Timo had a breakfast at his YM President's house and then he had to go to work. We worked at my mom's from about 9:30ish until almost noon. They are fixing to cover the canal behind her house so they will be in her yard 18ft. Anything she wants to keep needs to be moved by January--why they just told her, I don't know! It would have been nice to have all summer to move stuff! Charl and Katie stopped by after we finished and visited. It was fun. I went back to cleaning when we got home. Tim took me to dinner because I had worked so hard (and wasn't done yet)! I finally quit about 10PM and Tim and I watched Captain America--Tim and Timo fell asleep part way through but I watched the whole thing. I enjoyed it! Emily had hung out with friends and watched Thor, I think she liked it.
Today I got my new calling as YW Secretary--they didn't change anyone else in YW. I taught my class for the last time. They were cute. The boys didn't seem to care but the girls who did realized I will see them just not as much. My scouts are in good hands. I went to YW today, the first time in 26 years! It will definitely be a change. I am sure I will learn a lot. I will get set apart next week--they redid the whole Primary Presidency too. They will be great. Now trying to get the kids to write in their journals, work on scouts and Faith in God, Personal Progress...Tim is doing PPIs. I am so grateful for the daylight saving change and slept in a little! I had forgotten about it.
Have a great week and remember to be especially thankful this month! Even though we can justify losing hope or being down because of the events going on around us we do have so much we can be thankful or grateful for and it will heal our souls to do so!

1 comment:
Hey we are both in YW now! I haven't been in YW much, although I have been in there a few times since I was a YW myself. I'm finding I'm a little more comfortable with it now than I used to be because I taught almost all the girls in Primary! :)
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