Well, it was a busy Sunday last Sunday with meetings all day such is my life in the Young Womens! I am enjoying it though so it's all good. I am not sure how much I will remember over the 2 weeks which will be a blessing to those who read this!
Looking at the calendar the week before last was mostly busy with Emily's play. She was in the Jr High production of Charlotte's Web. It was really cute.

Zane was the spotlight one week so Gwen and I went in and brought a treat and talked about Zane and he shared the poster we made--need to get a photo of it! Micah did a diorama of a Goshuete winter dwelling.
Taran has been getting his mission papers ready. Over these past 2 weeks he has seen the dentist and the doctor. Dental was fine. He needs to have his heart murmur checked. He had it checked when he was 12 yrs. old. The doctor said that if he reads the report and finds it thorough enough he won't need an EKG. We should know Monday. Other than that he just needs his blood tested. Once that's all done he can turn the papers in on January 1st. That is 120 days before his availability date. He is going winter semester so he put May 1st. How do I feel? I am actually pretty excited. Having served a mission myself I remember how happy I was to be getting ready to go. I can tell he feels that way too! What else would I want for him? As much as we'll miss him, college has been good prep for us. He has grown so much and he is really being prepared to serve a mission. I did get a little emotional when my friend--the mom of one of his friends mentioned how this would be the last normal Christmas for us since our kids would start leaving. So true! Life is all about change and growing and moving on! But it's all for good which makes it less bitter and more sweet.
I also have spent some time giving my scout stuff over and getting stuff for Young Womens. I am teaching next month on the first Sunday and I have this big project for it but I feel it's what I need to do. This has been confirmed by meetings since I felt impressed to do it. Unfortunately, I have been also busy with the elementary school reading program. That will end in the next couple of days--the competition part is over we are just tallying for awards. I am also helping with a couple of other things so I have been relying on the Lord to help me and He has, it is always amazing to me! Why? I am not sure but I really need to trust him more than I do!
I was able to go to lunch with my good friend Julie for he birthday--we did scouts together. She is an amazing lady it was fun to spend time with her! We had a great Relief Society dinner for all the women with a Christmas program by a group of women who perform for free for anyone! It was very uplifting. Although it was early I appreciate one less busy night in December!
Beauty and the Beast is being put on by the high school this past week and into this week and I went with Micah's class. It was amazing! The talent around here is amazing! Emily and Gwen went yesterday to the matinee. They loved it!
Lone Peak won their State Football Championship! Tim took Emily and the 3 little boys and their friend Mason--Gwen and I stayed home since it was a very cold day. They had a lot of fun--see the photo!
Yesterday was Timo's 17th birthday so we surprised him with pizza and friends while he was at work--he missed it for the Lone Peak football championship game. Taran had come home for a friend's birthday so he helped him and made sure they were there for the friends. He was anticipating a lame birthday so I am glad we did it.

Gwen and I did the usual watching helping my mom on Mondays and watching June on Fridays and it has been super fun!
Granny took Zane out for his birthday lunch yesterday since Timo was being surprised.

Today Chad Lewis spoke in our Sacrament Meeting--yes, Chad Lewis who was the tightend for the Eagles NFL team. All the talks were good but I especially was touched by his words and testimony that if we are on the path back to Heavenly Father trying to do our best we will make it. I know it doesn't sound profound but combined with his stories and thoughts etc it was powerful!
That's basically it! We still had scouts, piano and homework, science fair project...normal stuff too! Have a great week! Remember to be grateful for all our many blessings during this Thanksgiving holiday!!!!
love the skirt!
You are great to journal the everyday stuff. I think you have talent for it.
We do have so much yo be thankful for!
I've been thinking about zane and his big day coming up. Baptisms bring a extra measure of the spirit into the home. Lucky you!
Happy Thanksgiving
Love the skirt too! And I thought we were busy...two birthdays and school projects and so forth! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!
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