Monday Timo had to work since he missed Friday for a scout camp out and didn't have time Saturday either. Once he and Tim got home we were going to go to Salt Lake City to see the new City Creek Mall across from Temple Square--stores like Tiffany's and H & M and Godiva Chocolates and of course the Disney Store, Maceys, Nordstrom as well. I am not sure how many stores we only went to a few. Anyway, as we were leaving we noticed the engine temperature going up. So I warned my sister whom we were picking up that we were going to need to put water in it when we got there. We had forgotten to do it earlier--I knew that it needed it. After filling it extensively we set off. It was still weird so Tim decided to not drive it. Teresa offered to drive her truck and we drove Tim's car. We had exactly enough seats. Emily had been hanging with her friend Kassie and she came along--Taran was in school still. So Teresa took her riders and headed up then we went home and traded cars. We parked at the lot north of Energy Solutions Arena since we were planning on going to the Jazz game that night.

Tuesday I went to the temple and it was not busy I did 10 names instead of 5 in an hour! When I got out my mom had called and we figured out would be our best chance at good weather at the Thanksgiving Point Gardens Tulip Festival. It was Taran's birthday so we had to go during the day. I met Teresa, my sister-in-law Katie and her kids and my mom. We brought our neighbor Spencer.

Wednesday we tried to sleep in a little. We had decided to do a hike. I wanted to try a new hike I heard about last year but we didn't end up going there ever. But Tim was nervous about the van so we went to Battlecreek Falls.

Thursday was stormy so we had a stay home movie day. I had checked the dollar movies and nothing was too appealing so I rented Mr. Popper's Penguins and HUGO. I also had offered to take the youngest kids to Orange Leaf a frozen yogurt place since I 'owed' them for doing their swimming so well during their lessons. Well, Emily had a bunch of her buddies over they were planning their Hunger Games for the next day so they didn't want to miss out so I took Gwen and her friend Sophie. We had a nice time, aren't they cute?

Then we went home to watch movies. We saved HUGO for when Tim was home. We ended up feeding a few of Emily's friends for dinner. I don't mind if I know and since they were around most of the day I figured there would be some staying over for dinner. I enjoyed HUGO it was a touching story, not so much heart wrenching but tender. I did cry but that means nothing I cry when the Jazz win. Mr. Popper's Penguins was cute. Mind you we watched them on Clearplay so if there was something inappropriate it was edited. Timo spent most the day getting ready for his Foreign Language Fair at BYU the next day. They decorate shirts they wear and practice their skits...
Friday Timo had to be at the school at 7 AM and since we are his alarm Tim had to get him up. Tim worked a half day. Anna and Buck brought June so they could go to the temple. She is crawling and standing really well and we've heard she can walk too! Emily's friends started coming over at 10 AM for their Hunger Games. They had a lot of fun. I would have taken pictures but she would have been MORTIFIED! When Tim got home we had lunch and then made a plan. Originally we had planned to go to the Muslim Exhibit at the BYU Art Museum but since Timo and Emily weren't going to make it we decided to go another day when everyone could go. We decided to go to the BYU Hall of Legends and see if they had Jimmer's awards there. They did and the tour guide said that they have more they haven't put in a display yet! We opted for the tour and he took us into the weight room--where the stuffed cougar photo was taken. And other places we normally wouldn't get to see. It was super fun. We grabbed a drink at BK and headed down to pick up the Espinoza cousins. We were going to go to the Creamery but the tour took longer than we had planned. We picked up 3 of the boy cousins and headed home, beating the rush! I ran to Walmart and got some food for dinner and breakfast. I had planned on some food I had in the freezer but alas we gave that to some of Emily's friends and the kids earlier that day. They played with the swords and stuff that some Emily's friends had left--see boys with weapons. They also played basketball for awhile. Once it got dark they headed in and watched Johnny English 1 which they loved! Then Emily and Maddie watched the rest of Emma and then Sherlock Holmes. Giovanni came when Shellie picked up Diego and he watched Sherlock Holmes with them.

Saturday they got up way earlier than we had hoped! They fed the chickens Micah is watching for a family out of town. Then they played basketball and watched Johnny English 2. Tim and I weeded while the sun was out. We made lots of headway! Maddie had flute lessons so she left early. Izak got invited to go to the Salt Lake City Temple and then to City Creek after with his friend Bryson and his sisters (they are triplets). He had a lot of fun. (They changed into street clothes after the temple). After all the cousins left we did chores. Emily went to Classic Skating with her friends--it was her friend Emily's birthday. Timo and friends got together to plan their Senior classes together and then whatever. Once we got the chores done we took the four little kids to IKEA. We have a couple of little projects we wanted to get some ideas about. We had dinner there and then looked around. We actually got stuff so Tim has some MORE stuff to do! We got home just in time for baths and bedtime! They actually loved trying out things at IKEA and they weren't annoying until the end.
Today Tim had bishopric meetings 6 AM until 9 AM. Timo and I had BYC at 9 AM. The little boys had children's choir at 11 AM and Tim, Timo, Emily and Izak had choir at 12:15 PM. By then Gwen was acting like she wasn't feeling well and she was warm. I sent Micah and Zane to church on their own. Tim called me and we set up the trade off since I needed to be there for Young Womens. I am bummed I missed the choirs since it was their Easter songs. I did read some great articles in the Ensign I hadn't gotten to yet. She seemed to feel better after her nap. She was still lethargic but after dinner and her bath she was feeling much better. Izak taught our devotional from his Duty to God. It was good, it was about the importance of reading the scriptures. After that they went to bed. We are all tired and not ready for the normal week ahead with a new session of swimming, play practices, piano, soccer and homework! Taran finishes up BYU this week and will be moving back Friday. He has had a great year and enjoyed himself. We are proud of all he has accomplished this year and so glad for the experiences he's had! School will be over for the other kids in 6 weeks. He will leave on his mission in just over 7 weeks. His buddy Andrew gets his call Tuesday! Fun times. Have a great week! Happy Spring!
holy cow. BUSY WEEK
It must be warmer here...our tulips bloomed weeks ago and are mostly gone now. (Same for the trees.) You did so many fun things for Spring Break! Frank doesn't start earning days off until June and our house was in a mess so we didn't do much for our spring break...maybe next year! But I know how you feel...I actually enjoy having the kids home usually and I love the break from "real life".
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