Tuesday I was suppose to attend the YW meetings in Salt Lake City. Izak and Zane were not feeling well enough for me to leave but not very sick overall. Yes that was frustrating. I ended up getting caught up on the laundry which barely got done last week so instead of feeling sorry for myself I thought this is time that I can do those things I couldn't get to the week before. It was a blessing really. Micah ended up being the only one going to piano because Emily had play practice. Pack meeting was that night and Zane missed it too. Tim and I went, Micah's den did the flag ceremony. He also earned 2 pins. Later that night Tim had a Mens Basketball game, they won. Then he was up until 2:30 AM working. That is why he didn't take the kids to the temple the next day.
Wednesday everyone was better so that was good. I watched June which was super fun since we missed having her last week. She fell asleep just before Anna got here so she took her home that way. I took Izak to 7th grade Orientation at the Jr High. Emily had play practice and then as a new student council person had to be at Orientation so I had to go get her after both sessions were done. I was able to farm out Gwen, Zane and Micah to friends. Izak had scouts right after, they went to Space Camp. He had a 'blast'. Micah had a game and Tim went straight to that from work I was at orientation. Emily had YW they had a modesty fashion show, they made clothes out of stuff and modeled them. Tim went to the high school for a state core curriculum meeting and a special discussion about drugs etc and suicide at the high school. I was going to go but stayed with the kids. I wanted him to hear about the core stuff since I had already studied it some. There have been some deaths this year at the high school and drugs were part of it. The other issue is that these kids had mental illness. It is really sad. Tim said that the parents spoke about their children. I don't know how they could do it. I have felt very strongly lately that most of our education and community problems come from the home. I don't blame these parents for their childrens deaths but I cam shocked to hear at least one set of parents said that they had no idea the kid was taking drugs. Anyway we seem to want to find answers outside, more money or more this blah, blah is needed for education. We need give more training to teachers to notice signs of suicide...really in a class of 30 kids the teacher is going to pick up on this? Is this the responsibility of teachers? I feel like we as parents need to be aware of changes in our children. And in many cases parents do know and have tried many things and still the child takes their life. This is not their fault. I don't think it's anyone's fault when a child has a mental illness and many things have been tried. It is just so sad and my heart aches for these parents. We should be involved in their learning, are they getting the education they need. We need to be the change. We need to initiate change in our schools and districts when they aren't teaching. It's our own fault if we sit back and let them be undereducated without putting up a fight or helping them prepare on own if they aren't getting it at school. Yes, it takes effort but what are we doing as parents if we aren't doing these things for our kids.
Okay, enough of that.
Thursday Gwen had a field trip for preschool so I had extra time I went to the temple. I was done soon enough to go to Costco after. Luke came over after and they played outside most of the day since it was a beautiful day. That afternoon Zane and Izak had their last swimming lessons. They have made great improvement. I am hoping to do one more session for them before summer. Then we picked up Emily after swimming lessons. Zane had soccer practice after that. Then Gwen had soccer practice. I had a baby shower that I was bringing a dessert to at 6:30 PM. I dropped my dessert (mini fruit pizzas) before the shower and came later. I ended up staying awhile and helping clean up. It was nice to be out and social.
Friday Gwen had her friend Sophie over most of the day. She even went to swimming lessons with us. Gwen is also swimming great. She has a make up lesson Monday from when the teacher was gone for a State Swim Meet. I made a treat to take to my mission reunion. I dropped Micah off at a friends out of the neighborhood. Then I had to get Emily and friends from play practice, Gwen went with me while the other boys were at friends. Tim was so late he got home after 6 PM. My reunion was at 6:30 PM in Salt Lake City. Our roads are under construction and very busy. I was listening to the radio while driving around--I was in the car over and hour because I ended up picking up Timo after dropping of Emily and friends. Then we picked up Micah. They said that it was bad so I decided that if Tim couldn't get home soon I wouldn't go. My President is from Uruguay but is serving in the Quorum of Seventy for a couple more years so we want everyone to come see him since there won't be many more chances. Right after I got home with Timo and Micah my mom drove up, with Taran! It was a big surprise. He decided to come home for conference. I felt like I couldn't go to my reunion then either since he was here. My sister Teresa had called the night before and we had talked about her taking the kids to this pizza place with her coupon and some free meal coupons we had. So once Tim showed up we decided to all go! It was fun and a nice consolation.

Saturday Izak and Micah had soccer games during Conference. Izak's was in Provo. Micah's was close. I took Micah to his game and Tim went straight there from Izak's game. Micah scored in his game. I only missed part of one talk when I took him. After the second session Saturday Emily refereed Zane's game so we went to it. Unfortunately the other team was rude to Emily as she refereed--I even yelled at them from my side for it. People get so worked up these are 8 yr olds in rec soccer! The referees are to help teach the kids and to help train referees but the more kids have these incidents the less they want to referee! The some of the parents on our team pressured the coach to apologize to Emily--she was crying. The coach of our team in one of the league VPs so he chatted with the coach after. He called her later to check how she was--that was really nice. She was fine after that game her next game she had a great experience and the referee she reffed with was better at calling his side loudly. She said that he apologized for not calling his side loud enough so they got made at her. Meanwhile Tim, Taran, Timo and Izak went to dinner and Priesthood session of conference.

Today was conference and it was great day. We had lots of yummy food to try and keep us awake:) One of our neighbors brought us cinnamon rolls! I printed out some stuff for the younger kids but they only used it the first session. Anna and Buck dropped off June right at the end of the first session. She took a nap shortly after that. Then woke up for the last session of conference. We tried to meet our new neighbors in between sessions but they weren't home. It was cold and windy! (Timo stayed with June.) Erin came and hung out for the second session. After that session we went to my parents' and she took June to Anna's to wait for them--they had gone to the Conference Center to watch the second session with Buck's family who were in town! We had a fun visit at my mom's and a yummy dinner.

Happy Palm Sunday! Have a great week! We have Spring Break next week so I am excited for the break!!!!
1 comment:
Congrats to Emily on Student Council--that is so great!!! We enjoyed Conference too. I need to listen to all of them again especially the Saturday ones since we were moving stuff back into the kitchen it was hard to listen really closely. I love the modern technology that we have now that we can listen to them again right away!
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