Monday I went to my parents' so my mom could go get her haircut, Gwen had swimming right after and then dance right after that, yes a busy day for her! Micah and Zane had a special Science Show down at BYU that a professor was doing for Cub Scouts from his neighborhood so he invited our part of Cedar Hills. They loved it. That night we watched the NCAA National Championship for FHE--a late night in the end. Zane won our family bracket challenge. I had a pathetic showing.
Tuesday I went to the temple early since my Visiting Teachers were coming earlier since I was going to the Endodontist at 10 AM. Somehow it all fit in. Then I went to Costco then Walmart. I got stuff done just in time to get Gwen. I went to the Endodontist because I have an infection in my gum, it might be from my sinus infection the week before went in and infected that tooth! Bummer but he gave me a prescription. I am doing a lot better--my cheek was totally swollen and my teeth hurt to eat. That afternoon was piano and then that night was Micah's 4th grade program.

That night Tim and our ward mens basketball team won the championship! He was pretty happy about that of course!
Wednesday June didn't come since her Grandma is visiting from North Carolina! We missed her but ended up busy. Izak had N.O.V.A. graduation which replaced the old DARE program. I had my mom pick up Gwen and her friend Luke, drop Luke off and stay with Gwen at our house. It was the only way I could figure it out with the timing. Izak ended up getting a very special award the Super Nova, Emily got it too. The officer chose one student from each class, mostly based on them being kind to others. I was pretty excited for him--funny thing is 3 of the 5 kids chosen were from our neighborhood. The other 2 kids are part of a triplet so 2 from one family! After the graduation Gwen and I tried to go to the funeral for our neighbor's mother who had died Sunday. The Google directions were wrong. Owell, I talked to her and let her know. Apparently I wasn't the only one who got lost. I took Gwen home and fed her lunch and then we went to the store. I had told her I would take her to Target after the funeral so she could purchase some sandals--high heel sandals she wanted me to buy. I had already bought her some pink ones so I told she could get them with her own money of she really wanted them, so she did after we got home and counted her money! After that we went by my friend whose daughter was the terrible car accident and still hanging on, to visit. I had meant to go sooner but with getting sick and being behind not too long after it happened. I have kept in touch via computer so not a complete slacker. It was a tender visit. My friend is amazing and I know that she can handle this challenge if anyone can. I love her and her family and feel so sad that they have to endure this trial. I got home in time for the kids. Emily had play practice that day so I picked her up. That night we had Taran's BYU's Got Talent. He and his little band. They did so great! We were so proud of them! They were definitely top 3 in the competition and got the 2nd loudest cheers which was suppose to be part of it. Taran and the band weren't disappointed that they didn't place but we were! My sister and mom came besides some of the band members family members and Taran's roommates and some friends from work and his ward. He felt the love! We went to the Creamery after. Timo missed out since the Priests were going scuba diving in a private pool near Salt Lake City. He was nervous and almost came with us but in the end his sense of duty won out and he went. He had a great time. He is one of the 2 kids in our family who could do it--Micah is the other. Everyone else has had too many ear infections. As it was he still felt some pain.
Thursday was Gwen's preschool Easter Party. She had to take 12 filled eggs, she chose to fill them with Starbursts. She got to bring home 12. She made a bunny out of a milk carton.

Friday was a little crazy, Gwen and I went to Walmart to get a treat for Izak's class for their Spring Party even though the weather was SNOW! It was so cold! I was going to get Popsicles but Izak didn't like that idea with snow on the ground!

Saturday Gwen had a soccer game at 9 AM and Zane had one at 9:30 AM. I took Gwen and she was great! I was so proud of her! She didn't score but she was in on it and kicked the ball at least 15 times. Micah and Izak came and were cheering her on. After Gwen showered and the boys did their Saturday chores. I dropped Emily off to referee. Tim and Zane got home and we left shortly after that for BYU. Charl and Katie met us there and it was a crazy time but fun. Zane was the most disappointed that he only got candy and some player cards. They had 20 eggs with BYU football vouchers and locker room tours! They said that there were 5, 000 kids signed up (we got an email about it and had to RSVP), not a lot of chances to win! We got free tickets to the baseball game so we went to that and watched 2 innings. They were probably the best 2 innings to watch! Seriously, we left after they took a 2 run lead and it was into the 8 inning.

Today I woke up around 7:30 AM and started reading my scriptures. It is always a great blessing when I get to read to start the day! I got more done today than ever possible. The Savior is real and I know he will take care of us if we turn to him!
The Easter Bunny came while we were at church since it was Fast Sunday. My lesson was alright, I actually did a Personal Progress Experience since there wasn't an 'Easter Lesson" like Primary! I showed some videos about Jesus Christ to start. Then split them into 3 groups to read the scriptures, write in their Personal Progress Journal and share their feelings about what their Savior has done for them. One group didn't seem to really get into it as much as the other two so next time I decide to use that technique I will split them up into 6 groups. My main goal was to help the girls feel the love of their Savior and Heavenly Father. I used 2 awesome quotes by Elder Bednar and Elder Holland. We had my parents and sister over for dinner--Taran came too of course! It was a great time. We had ham and chicken with many sides. My sister brought rolls and my mom made dessert. We watched the videos on about Easter Sunday after dinner. We also watched a couple of family home videos I just got back from Costco!

Now I am going to bed!!! We have Spring Break starting this week! Very exciting! Have a great week!
1 comment:
Love all the great Easter pictures! I hope you had a fun spring break! :)
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