So here I am one week into the year and behind! Owell! That is definitely the way I roll!
The Monday after Christmas we had Holly and Anders over because they had spent the night. Charl and Katie picked them around lunch time. The kids mostly played with their new stuff. Izak's Ping Pong thing has turned out to be a great find from Santa! We had heard that the new Muppet Movie was good and was showing at a local inexpensive but not dollar theater. We got tickets and Charl and Katie joined us. So that was our family night. The movie had it's moments when it was quite funny but overall I would have to say it was strange. We went to Macey's after for ice cream. It was a fun night overall. Unfortunately it did not end or wasn't very restful since Micah was up with stomach stuff.
Tuesday morning we had our dental check ups. Micah stayed home with Taran who already had his check up for his mission papers in November. Timo, Emily and Gwen had cavities. Gwen's was from a broken tooth that got a cavity in it. She thinks it's from a popcorn kernel because she loves to eat them! Emily spent the rest of the day with her friend shopping and such. Because Micah was sick we let them watch all the movies we got for Christmas: Winnie the Pooh, Pirates 4 and Kung Fu Panda 2. We had planned to eat at a local drive-in food place that was quitting--a local icon. I think we ended up doing it Wednesday instead--see Gwen's huge hot dog! Micah had his check up Wednesday since he was better and they could fit him in. He had a cavity. I started reading Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George. I ended up staying up late to finish it that night! It was really fun. (Emily met the author with my mom.) Taran helped Izak use his telescope he got for Christmas and they looked at some planets.
Thursday I took Taran to the cardiologist. They did their own EKG which came up normal. After the doctor examined Taran he said that he only heard his heart murmur when he laid down. So he ordered a sonogram of his heart to check it all even though he said that he felt like there was nothing. Luckily the tech got us right in that day we waited less time than for his appointment. She told us it is a very small murmur and that the doctor would look it over and tell us in the next 24 hours. It was nice that she told us so I could let the doctor's office know that we did all the tests and he is fine so his papers could be sent in to the bishop.
Friday Timo and his friends took Buster (aka known as the Lumina van he drove) to use it's wings. His friend designed them really cool. His friend's dad towed them to the golf course and then they coasted down--he did have the car on to use the steering wheel. He posted the video of it on facebook. It was a great memory for him and his friends! We went to Tim's parents that day to watch the BYU in the Armed Forces Bowl. Erick and Liz where there so we gave them their presents. Izak had and indoor soccer game that morning before so I took him so Tim could see the whole BYU game! After the game Tim was going to take the kids to Trafalga but we didn't have everyone's cards so he took Gwen and Zane to the dinosaur museum instead. That night we went to Charl and Katie's to play games on their Connect(?). The older kids had plans (Emily went to the stake dance but I am not sure what Timo & Taran did) but the rest of went and had a great time. We also celebrated Teresa's birthday since she had plans on the actual day--the first day of school or 2012. It was pretty fun. We aren't a video game family but if we did get a system I like the Connect better than the Wii. But we will probably never own one just not that appealing although our kids love it we (Tim and I) don't.
New Year's Eve we did chores, Tim spent most of the week reorganizing the kitchen cupboards and cleaning the outside of them. So with new Christmas stuff and old stuff for DI (goodwill) and stuff from the cupboards we had a good load for DI. BUT he got there too late it was closed.

Sunday we had 1 PM church so we slept in as much as we could. I barely could stay awake. It was good, there were great talks and lessons I had to fight to hear! After church we tried to eat fast so we could get everyone to bed early--there were lots of tears that day. I taught the little kids a lesson while Tim and the older kids watched a great devotional given at BYU-Hawaii by Robert Quinn here is the talk. Very inspiring! They actually enjoyed it.
1 comment:
Wish we could have celebrated New Year's with you guys! :) I saw your pictures in the top collage and thought "someone must have a Kinect"--haha I was right! We got one for Christmas but haven't had a lot of time to play it. When we have played, it's been fun though. I am not a big fan of game systems either although you'd never know it from how many different systems we've had. Frank likes them, though, so eventually I gave in! :) I do like the exercise features on the Wii, though.
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