So last I wrote my camera had broke. I bought one at Costco that Tuesday and I am still getting the hang of it!
We have had Jr Jazz games and practices both weeks--Emily has 2 of each a week. Zane is doing well even though he is one of the shortest--they are a 2nd grade team playing a mostly 3rd grade league. The game I was able to go to he scored the first 2 baskets. Micah's team has done well too and the game I went to he scored the first basket. Timo's team actually won their last game so that was nice for them. Emily's team has won every game I've gone to and this last one Saturday she actually scored 2 baskets. She has been very disappointed that she hasn't scored so far but she has been a great defensive player.
My friend Minda took me to a yummy bakery called Chocolate in Orem. Gwen wasn't in school so she came along and got a cookie. We had fun visit and the cake was delicious!
Other news...Taran's friend Tyler had his mission 'farewell' a week ago. So he came home for that Saturday through Monday. He was able to go to Izak's indoor soccer game which they won--I was at Emily's basketball game. That Sunday after the 'farewell' we went to my parents to celebrate my dad's 76th birthday--the 76 trombones were somehow brought to mind by my parents so just go with it! It was super fun. My Uncle Brian (his brother), Aunt Leslie and cousin Izak were there as well. We had yummy food and lots of fun conversation. Taran went to BYU to get his interview with the bishop to turn in his papers and then it didn't pan out. Long story but finally after much running around and minor opposition they were submitted today by the Stake President. We have learned a lot that next time we'll go through our home bishop and stake president since they have less young men to deal with! We are not sure if he'll get the 31st of January or the next week!
Monday was a holiday MLKjr Day so no school. Tim took the older boys and their friends to the church to play ball. Taran left with his friends after an hour because the ward YSAs were going out to breakfast. He had a lot of fun with them and his friend Tyler was there as well. That afternoon we went to a Pizza Buffet. A splurge for us. We had a 25% off coupon for our whole ticket so that helped. It was fun and yummy. We had a short lesson and then to bed with the little kids. Timo had a Jr Jazz game and Taran hung out with Tyler a little more. Tim took Taran back in the morning.
Tuesday I went to the temple & I did the week before too. I have been going with my friend Julie. Then I had YW Presidency meeting. That night Taran's room roommate got his mission call to New Jersey Spanish speaking. Scott has been Taran's friend since the end of 1st grade. They were actually best friends until 6th grade but have always been good friends and serendipitously were roommates this year. They waited for Tim to get to their apartment before Scott opened the letter! Very sweet! Thursday another roommate got his call to Florida FT Lauderdale Spanish! Their roommate Nic (he does the videos they make) got his call the first week to Madrid Spain...so who knows where Taran will go! He doesn't care.
Wednesday June came over and Gwen and I had fun with her! She is sooo cute! I had YW both Wednesdays. This week they did a book share, super fun! I have a new list to add to my Goodreads list!
Thursday we had Luke over as usual. I worked on my new project I had started last week--cleaning out my craft room. It's a luxury I know but the last few years it's been a storage of all sorts of stuff and I really wanted to get into it this year a do something about it! SO now the family room is a mess because I am using it to sort and what not. There is a method to this madness and I would be done so much sooner if I didn't need to do make meals, be a mom or do laundry! So it's slow...owell. I did go through most of a filing cabinet in there and shredded my old bank statements etc with my ss number and such. It's very liberating! And with the internet all the things I kept before I could trash! Digital is so much cleaner! Tim was going to help Friday night while the four youngest were spending the night at Katie and Charl's but Gwen ended up needing us to get her so after we ate dinner we went out there and by the time we got home Emily and her friends had taken over the house. Timo was out with friends for awhile (they both had gone to the Lone PEak vs. AF basketball game with friends) then came in our room to hang out until Emily's friends left. So nothing got done. I had a check up with the doctor that morning and she is encouraging me to lose weight more because of the family stats. I am overweight but she is concerned because my dad and mom have heart issues and my dad has Diabetes Type 2. My blood work is all good and my blood pressure is good 102/77. But I have been working on this these past 2 weeks as well and lost about 5 pounds so she is going to see me in July to see my progress. Micah got to go to the model train exhibit at Thanksgiving Point for cub scouts this week. He was more excited about the Lego exhibits than the trains. It sounded fun to me.
Last Friday Tim and I saw Sherlock Holmes The Game of Shadows(?). We thoroughly enjoyed that! I am loving this series! Saturday Charl brought the boys home in time for Micah to get to his Jr Jazz game. I took Emily to her game. Tim worked on his talk for most of the day. Timo had Preference (girls choice formal). He worked in the morning and took Izak and Zane to help him--he missed Friday because of the basketball games--he went to all of them. Then after lunch his date picked him up for the day date. Tim picked up Timo's corsage. Timo did get his tux on Friday. He got back in the afternoon. Then they got him later for dinner and the dance. He had a lot of fun! Meanwhile Izak and Zane went with Teresa to the BYU Women's basketball game. Kids under 12 were free so they went and had a lot of fun. Micah stayed home and slept! I guess Izak kept them up late at Katie and Charl's. After helping Gwen with her chores I was able to have a couple of hours working in the craft room. Big news we actually got snow!
We woke up today with just enough snow to cover it and now only the stuff in the shade is left. Tim's talk was great! So many commented on how much they enjoyed it--it was quite funny but good. I was in the Laurel class today and they were going on and on about how funny Bro. Pew is...yep he is! Tonight was a fireside for seminary students, their parents and leaders. 100 yr commemoration of the Seminary program. I am grateful to have that program in the lives of my children! It was really good. I talked to Taran just before and he told me about his papers getting in. He is nervous which is normal but hopefully he won't let it interfere with enjoying this experience overall! So there you are! Sort of caught up in a very choppy way! Sorry! This computer was not turning on this morning when I was going to write this! Owell. Izak got it to turn on--he's got the knack! Have a great week!
1 comment:
Good luck with your craft room cleaning project! We are trying to do a lot of that kind of stuff too. It really is hard, as you said, to find the time to work on things like that consistently. Keep at it; I'm sure it will make a difference over time!:)
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