Sunday night Zane was up with tummy trouble. Luckily it was short lived compared to Micah. But it made us decide not to venture out of the house much Monday. We started out with the Rose Parade, our nieces are in the AF Marching Band which was one of the bands in the parade. I missed out because I was at Young Womens Presidency Meeting. After that they mostly watched bowl games, so many went into overtime! Crazy! I went shopping a little since school started the next day we needed those kind of things. Tim tried again to get rid of the stuff in the van at DI but again it was closed. I took Taran to get some new shoes that afternoon then we went by my sister's on the way home to get stuff she didn't want anymore. We played Headbandz which Charl & Katie gave us for Christmas for Family Night until it was time for bed. The kids have really enjoyed playing that game.
Tuesday was hard to get up at 6 AM--I actually got up at 5:30 AM. But the kids were so tired. We hurried them along and they were out the door early. Taran went back to bed since BYU didn't start until Wednesday. I went to the temple with my friend Julie. We beat the rush and were home by 9:30 AM. It was fun to go with her. I changed and took the van to DI. There was a long line but they were prepared it wasn't as bad as it looked when I drove up! When I got back I got Taran and we went to Costco and Walmart shopping for him and the family. He was low on everything since he knew he would be moving and gone for 2 weeks. It was fun spending time with him. That afternoon I had to run around all over taking Micah to get his filling, Emily to Jr Jazz practice, Zane scouts and then Jr Jazz practice. Taran watched the kids for me since Emily was gone and Timo was at work. He even helped Zane with his homework! We had a special Salmon dinner for his last home meal. We had also found out the day before that he had gotten all As and one A-. So proud of him for working hard in all aspects of his life! After we loaded the van Tim took him back to BYU. I had a meeting at 7:15 PM and I saw him driving back as I was finished. It was a heck of a day--welcome back to REAL life! Being so tired has not helped!
Wednesday I went back to bed after the kids left, I was exhausted. Then Gwen got home and I got her ready for her filling at the dentist. I started reading Matched. It's very interesting, I like it. We gave it to Emily for Christmas with the 2nd book Crossed. She enjoyed them. After that I got her a shake at Mc Donald's. My mom brought us milk and took some stuff to take to Taran he had forgotten. She lives 15 minutes from there so doesn't mind dropping stuff off to him when she has time. I was taking down our Christmas stuff and visited with my dad for awhile. It was a nice way to pass the time as I did it! They left for a doctor's appointment for my dad. He is on heavy narcotics so in order to keep getting them he has to have a check up every so often. They help but I know he hates it but realizes he is miserable with out them. That afternoon I took Emily to the dentist and then basketball practice. Zane and Gwen were with me since Micah had scouts and Izak had an indoor soccer game. I got him a ride with a teammate, they won their game and he scored so he was thrilled. Bummer none of us saw it. Owell...that night I had a Choir Board meeting but it was short and sweet. Julie drove us and needed to get back so we reported and left.
Thursday it was my turn for Luke to come over after preschool. He and Gwen actually helped me take more of the Christmas stuff down that I hadn't gotten to yet. I had gotten it all put away while they played so that was HUGE! I worked on the outside lights on the branches and bushes. I got them all taken down. That afternoon was better than the others as in less busy so I was able to get more done. That night Micah had a Jr Jazz practice, Timo had a church basketball game and then a Jr Jazz game so Tim was gone with him to that. I only had to pick up Micah and his friends from practice--carpooling rocks! I started to focus on getting ready for Youth Conference. As far as what I had to do there wasn't much but I hadn't done a thing yet because of the other stuff. I watched June here that morning so I could get stuff done while she napped. I was able to get the kitchen in order and get all the laundry done and sorted. I got dinner in the crockpot and I typed up a schedule. After she left I packed, I got the stuff out that Timo and Emily needed as well. I also took Gwen to take a treat to her friend Zoe who got her tonsils out the day before. Then I took her to a birthday party. My friend Linda took the kids until Tim got home from work. They had a lot of fun. We met at the church before 4 to carpool to Aspen Grove. I was with Minda, who is also my visiting teacher and friend so we had fun chatting all the way up. This was a super fun Youth Conference. We got settled in and the kids had time to play games and check out the game center. The meals were all provided. We had a speaker from the General Young Women's board and from the General Young Mens board, they were excellent. The theme is Arise and Shine Forth. After the speakers there was a dance but our focus was building relationships within our own ward. We played games and that was fun and then they did impromptu skits which were funny--they had a bag of props and a for the new Strength of Youth Pamphlet phrases as a theme. Then it was back to the lodge. We had fun chatting. I actually went to bed first because I was exhausted. I read and then when my roommates came we chatted until 1 AM or so! I could hear the boys in the room next to us. I didn't get to asleep for real until 3 AM. We had a morningside at 7:30 AM which was a CES teacher from our ward who is fabulous! Then we had breakfast and another speaker Joseph Grenny--yes of Crucial Conversations, etc. A guy in our ward works for his company and got him to come speak! He was also amazing! We were so blessed! Then we had team building activities, lunch, a service project--we made/tied fleece blankets for the Juvenile Detention Center, then outdoor activity or free time. Most kids went snowshoeing or cross country skiing. Emily and Timo went cross country skiing. The young women leaders we all went snowshoeing--I am not in good enough shape for cross country skiing! It was so beautiful and peaceful, we've had an amazingly warm winter so far but we got some snow that night and it was lightly snowing all day! It was just lovely! After that it was time to pack up. From there we headed to the church for dinner provided by our deacons quorums! They were dressed up and the tables were so nicely set. The food was good and the boys were amazing, it was really heartwarming! The deacon's quorum leader he had volunteered them so we went for it--great idea! We had testimony meeting after that which was great, of course and almost all the youth and leaders. I dropped Emily off at her friend Bailey's and then I went to Walmart right after to get milk and a couple of other things. I was so tired but I was excited about all the photos I took at Youth Conference but it looks like my camera died there. I used Emily's once I realized it but looking at some of the photos it was going down hill the whole time! Bummer.
Today I was so tired I tried to sleep in but Gwen is an early riser. She was nice and massaged my leg with the massager while I tried to rest--she loves using that thing! Church was great! Tons of youth and some leaders got up as well as other members. I have been working on this update most of the day either the photos or something. Tim has been interviewing the kids. We hope Taran got his mission interview done today but we don't know yet! Have a great week and year!
Sounds like youth conference was a hit!
I remember going to Youth Conference once up at Aspen Grove--it was fun; we did cross country skiing there too. We've never done a winter youth conference here. This summer they are going to do a trek for youth conference. Having the deacons do dinner after youth conference is a great idea!
Great job, Taran! I worked my tail off at BYU and rarely had a report card that was that good! :)
PS--So sorry about your camera!
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