This week we finally got some snow. Monday late afternoon it came on so we had dinner late so they could play a bit. Usually I go to my mom's but Gwen said that she felt yucky (a cold) so we stayed home. After lunch she took a 3 hour nap! She missed dance but for her to take a nap she had to be feeling a little sick. She woke up happy and said that she felt a lot better. Timo drove to work in my van so he could drop his tux on the way. For family night we watched some youth messages about doing Family History from lds.org. We are trying to inspire them to do it. So far they aren't really responding...but we aren't giving up yet. A couple of years ago Taran, Timo and Emily did indexing but after that year they haven't really done it. Taran actually does it in his ward at BYU they do it for a ward party! Tim drove me to do the weekly shopping at Walmart he's so nice, I wasn't feeling well and the roads were icy.
Tuesday Gwen was well still and went to preschool so I went to the temple. I went with my friends Merrily and Maren to Costco. I piddled around the house cleaning and such until I picked up Gwen. Piano was postponed so the kids mostly played in the snow even though it was patchy by then! Funny how you miss something that by now is usually an annoyance! Zane had a Jr Jazz game and Micah had Pack Meeting (so did Zane but he missed it for his game)I took Micah and Tim took Zane. Later Timo had a Jr Jazz game and then Tim had a church ball game after that. At the end of Timo's game when Tim had left for his game, Timo jumped up and landed on another guy's foot when he came down. It tore the ligaments in his ankle. Tim went looking for crutches at the 2 Walmarts near us and NO luck!

Wednesday Timo stayed home since he couldn't walk on it and I got him an appointment at 2 PM which was the earliest. He slept a lot until then. He has a boot but as you can see in the collage he has major bruising, even between his toes. He is going to need physical therapy on both ankles after it heals. Tim came home to be with the kids. Gwen and I watched June until I took Timo to the doctor. That night was Young Women's joint activity and then we had a YW Board meeting to plan our New Beginnings. Busy, busy! It's going be a fun night!
Thursday I had visiting teaching that morning which is always enjoyable. Luke was sick so he didn't come home with Gwen. She came visiting teaching with me and then we had her friend Sophie over. They had a lot of fun. That night I had parent teacher conferences at the elementary school. The boys are doing well. Zane especially improved in reading a ton, yeah! Micah is getting moved up to a more challenging spelling group she wanted to make sure I was okay with it. He is excited. All their teachers love them and they are good students so we were happy! Izak worked on his science fair project: Which color of M & Ms melt the fastest?
Friday Gwen woke up with her cold more runny than before. So I pumped her full of Emergen-C for kids and put saline in her nose. We ran to Hobby Lobby so I could get stuff for the New Beginnings invitations. There was a terrible cold wind. So we went home right after. I was worried about her being in it. We cleaned up her room and packed her up to go to Aunt Amy's. Tim had bought me tickets to see the comedian Brian Regan on Saturday. He had arranged with Amy, his sister, to watch our kids over night until we got back Saturday. I took all the kids who were ready over first (Timo stayed at a friend's) and then Tim brought Emily and Izak. Emily volunteers at the Ashford on Fridays (a care facility for Alzheimer's patients) so she wasn't done until 4:30 PM. From Amy's we headed to our hotel the Hyatt at the Gateway. It was a nice place. After we checked in we went to dinner at Tucanos. Pricey but we splurged since we hadn't really celebrated our 20th Anniversary we counted this! It was delicious and we were very satisfied. We went shopping after that. It was fun. We checked out Anthropolgie a store I have only seen online, kind of a boutique of clothing and home stuff it's a little random but has cool stuff check out the photo of all the light bulbs a cool display above a bed...Tim said this would not be good in an earthquake! Then we went back to the hotel. The TV was huge and could swivel from the sitting area (where I am laying) and the bed area (Tim). There wasn't much on the channels they got. So I read Tim watched sports news on ESPN. Saturday we slept in a bit. They had a light breakfast at the hotel. We went back and got ready for the day and checked out by noon. They let us keep our car there while we walked around. We had lunch at the Blue Lemon which is a restaurant that was started here close to us and a favorite. It's yummy, healthy food. We actually ended up taking some of our lunch home for today. We walked around the Gateway after we brought our lunch leftovers back. We got a treat at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company. YUM! Then it was time to go to Brian Regan at Abravenel Hall. It was a great show! The guy that opened for him was very funny--Joe Bolster. He has a CD so check him out. Brian had us crying several times we were laughing so hard. Traffic was a little nuts leaving SLC because there was a Jazz game vs the Kings (Jimmer's team) and Brian Regan's evening show so lots of people coming to park. We picked up the kids and got them home and somewhat settled then met up with some friends for dinner and games. It was super fun and we stayed longer than we planned--the guys mostly watched the Jazz game and BYU vs St Mary's game and us girls played the games. Our kids were great and we are so grateful to Amy and Nate and kids for keeping our kids happy while we were gone. Timo watched them while we were at the game party. Izak and Micah went to a late night at a friend's so he had Gwen and Zane. Emily went to a friend's. Tim finished up ironing he didn't get done and I worked on some YW stuff.
Today was ward conference the theme is Temple and Family History Work for our stake for the year. That is why we are using the Youth Theme: Arise and Shine Forth with a temple on it. The talks and lessons were all really good and inspiring, it's stuff I really get into and like. Hopefully our kids will catch on!
Timo and Emily found out they both got straight As. The boys are on a Trimester so they won't get their grades for a few more weeks. So there you go! Hope you have a great week! Here comes February!!!!!
PS We found out that Taran will get his mission call on February 7th. There was a slight chance he would have gotten it THIS Tuesday but our friend who works in the Missionary Department has been tracking it for us gave us the lowdown!