Okay it's late. I will say this week was a lot busier than I thought it would be even though soccer was over last week! Zane did have a make up soccer game Saturday. He also had a flag football game Wednesday that I missed--I took Taran some meds for a nasty cold and fruits (oranges and apples). We also had the Young Women Night of Excellence which they did to show the Personal Projects that the girls have worked on over the year and recognize them. Kind of a Court of Honor for girls and their parents but we brought Gwen since my sister took the 3 boys to the BYU Basketball Game--blue and white game the team plays itself. But Jimmer was there since the NBA is still having their lock out. He actually acknowledged Zane--it made their night! (the boys had been staring and pointing at him and Jackson Emery!)
We managed to fit in pumpkin carving for FHE Emily: Phantom Mask, Izak Tranformer Autobot sign, Micah: Bronco NFL Bronco, Zane Miami Dolphin and Gwen a normal pumpkin (thank goodness) they turned out pretty cool but we had a hard time getting a good photo of them lit with our point and shoot!
I helped my mom with photos this week and then watched June on Friday. She is such a cutie pie! Anna gave us our family photos which we love! Buck took the candids except for Gwen crying--that was a different day.

Friday I picked up my nephews from school since their parents were down in St. George for the last band competition of the season! The kids were super excited and we had a lot of fun with them! We went to Tim's parents to watch the BYU vs TCU. Too bad BYU lost but at least they made it interesting in the end! I ran some errands while they were watching it--I honestly can't sit around that long doing nothing. I know it sounds crazy but true. I had a 30% off coupon at Kohls and ended up getting a few Christmas things! YEAH!
Saturday Izak had the last day of the BYU Pow Wow Tim ended up picking him and his friends up because the van needed the carpet shampooed! Three gallons of milk exploded in the back of the van and it was making me sick--smelled like a bad dirty diaper in the garage! Tim also had to go to work for something so he did it on the way and picked up the thing from work then picked the boys up. My van smells MUCH better! That night we had Halloween Party at Stephanie's parents' barn. She let us bring the cousins so it was a fun time, dinner, candy and fun!

Today I taught my neighbor/friend 's Primary class. They were very cute. I ended up having an interview with the bishop this afternoon. I cried because I was pretty sure this meant I would be done with my current calling as an 11 yr old scout leader and teacher on Sunday--which I love! Stay tuned for what I am going to be doing--next week you can find out! Taran came home and because he had a missionary farewell for a friend from high school. He is going to MY mission! crazy! It was nice to have him here a little bit! The kids always love it!
Happy Halloween! Be safe!
love the hot dog
Great costumes and pumpkins! The family photos are beautiful! I wish Anna & Buck lived here... (for a lot of reasons)! :)
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