Tuesday Tim took off a day to go to the temple. We went after Gwen left for preschool. We decided to do sealing first since we haven't done them in awhile and I had noticed they almost always have a sign saying that they need people for sealings. We got out at 10 AM and did Initiatories. He had 3 male names that I had found on Family Search and Taran and Timo did the baptisms. It was busy so we met up about noon. By then I was hungry and my nose was like a faucet. I had not slept well and my allergies seemed to be extra crazy that morning. I took medicine but it didn't seem to help. We decided we try to do an endowment later in the week. We went to lunch and still my nose ran. Tim picked up Gwen from Luke's and took her to Costco and I rested. Izak had a game in Payson (about an hour south of us) so the other reason Tim took the day off was to get him there on time. He drove Izak and another kid on the team. They won. So that was nice. Taran had called about some supplies so Tim dropped those off on the way back. Timo had a flag football game that night and they won! Emily had play practice and I picked her up when it was over. I dropped her and Gwen off at Ross while I went to after hours for some prescription allergy medicine. They gave me a sample one and a prescription which was nice since it was a 2 hour wait at the pharmacy. Micah's soccer practice got canceled so that made things a little less hectic.
Wednesday, I watched my niece Anna's baby June. She had Alyse, her cousin/bosom buddy's wedding that morning. I had slept good again but my nose wasn't as bad as the day before. June ate and then slept until Anna got her.
Thursday the weather really turned nasty--it had been wet and chilly and now it was snowing! See my raspberry bushes that are on the side of our house. Tim worked from home so I could rest and he took care of Luke and Gwen.
Friday I had planned to go back to the temple but I was still weak. I had told Gwen she could paint her mirror I had bought her at Hobby Lobby--it's wood and shaped like a flower. When we got out our paint the color she wanted was pretty much gone. So we ran to Walmart for paint and more tissue and a couple of other things we needed. So she painted the mirror and a little pumpkin I also bought while I tried to get some things done and then I'd go lay down. We read Halloween books. By afternoon I felt pretty good. So I decorated for Halloween.
The three little boys and their friends have been enjoying football in the backyard almost everyday. Here is a quick photo I took of them Friday.
My mom made us dinner so I started on this project, a skirt for Gwen. I bought the material a year ago and finally found a pattern--for free on the internet. It is pinned on my board on Pinterest! Anyway, it was pretty simple. She loves it. I made her a matching hair clip.
Sewing the skirt got me back into the sewing mode! I sewed most of my clothes in high school when it was cost effective. My mom lent me her sewing machine she bought to lend out! Who does that? Only my mom!:) I am in the middle of sewing some stuff for Gwen's room with the same material that is in her skirt. Hopefully it will turn out cute! Her birthday is Saturday so I want to be done by then!
Saturday we had 3 soccer games and Emily and Izak refereed 2 games as well. Tim and Emily got up early and went to the Draper temple for baptisms. Tim got back in time to take everyone to their games so I didn't have to go out in the cold. Tim is a true gentleman! I did pick up Emily and Izak when they were done refereeing besides doing chores. Tim and I went on a date and ran errands. It was nice to get out for a little and the sun had come out by then. Tim took Zane to the BYU game after dinner--it was a late game. Timo spent most of the day speaking Spanish for his Spanish class they have to do so many blocks of only Spanish speaking. Taran was here a little going to a concert in SLC--Switchfoot, Anberlin, Neon Trees...He went to the game after picking up his stuff. We don't get the channel so the rest of us we just listened on the radio. Micah and Izak fell asleep by half-time. Zane had a blast and slept on the way home. Timo watched it at a friend's house. They won! I stayed up sewing and listening. Tim and Zane got home after midnight.
Today I taught my class. I was pretty tired from coughing most of the morning. I still went to all the meetings and they were all very inspiring--not sure about my lesson though. Tim had an interview after church for his new calling...check it out next week! Just after dinner my mom called and to tell me my cousin Brigetta had just died a couple of hours ago--blood clot in the lung. I am still in shock! She was my brother Charl's age. She was such a fun, loving person, she will be greatly missed. Unfortunately it has been about ten years since I saw her last. I feel so bad for her husband who is serving in Yemen and her kids. My uncle (who is a widower)is holding it together but my mom was so heartbroken when she called. I am sure she wants to go up to Idaho and be with him but can't leave my dad. If they have the funeral the next week which they may have to do if her husband is going to get to come home for it then we will be done with soccer and less busy either way we'll figure it out so she can be where she can help out the most. Life is short, we really need to spend it wisely, loving those around us and making great memories that last!
shoot. my baby is cute!
Awesome job on the skirt! It is totally darling and Gwen looks so cute in it!
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