We did pumpkin bowling--I saw it online and Izak liked the idea for FHE.
We had last soccer games this week for everyone in soccer. They have all done really well--except maybe Gwen. I'm not dissing her skills just her lack of participation. I barely got her to play half of her game Saturday! UGH! We've never had a kid like that and it was HER choice to play! Owell maybe spring will be better! Izak will be playing indoor soccer this year so we'll have a little break.
Timo's flag football season also ended and we all went with the exception of Emily and Taran. Emily went to the 8th grade boys football game with her friend Emily. Timo's game was fun and they won! Great way to end the season.
Emily had her first choir concert this week also and she was also in a group that sang 3 Little Maids from the Mikado. It was really cute and all the choirs sounded pretty good for the first concert with their new director whom they adore.
Gwen and Luke had a field trip to Hee Haw Farms and they wanted me to take a picture of them with their pumpkins they got!

Here is the valance I made for Gwen's room! I think it turned out pretty cute. I used a tutorial from a website. She had 4 tiers but I knew I only wanted 2.
Saturday was Gwen's birthday. She picked Fruit Loops for breakfast--we don't have those kind of cereals anymore so this is a REAL treat! She opened presents, went to her soccer game and then went to lunch with Granny at Chick-fil-a and played at the mall playground (dinosaur). She wanted salmon for dinner but the timing didn't work with all the running around I was doing so we saved it for Sunday and had pizza and she was thrilled that cousin Jeremy was there with us! The boys played football until dark then watched the replay of the BYU game (which they won) until Tim had to take Jeremy home. Gwen was ready for bed after getting up early and all the fun all day!

Meanwhile Timo was at Sadie Hawkins, a girl's choice dance at the high school. He went with Qunici Heaps, a girl he met in his foods class in 9th grade! He had fun but was beat when he got home--they went rollerskating and dressed 80's for it--part of the costuming I ran around trying to find!
Tim and I waited up to hear how it went so we three were beat today!
Today was Emily's 14th birthday! WOW! How did this happen so fast? She had a fun day even though it was low key. A couple of friends came by and gave her a gift. We had family party with the Louw side tonight and she had ribs for her special dinner and cheesecake for her dessert! Taran was able to come so that made it a perfect day for her!

Other highlights: I went to the temple on Tuesday, Tim and I went to a Marriage Enrichment talk on Friday night by John Lund. Very entertaining besides inspiring! We were able to go out to eat with a bunch of people from our neighborhood/ward who were there as well. Micah scored 2 goals in his last soccer game. Zane scored a touchdown in his flag football game.

Tim got a new calling today at church Assistant Executive Secretary. His interview was really neat with the Stake Presidency member, he was very complimentary to Tim and said that there were lots of great comments about him when his name was brought up for this calling but he said it could not repeat them. The setting apart was also really neat today. I am excited for him to have this experience. He is excited because he loves the men he will work with.
Lots of wonderful things to be grateful for! Have a great week! We have fall break Thursday and Friday which will be very nice!
since when does mcdonalds have a rock wall?
(see, now I will comment on your blog)
thanks!:) Cedar Hills has a very fancy Mc Donalds! I was amazed the first time I went there! Tim says that they are changing to be more like coffee houses, etc.
That's a great action football shot! Good luck with the new callings!
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