Monday, I dropped Timo off at work on my way to my annual check up. I am grateful to be relatively healthy. She had had me come in January because (TMI) my papsmear was irregular last summer so they did another and also checked my blood stuff. It all came back normal, good. Well, I have gained weight since January. Ya, that wasn't fun to find out! She doesn't want me to diet just watch portion control and the carbs. Guess what? I am probably eating more carbs now that last week, yep that's how I roll! Someone tells me to limit something and it backfires. It's a crazy deprivation thing I need to figure out. She had me get labs done again to make sure my thyroid meds are still right, my Vitamin D and the other blood stuff. I got the results, normal! So now I need to combat the brain. Anyway, I am doing some exercising with weights and stuff the past 5 weeks so hopefully I can figure out what I am doing and find balance. That same morning Tim dropped Izak off at my parents' yard. He had just finished when I got there and so my mom left to run some errands until I had to pick Timo up from work. It was nice to spend the time with my dad. He said some wacky stuff but normal for Alzheimer's. His shingles are still nasty and so he tries not to move too much. Gwen was in charge of Family Night so we went to the Animal Farm at Thanksgiving Point.

Which was fun! We got cones at JCws afterward and then dropped Taran off at the movie theater there so he could see HP7.2 with his friend who did not see it last week with him and their friends.
Tuesday I took Timo to work again--waiting for that van to be fixed! My visiting teachers came to visit which is always fun. I picked up Timo then went straight to get my eyebrows waxed. It didn't take too long. Meanwhile Emily and her friend Ashley

were having another movie marathon this time Chick Flicks on the Clearplay. They watched: Never Been Kissed, Beastly, I Am Number 4 and Phantom of the Opera. They liked them all. Timo had lacrosse practice for his team (Izak's on it) and then I took him to the dentist to get those cavities filled. I started reading another book at the dentist, The Walk and got about half way. I finished a good one last week
Ever, by Gail Carson Levine (she wrote Ella, Enchanted and other fun books). That night we got a call that our niece Anna was being admitted to have her baby early--her fluid was low and she had other issues so they got her going that afternoon. This meant that Tim's brother and his wife left Boise, Idaho at that time and got here 10 minutes before the baby was born! Exciting! Unfortunately we have yet to see her! But her facebook pictures are cute! We got Timo already for scout camp that evening--always way more work than I realize and account for! Tim had softball that night so he was gone doing that.
Wednesday Timo left for scout camp--they went to Escalante and hiked the slot canyons.

Don't ask me why he is dressed like Trale Lewous! We watched our neighbor's daughter Emily who is only 2. The husband got laid off and now is working with his dad in Texas so they are trying to sell their home and move there. So Mary needed to work on packing to show the house--we were glad to help out! She is a darling little thing with a great laugh!

Izak and I ran to the library part way through to return books and get a couple out. Emily watched Emily (with everyone helping her!). We had planned to go to Seven Peaks but then maybe to visit Anna. I had wanted to go to the temple that morning, early but we were up with kids who had nightmares or something until 2 AM. Yep. that stinks! So it didn't happen so I felt I should go that afternoon, after a nap. So that's what I did. Then I did a Costco run and got ready for scouts that night. I had thought after scouts we might run down to Provo to see Anna and baby but it was too late.
Thursday morning I went visiting teaching. In between visits I ran Emily to her volunteering at the Ahlzheimer's/Dementia place near our home. She really enjoys spending time with them. Visiting teaching was fun, I enjoy the ladies we visit. We planned to go to 7 Peaks that day and found out just as we left that there was a private party at so the park was closing at 3:30 PM! We ate lunch in the car and then picked up Tim on our way.

He came with the first this summer! It was super crowded but we had a lot of fun. I actually went on a slide with Izak--not together but we stood in line together which was fun.

Usually I am in the wave pool or the kiddie pool. We did the lazy river a few times too. I think Tim was the only one feeling ripped off. We had to pick up Taran from work at 5 PM so we ended up with an hour to kill. Tim suggested seeing Anna's baby--what? in our swimsuits? He didn't think it was an issue. We bought Emily some flip flops at the dollar store near the hospital so she could come with. By the time we got a hold of Erick and then Buck (Anna's husband) we realized it wasn't a good time for Anna to have us visit--besides the fact that we were dressed inappropriately! So went to the Macey's grocery near there and had ice cream--a tradition we started a couple of weeks ago. Then we picked up Taran and brought him ice cream too. That night Micah had his last lacrosse practice. I drove them home, as I did one of the neighbor boys (he is Gwen's age, 4) was riding his bike around and I said "LUUUUUKE! LUUUUUKE!" And he said (without missing a beat), "Hiya babe!" What a crack up! We were laughing all the way home! He is a character. Meanwhile Tim had taken Izak to a BYU Mens Soccer game that night. They had a lot of fun and ran into Tim's sister's husband and two oldest boys. Izak's friend game him a bunch of free tickets and this is the only one Tim could take him to. I am glad they got to go! So again we didn't get to see June, Anna's baby who is now home.
Friday it was our turn for cousin camp at our house.

I decided to do a cousin theme. I think it turned out to be a good experience. I just love that my kids have cousins to grow up with and to help them feel loved and accepted. Taran went camping with friends so he left around 4 PM. Once everyone else left we went to my parents'. My mom and Emily were going to the MoTab Pioneer Day concert in SLC. They met my brother Keith and his wife Amber and he drove them up and back. Meanwhile we worked in the yard and watched my dad. It was a pleasant night so we got him to come outside with us. He sat on the deck and enjoyed it. Tim met us there and went and got Wendy's for the kids, my dad and him. Gwen got stung 3 times by a wasp. That was nasty. My sister had stopped by to get something and was there at the time and helped her out. I was cutting some dead branches off a tree so it took me sometime to get there. She is fine but it was quite traumatic. Once we got to a stopping point in the yard work Tim took the kids home and I stayed with my dad. Emily and my mom got there about 10:30 PM and had enjoyed the concert very much.

Micah had his last lacrosse game, he scored 2 goals. Izak had his game right after and played well. I ended up staying home with the little kids and helping them with their chores. Then I ran some errands later. Timo got home just afternoon and had lost his food money so he was starving--poor kid. I think that put a downer on it at the end. Emily and Izak had invited cousins and friends to do space camp with them--15 total kids on the mission.

Micah snuck in because Emily was afraid that one kid wouldn't make it--he had had scout camp that week and couldn't confirm if he was coming. So we suggested that Micah go and if the kid didn't show up he could go. I guess the kid showed up as they were giving out assignments so they had plenty! They had a great time. Later Emily took her friend Tiffany out to dinner, Tim dropped them off. Later we met up with the Pew clan at Amy's. We had dessert and fireworks later that Erick and Liz had bought--we contributed glowsticks! THe neighbors helped out with their own show behind Amy's house! Tim's aunt Gaye and Uncle Bruce were up from Arizona visiting so they came over with his Uncle Lee and Aunt Dianne who live in Orem. They brought some of their grandkids along so it was a party!

Taran got home from his camping trip at 9 PM. We didn't get home until 10:30 PM or so. And we made all the little kids bathe so it wouldn't be 9 of us trying to shower the next morning.
This morning a couple of kids were ill with runny noses--not sure if it's a cold or allergies. So we made them come to sacrament meeting because the choir was singing--half our family. It was awesome! Tim's parents and brother Erick and his wife Liz came to our meeting--Erick and Liz were leaving for Boise after it. I taught Sunbeams. Taran took Gwen and Zane home. They seem fine now--kind of crazy actually! Tim and Timo went hometeaching this afternoon. After dinner Tim and I went to Anna's to visit and see her baby!

She is darling and just so sweet! You can see Tim is a proud grand-uncle? So even though her last name is Harrison she is a Pew too! We had a nice visit and also got to see their new house they barely moved into before she was born. It is really cute! We watched the broadcast of the MoTab Pioneer Celebration Concert after we got back. It was good but a little long for our monkeys!
Have a great week! And to those in Utah, Happy Pioneer Day!!
1 comment:
Glad you FINALLY got to see baby June! So many fun activities; hope it's not wearing you out!
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