Monday was the official holiday observance of July 24th so no one at our house had to go to work. Pioneer Day commemorates when the pioneers came to Utah after much persecution in the mid-west. We had planned to go on a hike with just our family but Taran's ear drum burst in the night and he needed medical attention. Tim took him while I got everyone ready to go swimming at my sister's pool. We brought our lunch and ate it at her pool. Taran and Timo stayed home from swimming. Not sure what they did. We had fun with Charl and his family were there as well as Teresa. Then we met up with my parents at our house. We had pizza to shake it up a little--chicken garlic pizza from Papa Murphys, yummy! It was fun and yummy. We didn't do any fireworks since the guys had to work the next day and we had done enough on Saturday with Tim's side of the family. We saw plenty before we went to bed and we could still hear them until we fell asleep!
Tuesday our nephews Jeremy and Ammon were coming over because their mom and sisters were at girls camp and Nate had to do some work that day--he had tried to take the whole week off but couldn't get the whole day off. They had swimming lessons in the morning and soccer practice in the afternoon so he dropped them off late morning and picked them up early afternoon. The kids always enjoy having them over. Izak had lacrosse practice with Timo and team at 1 PM but they practiced until 2:30 PM--long in that heat! Micah had soccer practice at 4 PM and I drove him and his friend and mailed stuff afterward. That afternoon I had started on an photo project I have been wanting to do all summer! I got some of it done. I bought some Groupon vouchers for $29 for 1,000 4 x 6 photos scanned and mailed back with a DVD. The have all these specifications so I had to go through all the photos and prepare them. Hopefully I'll get them sent tomorrow? We had a cool pack meeting that night with a Polynesian Pack--the leaders had made friends with this other group at Woodbadge.
Wednesday was library day so I walked over with the kids--the week before just Izak and I went. The rest of the day was mellow, kind of nice! Izak had a lacrosse game that got canceled because of the weather. I worked on my project some more.
Thursday we went to my mom's to work in the yard and watch my dad while my mom took my sister Teresa to the airport. She had planned to spend the day in Salt Lake going to the temple and shopping having a little break. But some crazy things happened to thwart her plans and there are too many details so I will leave it at that! Timo actually dropped us off and brought Emily later after she volunteered. Emily had forgotten we were going to go to Seven Peaks so we didn't go. We ended up hanging out after working in the yard and then going and getting Taran after. We got a lot done in the yard but we still have more to do for her. That night I worked some more on the photo project so I have 2 boxes I can send.
Friday I spent a bit of time on lacrosse--the reschedule was for that night and I needed to find out if we would have enough to play. In end we did. I also spent about 2 hours in the yard. Timo mowed the back and I mowed the front. We have a swarm of wasps in the front that we need to spray and I didn't want Timo to get stung so I did it. Micah went with our friends the Olers to the Bean Museum at BYU and then to the Creamery (ice cream) on their way to the lacrosse game since it was in Provo. Tim took Izak down. I was behind on my house stuff so I opted out and stayed here plus Gwen needed to go to bed early which only happens if I am home. Tim and the others are way to fun!:) I had the kids do their Saturday chores that morning so we would have Saturday free to go to 7 Peaks. So that's what we did. I rewarded them with movies from Redbox. Gwen and Zane watched a Scooby Doo movie. Izak, Micah, Emily, Tim and I watched I am Number Four--on Clearplay later. I went to my sister's with my mom to borrow some games, right after dinner. My parents had brought Taran home and ate dinner with us--Tim had to leave before Taran would be ready. My mom needed to go by my sister's anyway so we planned it out. We liked I am Number Four--action movie. We give it a thumbs up. Taran was having a band meeting and Timo was at a party. After we got the little boys to bed we watched The Green Hornet--Emily got the movies for us and got both. I was wondering if it was part of the Avengers (which it is not) so I had mentioned it. It was weird, not sure if it's a thumbs down or neutral. Lots of swearing or inappropriate language which Clearplay edited so it went quiet a lot! And it was just different...Timo was home by then and he said that he liked it. I liked Thor and would like to see Captain America, I know weird I like Super Hero movies!
Saturday morning we all went to 7 Peaks but Taran who had planned to play soccer with his friends--one of them Andy is leaving on his mission Wednesday so it was their last time to play with him. Since Taran can't get his ear wet we didn't insist. Timo would have preferred sleeping in but came and was fun. We went to Macey's after for a cone because Zane went on a big slide with Tim. I thoroughly enjoy the wave pool and lazy river.
After we got home I went shopping--I always need to get milk but I am so proud that I only went to Walmart on Tuesday and Saturday! A true miracle! Then I piddled around getting stuff--washing the swimsuits and towels etc. After dinner Taran and Timo scattered! Tim and I went to some neighbors to play games with a somewhat newly married couple--the neighbors were trying to help them meet more people. It was super fun and we laughed a lot! We played my sister's game Loaded Questions. We played the Teen-Adult version--there is an Adult version in case you were wondering!
Today Taran had 2 missionary farewells his friend Andy, and Ryan. Andy moved here in 4th grade from Chile. His parents died and he has relatives here. Taran was one of his first friends. He learned English by immersion. He is going to Ecuador. Ryan moved from Springville to Alpine and started at Lone Peak in 10th grade. Taran has had classes with him through the years and this last year Ryan was in Chamber Choir and sang the solo in Carnegie Hall! They are both great guys and will be great missionaries. He went to Andy's talk then to Ryan's post talk gathering then back to Andy's for socializing. Timo also went to Andy's farewell today. It was during our sacrament meeting where Emily spoke. She did a good job. She doesn't like it as much as singing in front of people--opposite of me! I taught today--the raising of Lazarus. It was touching. I came home later and stayed with Zane because he was coughing all through Sacrament Meeting even though we gave him cough syrup before. He slept and seems a bit better. Tim had to go do Elder's Quorum stuff. It was a good day overall. Our hometeachers came today which was nice, we always enjoy them.
I can't believe that August begins tomorrow! The kids start school the 23rd, Taran can move into his dorm the 24th! Gwen also starts preschool the 23rd. She starts pre-Irish on the 8th! She loves dancing so I hope she likes this! Her friend Zoe is doing it so hopefully it will be fun for her.
Hope your summer had been happy!
1 comment:
You are so brave mowing the lawn with the wasps! I have not mowed a lawn since I got married--Frank won't let me!! Funny, because I used to do it all the time when I was a teen ager / young adult.
Thank you so much for the package you sent us. It cheered us up and meant so much to us! Wish I'd videotaped the opening so you could see how thrilled all the kids were! :)
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