Anyway, we had fun at Seven Peaks Monday. We decided to try the early entry for pass holders that morning and made it there by 10 AM--9:30 AM they open. Only problem was that the kiddie pool was COLD. I am not sure if it heated up later because we left by 12:30 PM, so Gwen hung out in the wave pool which I love and she rode out the waves with me a couple of times...amazing! She usually sits at the edge. The other kids enjoyed it as well as the slides. Izak was able to get her on a couple of 'medium' slides. We stopped at Macey's for a cone and Tim met us there since it was his lunch time. Timo needed the car so we had to be back by 1:30 PM. What was he doing? He has some friends, mostly girls, who organized Harry Potter activities all week in honor of the last movie. They did all sorts of things from Harry Potter Scene It to Quittich, Sorting Hat, Butterbeer...Anyway, most of it was after work and sometimes into the night! He had a lot of fun. Our kids snuck in as many of the HP movies all week as they could!
Zane had his last coach pitch baseball game. It looked like it might rain but held off for the game although we saw lightning and got sprinkled. For Family Night we played hide-n-go-seek in the dark after Zane's devotional. We pretty much played that until someone got mad--it lasted longer than I thought it would!
Tuesday Micah had scouts so we didn't go anywhere. He carved this
Wednesday was library day so we went to the school library and got some new books, always fun! Then we were off to Teresa's pool--free for guests. They have one day every other week so we go and take full advantage. Here some of those photos
Emily missed YW to see her friend in the local musical Cinderella, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Taran went down to UVU Institute with a friend for a class--which he enjoyed. Then his friend Andy came over with leftover pizza (he works at Little Cesar's) which they all enjoyed! Timo had planning for scouts camp. I also had Scout Committee Meeting.
Thursday Tim helped me take my scouts on a 5 mile hike. But everything did not go smoothly! He had to drop off Taran at BYU to work first. Meanwhile I had gone to our Walmart for a couple of things and when I came back the van wouldn't start. It was DEAD. A battery thing. So my co-leader drove her mini-van and Tim drove his car. It was a steady, rocky, uphill hike--a bit challenging but very beautiful. The hike was to Horsetail Falls, in Alpine. Here are some of the photos:
Most of the boys had ran out of water by the time we finished so we got them snowcones--our neighbor sells them for $1 so it was a fun treat after that! When we got back the guy who fixes our cars was there so he checked our my van and fixed a couple of things--like my AC blower that wasn't working! YEAH! He also did a few things on the boys' van but had a wrong part so maybe this week it will be done! Luckily Amy my sister-in-law had the kids for cousin camp and didn't mind having the 3 youngest there all day! I dropped Emily and Izak off so only missed a little bit and it was a Harry Potter theme so they were so excited! Emily had volunteered that morning at the Alzheimer's Center so she was waiting to be taken. I felt bad that the hike had been so long! Then I came back and showered and Tim went back to work. I drove Timo and some friends down to the movie theater to wait for HP. They didn't have assigned seating so there was a little bit of a panic when one girl went down to get the actual tickets and saw a line already at noon! Here are some pictures of most of Timo's group

Friday I ran errands in the morning with my friend Linda. I had some mail to take to the post office and so did she. I got home in time to check in with the kids and wake Timo up! Emily and I went to see HP with my friend Julie, her kids, their friends and some friends of her's from Arizona who were visiting--we took our van and it was fine! I really enjoyed the movie, I laughed, I cried and was satisfied! The movies could never really be as good as the books but they still carried the theme and heart of the story.
I am so grateful to JK Rowling for being inspired to write great childrens literature! Her characters are ones that you identify with, appreciate, love and admire. Emily wrote a sweet thing about it. I want to re-read these books! We only discovered Harry Potter just before Taran's 7th birthday--a random find at a store that had the first book for $4 in paperback. Tim reads to the kids at night and so after he finished the book had been reading during that time, I suggested Harry Potter book we had given Taran. The boys protested! (But in the end they loved them too! This was in May so after the first chapter Tim was hooked and asked if I had heard him reading the book. I said, "no, why?" "I think you will like it," he said. He was right. I read it while I nursed Izak (who is 11 now). I couldn't put it down and finished after a couple of days. Then I found out there were MORE books! Heaven! So I got number 2 and Tim got 3 for my birthday and Father's Day which were the same day that year. We had no idea the following Harry Potter had! But jumped in and pre-ordered number 4 that was coming out in July! And we pre-ordered every HP since! We bought 2 of book 7 since by then we had 5 of us reading them! It helped my boys enjoy reading and hopefully they learned some things as well!
After I got home I called Tim and my sister because we had planned to see it together. Teresa found some tickets so we went that night after dinner. We went to the wrong place first but luckily had enough time to get to the right theater--they had very similar names! It was fun and we talked about it all the way home.
Saturday Micah and Izak had lacrosse games. They did well and their teams did too. Micah scored twice and Izak got his first goal! It was super fun. Meanwhile Emily took Zane and Gwen to our ward activity--the Amazing Trek Race. Zane and Gwen lost interest so Emily brought them home early. I have heard it was really good. Timo coaches Izak's team so he didn't go and Taran was feeling sick so he went back to bed after scriptures. Later my mom called and needed me to watch my dad while she went to a play with a friend. Gwen and I went out there and had a fun visit with my dad. He is still in a lot of pain due to the shingles. He barely slept the night before because of it! I feel bad for him, he doesn't want to move because it hurts so much. Mom had a nice break and got us Little Cesar's for dinner which was really nice and unnecessary! Timo and Emily had birthday parties that night. Tim dropped Emily off and Timo drove the van with his friends. The van was acting weird so Tim was on his way to get Timo or help him and Timo called to say it was working normal again! Crazy...what can I say? This is an inconvenience but minor in the scope of things!
Today we all made it church, it was good and uplifting. The children's choir sang--Izak and Micah are in it. It was great! I taught Sunbeams today and that was fun. The leaders did a sweet pioneer re-enactment which made all the adults cry--it was about the sacrifices for building the Kirtland Temple. Puts things in perspective! Well, that's about it. Just been doing scouts and Faith in God stuff this afternoon and may get to visit Tim's parents'. Hopefully, since we got to visit mine last week! Have a great week! Just 2 weeks left in July--crazy!
1 comment:
We're trying to work on scouts and Faith in God, too--the boys always complain, but we do it anyway!
I hope you don't have any more trouble with cars. Frank's has been doing weird things lately like one day the air conditioner wouldn't work, but the next day it started working again! We were so glad since it's been record highs lately!
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