Tuesday I got to go to the temple, Gwen went to Zoe's. It wasn't too busy so I was in and out pretty fast. I had a dental appointment so I needed to get back. I broke a tooth on a sugar roasted almond and my crown that always gives me fits came off again but this time the roots broke off--toast did it! Barely toasted toast! WHAT??? Anyway, Tim was home fixing the disposal and planting the fruit trees we bought. He took Gwen to get retaining wall blocks for the trees. Then when I got back he went to get dirt/organic material. He borrowed our BIL's truck and got it. All in the rain! I need to take a photo but I want to weed a little more--vain, I know! It has been so wet that we can't put Round Up or get out much to weed. If it were a little warmer I would attempt it since weeds come out much easier when it's been raining. But that night I helped Tim spread the extra dirt around the front yard and my hands were totally freezing by the end. He had a hard time getting it clean as well!
Wednesday Gwen had preschool, she has been weird about going lately so I am trying a positive reinforcement approach. She says that nothing bad has happened just that she misses me. She also has had trouble with church too. Luckily this week is her last week of preschool! She went to Stephanie's after. I worked in the house getting stuff done. I wanted to weed but it didn't happen. That night Zane had a soccer game, in the rain. Gwen and I watched from the car, she had bathed already so I didn't want her in the mud. The older kids were gone for YM/YW so we couldn't leave the little kids. Zane played awesome! I haven't been able to go to his games this spring because they have overlapped with Micah or Izak so I take them since Tim is the coach. They are cute team and pass quite well and even the girls are good! I am not sexist but other than Emily's group of girls no other teams my kids have had at age 7 which is coed in our league have had girls who were into it. These girls can hold their own!
Thursday I watched Zoe and a couple of boys for Stephanie so she could go to a funeral. It was great the kids all got along. And Gwen was not bored! She was sad once they left but we survived. It rained all day. That night? I don't remember what we did!
Friday Zane's class did a reader's theater. He was the Troll in the 3 Billy Goats Gruff and the narrator in Chicken Little. There were other stories and the kids were darling! Tim came with Gwen and I then Zane read books to us until recess then Tim dropped Gwen and I at home. Gwen and I went to the Post Office with my friend Linda who also needed to go. I sent out Taran's graduation announcements. Then we took Taran to school. He had gotten up at 4:30 AM to kidnap all the Chamber Choir kids for the next year--wellhe only had to get 3 of them and then they had breakfast at a girl's home. So he came home after and crashed! After we dropped him off we went to Costco, Gwen loved that--such a shopper and wanted a churro! I made an 11 x 14 collage of Taran's senior photos at the photo counter--it would work online! It turned out great--he said that I used too many guitar photos...owell! We raced back, had lunch and went to the school for the Wax Museum. The 5th graders did reports on a hero in history and Izak chose Orville Wright. So look for him in the collage with his poster. It was very cute! Gwen loved pressing the buttons and having the kids tell her about their person. I learned quite a bit but I didn't hang around too long but ran home for a quick nap before the return of the kids! Tim and I had tickets to see Pirates and I didn't want to be too tired. It was a short nap but it helped. We went to the Ice Cream Shop at Thanksgiving Point and ran into my sister so we all had ice cream together then we went to the movie. It was super fun! Timo had a party for a friend that started right after school and went until 11 PM! He had a blast and Taran was doing volunteer work for his government class and then his friend took him out for dinner--he was sick on his b-day. They ended up watching Inception which freaked him out.
Saturday Emily had refereeing--Izak missed out because I got him a sub. Originally it was going to be Father and Sons campout! Owell...he was glad to not ref! Zane had a game at noon. It was sunny and I took photos and filmed. Teresa came and watched too. This should have been their last game but they have a make up game that is this coming Saturday. I weeded for 3 hours after we got back. Our garbage can is so heavy we can't move it! We need to go to the dump! Tim grilled hamburgers for dinner, yummy! Then we cleaned up and went to the Stake Dance for adults. We got there in time for about 7 songs: Rock Lobster and True Faith were highlights from high school! They had a magician and comedian also, very fun! Taran had the Senior Dinner and Dance. It's stag so he went with some friends but of course a cute picture with his bud Stephanie. After they went to his friend Scott's (who will be his roommate this fall at BYU)to roast marshmallows. Good times!
Church was good. We had a missionary talk he is going to Carlsbad California mission. Tim taught Elder's Quorum. He doesn't enjoy it but I am sure he did well! Tonight was seminary graduation. Taran got to share his testimony and he did a great job, I thought. Teresa, my parents and Tim's parents came to hear it. We left the other kids home. We ate dinner after, Teresa and Tim's parents opted out--there was a severe warning so Teresa esp did not want to get stuck here! I am glad we have 9 days left! Hopefully it will go fast. Have a great week and we hope to see Mr Sun soon!
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