Gwen woke up early Monday morning with an ear ache. So Tim stayed home with her and Micah who had also thrown up in the night, so I could go to the school and help. He got me an appointment with the doctor. He stayed with Micah until I got back with Gwen. She had an ear infection--can't help but wonder if the other ear infection actually never cleared up? Anyway, we watched part of a movie for family night called the Jensen Project. It was cheesy yet entertaining. Tuesday I had to watch the twins last minute because their normal babysitter's kids were sick. Zoe was sick so I couldn't go to the temple anyway. Tim had elder's quorum stuff that night. He got home late. Wednesday I took Gwen to preschool and tried to get some things done around the house, I have been wanting to go through the rooms and de-clutter etc. but I do better alone! I have very few days of that. I did my best while Gwen was at preschool and playgroup. That night both Micah and Izak had their semi-final games. I bought us big sandwiches from Walmart. Luckily Tim took Micah and Izak got a ride so they were on time. The streets all around the soccer field--in Orem/Vineyard were under construction so I couldn't go very many ways. We ended up getting there about 10 minutes before half-time. Micah's team didn't play well but Izak's team did and won. I was proud of Micah he was a good sport. We came home a different way so we could find our way back on Friday for Izak's championship game! I had a Scout Committee Meeting that night pretty much right after we got home. Then I came home and finished Fahrenheit 451 which I had started the night before. I really liked it... some of my thoughts on it are in the previous post.
Thursday morning I got a call from the school that one of my friends who was suppose to go on the 3rd grade field trip couldn't go. Could I go? I called my mom and she was available to watch Gwen so I went! Tim would have stayed home but he had meetings in Salt Lake that day. I had a great time on the field trip, they went to Camp Floyd out at Cedar Fort, west 45 minutes from where we live. It's the site of an old pre-Civil War military camp--they were sent to put down the Mormon Rebellion and then a truce was made and they were allowed to settle there and they were told to observe the Mormons. Later Lincoln called them back to fight in the Civil War--funny thing (or not) is that most of them joined the confederate side! Anyway they have restored some old buildings used during that time and they let us tour and also taught the kids about adobe brick making, how to load a gun and fire it, the pony express and candle making. I enjoyed learning more about Utah history and it's involvement with the Civil War. I rode with some moms in their car because their wasn't enough room on the buses. This is the largest age group at the school which causes a lot of challenges for things like this. That night I had RS Meeting and I won a potted plant. They taught planting pots and gave other tips. We also had a chocolate fountain...yum!
Friday my visiting teachers came early. Tim came home early from work--he worked extra for 2 weeks so this was to make up for that a little. So I ran errands that day once he got home. I was getting the coaches of Izak and Micah's soccer teams gift certificates to dinner, dessert and movies. All the families pitched in to get them these. Timo had a state choir festival competition in Mapleton south of us 45 minutes. So he left right after school--BTW they got all superior scores and the judges were surprised they were all Sophomores. The rest of us and my dad went to Izak's game. They changed the field number so we were super far from where we parked so my dad stayed at a half way point. My sister came too and she checked on him at halftime. The game started late so it was almost 9 PM when we finished. My mom had gone to SLC to a concert in the Tabernacle, she was meeting up with an old friend whose daughters were in it. Dad did pretty good considering the change in the time and that. People with Alzheimer's don't handle change very well or lots of stimulation and noise. A soccer field complex is not the thing you want to take them to but he thought he'd be okay. We are glad he was. Izak's team won after tying in regulation they went into 5 minute overtimes--each trading sides after 5 minutes. After the final 5 minutes we finally scored just before time ran out! Phew, no PK shootout! It was an exciting game and Izak's team would have won in regulation but one of our own guys kicked in the goal on accident! He felt horrible. Owell! We dropped Taran off at his AP Spanish retreat on our way to drop my dad off at his house. My sister met us there and my mom wasn't far behind. Then we went to Macey's to celebrate with a King Kong Kone--Izak got one the rest of us got normal size ice cream.
Emily and Timo were going to the temple that morning but Timo had not been feeling well Friday night before he went to bed so when I went to get him up he did not go. Emily and Izak refereed that morning 2 games. I got my eyebrows waxed and ran to the nursery to get more strawberry plants and picked up a few more plants as well! Then Tim and I picked up Nate's truck (our BOL) and then picked up Tim's parents' old swing, they got a new one. We brought it home then went to get 3 trees: 2 apples and a peach. By the time we got home with them it was stormy. Zane's soccer game got postponed until Wednesday because the other coach's daughter was in the State Cup finals at the very same time. It would have been unpleasant to watch in that weather anyway. While Tim took the truck back, I ran to the high school to help set up for the End of the Year Choir Banquet. I am in charge of publicity for the choirs, actually it's dang easy hardly a thing so next year I am also helping out with the choir tours on top of that. I had forgotten the Big Kahuna I had rented from Partyland so I called Tim and he can down and got it for me--he's the best! I got home in time to shower and get dressed and then we ran back over with Taran to the banquet. Timo didn't go because he had a girl's birthday party that night and he had some homework to get done before hand so he opted out--he was feeling better after sleeping in after I woke him up that morning. The banquet was a casual dinner catered Hawaiian haystacks. It was yummy. The choir teacher gave out awards and we gave her a gift from the parents/kids. She had a lot of fun. The in coming choir presidents made a slideshow for the banquet. That was fun to watch even with the technical difficulties! We came home and got kids to bed and watched Pirates number 1 since number 4 comes out Friday! Good times!!!!
Today we all made it to church. The talks were great--service. I taught since Julie is in Costa Rica! Taran got asked to give the lesson today in priests last night! He ended up teaching the lesson he taught for our family last week--which was awesome. A guy from the General Young Mens Board videotaped his lesson and asked his permission to use it! He gave him his card and had him email him today so he could get an official okay from Taran! Wild, huh? Our hometeachers came over after church. Izak worked on a merit badge Citizenship in the World. Taran got asked to give his 3 minute testimony of seminary at seminary graduation next Sunday! Busy boy! Actually he has very few things left, which is great for a senior! Today has been really windy so we brought in our trees to the garage for a bit. Hopefully Tim can get them planted this week.
We also flew kites one day, I spent most of my time untangling them! It was all the little kids and 2 young neighbor kids also joined in so I'd help one and run to the other...I was a little frazzled when that was done! Emily and her friend Tiffany were twins on twin day which I am not sure what day it was! But that's why she is in the collage with her in matching clothes! I got Taran's graduation announcements...hopefully I can get those out this week! We got Gwen's preschool pictures back--I love them!
Just a few more weeks of school left--it feels like forever left and almost all the kids are done with homework! Timo has a few things still. Zane had a big report on an animal he saw at the zoo--I swear it took me more time helping with the research on that then some others I've helped with!
Have a great week! We are almost half way through May! YEAH!
I'm impressed! I'm just tired THINKING what you do in ONE WEEK. Yikes. I love your blog. :)
Wow, exciting week! Sure was glad the soccer game turned out like it did. GO EVEREST!!!
What a fabulous picture of Gwen! That field trip sounds really interesting--that's a part of Utah history I have never even heard of.
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