If you had looked out my window yesterday morning you may have thought it was the last week in January! We are having our typical bi-polar spring. If you notice in the collage Gwen and friends at the park 2 days before the blizzard. I put a photo of Timo sleeping in the living room next to the piano--I don't take enough photos of the big kids anymore so here he is! He usually takes his afternoon nap on the family room couch. I'll try for a photo of that this week!
Monday Zane and Micah woke up with coughs. Zane's was definitely worse than it had been. Micah's was just bad enough I thought he should just rest. So that meant I didn't go help at the school. It was registration for those who would be Juniors next year so I had some phone calls from parents asking my opinion on teachers and such. Timo got mostly what he wanted but is going to need to try and get into Chemistry--he had it then he didn't it was so weird! Computer systems like this are just not ready for the amount of kids registering! I had scouts which includes Izak. Tim worked late so we had our devotional and activity without him.
Tuesday I was able to go to the temple. It was surprisingly less busy than it has been. Gwen went to Zoe's then they came here while Stephanie took her car in for a lube etc. Then Gwen and I ran to Walmart for the weekly shopping trip. Micah and Zane had a bit of homework to make up. That night was Pack Meeting and Micah got one of the on time prizes! We had refreshments to bring so I made these chocolate chip bar cookies my kids love. Tim's work decided to postpone his project a week so he came home in time to get Emily and friends to the Junior High for the Fiddler on the Roof. She was ushering. This musical they only allowed 8th and 9th graders to try out lots of her friends from Charlie Brown were in it. Tim and I ran to Costco and had a little date. We haven't had one for awhile! Pathetic I know!
Wednesday I went visiting teaching while Gwen was at preschool, that was fun. I picked up the twins that I help babysit. Their normal babysitter was out of town so I watched them twice. They were kind of bored with out Gwen but at least they have each other! Emily went to the Carl Bloch art exhibit at BYU for their YW activity. They had a lot of fun. Taran had choir stuff after school then work so he did not get to YM that night he came home and ate dinner and that was around 8 PM!
Thursday Zoe came over so Stephanie could go to BYU Women's Conference. She and Gwen had fun. I also had the twins again so after lunch we went to the park and fed the ducks. Then they played on the playground awhile. They had a lot of fun and the weather was fabulous! I had bought a flat of strawberries from my neighbor for cheap and made strawberry syrup and freezer jam--it only took 2 trips to get everything I needed!:) Tim and Timo fixed our hoop, again--we have crazy winds! So I went back to Walmart a 3rd time that day so Timo could buy a new ball.
Friday I had my 2 nephews and niece while their mom went to the doctor. Tate is the youngest and he was asleep in his carseat the whole time she was gone. I had visiting teaching that morning moved to my house which was no big deal. Gwen loved having them and they are cute kids! After sharing lunch with them Gwen and I went back to Walmart for Timo--camp out food etc. Why I didn't get it the night before with him? I am brainless that is why! It didn't occur to me until we were leaving and saw half of his friends walking in to get their stuff with their parents! At 2:30 PM the kids had an activity at the church to make something for their mom and dad for the upcoming holidys of Mother's Day and Father's Day. The kids were so excited to make stuff. The weather started to turn very cold and windy. At 4:45 PM I left with Micah for his soccer game. It was so cold but we survived. He played great! I stopped at a fast food place and got him a meal since he was going straight to a birthday party. Then Taran watched Gwen and Zane while Tim and I went out to a new frozen yogurt place Orange Leaf--YUMMY! Timo was on his camp out, Emily went to Fiddler with my parents, Izak and Micah were at the birthday party. I rented Yogi Bear for them and they loved it! Tim watched some of it with them while I was on my home from the soccer game and he thought it was really dumb! After our date we got Gwen and Zane to bed and then I exercised. I watched some Myth Busters and Everybody Loves Raymond while I was on the elliptical.
Saturday morning we woke up to a blanket of snow--as you can see from the photos. Taran had a state choir competition at the high school so Tim drove him over at 7:30 AM. So much for sleeping in! It was still coming down at 8 AM when we got the news that the games Emily and Izak were suppose to ref were postponed. Then Micah's game was canceled and then Zane and Izak's. So I got way more done than usual! Micah had a birthday party--they went to a trampoline place called Jump On It! He had a lot of fun. Zane had a birthday party at 4 PM and they went to Chuck E Cheese. He also had a lot of fun. Tim and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and then to Walmart to return Yogi Bear to Redbox! Then I went shopping and returned stuff as well! That was huge! I hate having stuff to return hanging over me! But the stores aren't ones I go to very often nor are they close by. Tim took Emily and Izak to see Fiddler. Zane wanted to go but he was not back in time. I mostly cleaned my room and folded all my towels and linens. Timo made it back safely from Goblin Valley and had a great time. Taran's choir got first in State in the small choir category. His ensemble did well but we don't know the final call on that yet. I ended up watching more of Mythbusters while I folded my linens. Tim also worked off and on over the weekend and got a call while he was gone so he back to work when he got back.
Sunday we all made it to church--some of our kids seem to always feel sick on fast sunday. Anyway, they survived church. Church was great, I was very uplifted in all the meetings. This afternoon the kids have been looking at old photos--I got some down to fins Emily in the dress that Gwen is wearing in the window in this collage. That made us look through all of them and is making me feel the need to get these photos in an album or something! Not that I haven't wanted to do that it's just not been the priority. Then the kids started watching old home movies, they love them! It's been great! I even took time to watch some of one. You know my kids are dang cute!:) Happy May! Hope you have a beautiful week!
1 comment:
I got some old photos out recently and my kids loved them and watned to scan a bunch of them so they could post them on facebook. But sadly, they haven't done the scanning yet!
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