Today we all went to Sacrament Meeting. I was asked to give my testimony about seminary as a parent. They had four graduating Seniors share their testimonies of seminary too. My friend Stephanie who I trade to go to the temple spoke last on The Temple! She did a fantastic job, of course. After I came home with Gwen and Zane so they could rest, they had woke up coughing. Not sure if it is a allergies, though mine have been nuts with all the rain and periodic sun everything is growing like crazy or dying--we had a pumpkin plant that drowned. They both slept and I read the Conference Ensign until I fell asleep! We are going to Tim's parents for a family gathering tonight for dinner. The kids are super excited. Tim's brother Erick and his wife Liz will be there. It should be loads of fun! Happy Memorial Day! Have a great week!
The life and times of our family as we face the ups and downs sometimes muddling is all we can do, and that is okay!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Choir Concerts , Final Soccer Game, the end is near...
Four days of school left! We can hear the heavenly choirs singing! This week end of year projects not procrastinated but various troubles like out of a certain ink color and the project had multiple photos in it and then after a late run to Walmart for that, the printer wouldn't work! So something that could have been done at 10 PM got done JUST before midnight! And that's kind of how these projects have gone this week. Tim and I kept thinking and hoping "Tonight we're going to bed early." Owell, it's all good, really. I was able to go visiting teaching and that is always a good experience. I enjoy the ladies we visit!
Emily had her 7th grade choir concert, they sang their own songs and then some 8th grade choirs sang as well. She had a small solo in the closing combined song: "Heal the World" yes, this song is by Michael Jackson--I'd never heard of it until Emily bought it to practice for tryouts. She did well, we were very proud. She got nervous the night before because she knows the ruthlessness of junior high kids if you mess up! Well, hopefully it bought her a no tease/taunt pass for awhile! The grandparents (oops it looks like Grandpa Pew got cut off in this photo-sorry) and aunt Teresa and some friends made it to support her as well which meant a lot to her. We had a soccer party for Zane's team who Tim coached. They were a good little team. They were really getting good at passing the ball and such. They had a lot of fun and we gave them certificates with green moose on it at the party since their uniforms were green and their team was the Mighty Moose.
Taran and Timo had their last choir concert for this school year this week as well. It was later because the seniors had Lagoon Day that same day. Taran went to Lagoon and had a lot of fun with his friends. The concert was touching because they sang this song called, "The Music We Made". Most of them were singing through their tears! It was touching, I cried too. Friday Gwen and I went to the nursery to get more veggies for the garden. She liked dragging the wagon around! Later we watched my nephews and niece while my brother took his wife out to a movie and dinner for her birthday. The kids had fun. I rented Gnomeo and Juliet for them and they enjoyed that, it was cute. Emily went with her friend Ashley and cousin Maddie to see Pirates that afternoon, which they enjoyed! It was teacher appreciation this week so I went to DI one day to get used books to donate to one teacher (this was a request)--found some books for our library while we were there! I also had to get giftcards to other places for the other teachers. It was a little busy but our teachers are really great so I don't mind. Saturday was Zane's last game and I was able to go. Of course he scored because I didn't bring my camera! Taran took Emily and Izak to referee and he picked them up when they were done. Zane and Gwen had a birthday party at our neighbor's across the street--they had a bouncy house and cotton candy so they enjoyed it! Tim and Timo went to Tim's parents' to help out in their yard. I took a friend out to lunch for her birthday, it was a nice break and good to catch up! The rest of the day I mostly spent working in the yard. We planted the veggies and watermelon plants I bought and flowers. Last week when Tim planted the trees he made these cool retaining walls to build it up.
I bought these plants for a pot but thought they'd look good around the tree. I can't wait for them to fill in! We weeded a ton, the kids helped us. We still have more to go but it's getting there! Gwen had her last week of preschool too. She had a fun year.
I took a picture of her jumping over her candlestick they made the week they did nursery rhymes. She found it and so we took this picture and I threw it away! She wasn't happy about that. We also still had piano and scouts going on this week as well.
Today we all went to Sacrament Meeting. I was asked to give my testimony about seminary as a parent. They had four graduating Seniors share their testimonies of seminary too. My friend Stephanie who I trade to go to the temple spoke last on The Temple! She did a fantastic job, of course. After I came home with Gwen and Zane so they could rest, they had woke up coughing. Not sure if it is a allergies, though mine have been nuts with all the rain and periodic sun everything is growing like crazy or dying--we had a pumpkin plant that drowned. They both slept and I read the Conference Ensign until I fell asleep! We are going to Tim's parents for a family gathering tonight for dinner. The kids are super excited. Tim's brother Erick and his wife Liz will be there. It should be loads of fun! Happy Memorial Day! Have a great week!
Today we all went to Sacrament Meeting. I was asked to give my testimony about seminary as a parent. They had four graduating Seniors share their testimonies of seminary too. My friend Stephanie who I trade to go to the temple spoke last on The Temple! She did a fantastic job, of course. After I came home with Gwen and Zane so they could rest, they had woke up coughing. Not sure if it is a allergies, though mine have been nuts with all the rain and periodic sun everything is growing like crazy or dying--we had a pumpkin plant that drowned. They both slept and I read the Conference Ensign until I fell asleep! We are going to Tim's parents for a family gathering tonight for dinner. The kids are super excited. Tim's brother Erick and his wife Liz will be there. It should be loads of fun! Happy Memorial Day! Have a great week!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Freedom Friday
Here is an article about how we can turn the economy around--proven results folks...check it out!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Rain, Rain, Rain...

Tuesday I got to go to the temple, Gwen went to Zoe's. It wasn't too busy so I was in and out pretty fast. I had a dental appointment so I needed to get back. I broke a tooth on a sugar roasted almond and my crown that always gives me fits came off again but this time the roots broke off--toast did it! Barely toasted toast! WHAT??? Anyway, Tim was home fixing the disposal and planting the fruit trees we bought. He took Gwen to get retaining wall blocks for the trees. Then when I got back he went to get dirt/organic material. He borrowed our BIL's truck and got it. All in the rain! I need to take a photo but I want to weed a little more--vain, I know! It has been so wet that we can't put Round Up or get out much to weed. If it were a little warmer I would attempt it since weeds come out much easier when it's been raining. But that night I helped Tim spread the extra dirt around the front yard and my hands were totally freezing by the end. He had a hard time getting it clean as well!
Wednesday Gwen had preschool, she has been weird about going lately so I am trying a positive reinforcement approach. She says that nothing bad has happened just that she misses me. She also has had trouble with church too. Luckily this week is her last week of preschool! She went to Stephanie's after. I worked in the house getting stuff done. I wanted to weed but it didn't happen. That night Zane had a soccer game, in the rain. Gwen and I watched from the car, she had bathed already so I didn't want her in the mud. The older kids were gone for YM/YW so we couldn't leave the little kids. Zane played awesome! I haven't been able to go to his games this spring because they have overlapped with Micah or Izak so I take them since Tim is the coach. They are cute team and pass quite well and even the girls are good! I am not sexist but other than Emily's group of girls no other teams my kids have had at age 7 which is coed in our league have had girls who were into it. These girls can hold their own!
Thursday I watched Zoe and a couple of boys for Stephanie so she could go to a funeral. It was great the kids all got along. And Gwen was not bored! She was sad once they left but we survived. It rained all day. That night? I don't remember what we did!
Friday Zane's class did a reader's theater. He was the Troll in the 3 Billy Goats Gruff and the narrator in Chicken Little. There were other stories and the kids were darling! Tim came with Gwen and I then Zane read books to us until recess then Tim dropped Gwen and I at home. Gwen and I went to the Post Office with my friend Linda who also needed to go. I sent out Taran's graduation announcements. Then we took Taran to school. He had gotten up at 4:30 AM to kidnap all the Chamber Choir kids for the next year--wellhe only had to get 3 of them and then they had breakfast at a girl's home. So he came home after and crashed! After we dropped him off we went to Costco, Gwen loved that--such a shopper and wanted a churro! I made an 11 x 14 collage of Taran's senior photos at the photo counter--it would work online! It turned out great--he said that I used too many guitar photos...owell! We raced back, had lunch and went to the school for the Wax Museum. The 5th graders did reports on a hero in history and Izak chose Orville Wright. So look for him in the collage with his poster. It was very cute! Gwen loved pressing the buttons and having the kids tell her about their person. I learned quite a bit but I didn't hang around too long but ran home for a quick nap before the return of the kids! Tim and I had tickets to see Pirates and I didn't want to be too tired. It was a short nap but it helped. We went to the Ice Cream Shop at Thanksgiving Point and ran into my sister so we all had ice cream together then we went to the movie. It was super fun! Timo had a party for a friend that started right after school and went until 11 PM! He had a blast and Taran was doing volunteer work for his government class and then his friend took him out for dinner--he was sick on his b-day. They ended up watching Inception which freaked him out.
Saturday Emily had refereeing--Izak missed out because I got him a sub. Originally it was going to be Father and Sons campout! Owell...he was glad to not ref! Zane had a game at noon. It was sunny and I took photos and filmed. Teresa came and watched too. This should have been their last game but they have a make up game that is this coming Saturday. I weeded for 3 hours after we got back. Our garbage can is so heavy we can't move it! We need to go to the dump! Tim grilled hamburgers for dinner, yummy! Then we cleaned up and went to the Stake Dance for adults. We got there in time for about 7 songs: Rock Lobster and True Faith were highlights from high school! They had a magician and comedian also, very fun! Taran had the Senior Dinner and Dance. It's stag so he went with some friends but of course a cute picture with his bud Stephanie. After they went to his friend Scott's (who will be his roommate this fall at BYU)to roast marshmallows. Good times!
Church was good. We had a missionary talk he is going to Carlsbad California mission. Tim taught Elder's Quorum. He doesn't enjoy it but I am sure he did well! Tonight was seminary graduation. Taran got to share his testimony and he did a great job, I thought. Teresa, my parents and Tim's parents came to hear it. We left the other kids home. We ate dinner after, Teresa and Tim's parents opted out--there was a severe warning so Teresa esp did not want to get stuck here! I am glad we have 9 days left! Hopefully it will go fast. Have a great week and we hope to see Mr Sun soon!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Freedom Friday, Saturday!
So are you a bit disenchanted by the politicians out there? Want some new blood? Check out Herman Cain here. Now I am not sure I am voting for him but I can tell you who I am not: most candidates running for Republican nominee for President nor President Obama. Why? I want someone based on principles, conservative principles. Small government, cut spending, lower taxes, strong foreign policy--actually know and understand what foreign policy is...I know not everyone has declared their intentions but so far not too impressed with most. Some tell me ya but Mitt Romney was great with the Olympics, and I agree. But when he ran last time he waffled on important questions which led me to believe he didn't have a foundation in the important principles that could guide him as president. I am not super impressed with his health care program in Massachusetts either. So check out Herman he seems pretty passionate and he seems to have a good foundation, it's a start! Just thought I'd pass this info on!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Take a minute to enjoy something worthwhile...
Here is a fun video from one of my favorite pianists: Jon Schmidt. He is amazing and here he is paired up with the celloist he did the Love Story/Viva La Vida mash up. I saw them in concert and they are very funny guys! Take a minute to enjoy!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Kite Flying, Soccer Champs and other things...

Gwen woke up early Monday morning with an ear ache. So Tim stayed home with her and Micah who had also thrown up in the night, so I could go to the school and help. He got me an appointment with the doctor. He stayed with Micah until I got back with Gwen. She had an ear infection--can't help but wonder if the other ear infection actually never cleared up? Anyway, we watched part of a movie for family night called the Jensen Project. It was cheesy yet entertaining. Tuesday I had to watch the twins last minute because their normal babysitter's kids were sick. Zoe was sick so I couldn't go to the temple anyway. Tim had elder's quorum stuff that night. He got home late. Wednesday I took Gwen to preschool and tried to get some things done around the house, I have been wanting to go through the rooms and de-clutter etc. but I do better alone! I have very few days of that. I did my best while Gwen was at preschool and playgroup. That night both Micah and Izak had their semi-final games. I bought us big sandwiches from Walmart. Luckily Tim took Micah and Izak got a ride so they were on time. The streets all around the soccer field--in Orem/Vineyard were under construction so I couldn't go very many ways. We ended up getting there about 10 minutes before half-time. Micah's team didn't play well but Izak's team did and won. I was proud of Micah he was a good sport. We came home a different way so we could find our way back on Friday for Izak's championship game! I had a Scout Committee Meeting that night pretty much right after we got home. Then I came home and finished Fahrenheit 451 which I had started the night before. I really liked it... some of my thoughts on it are in the previous post.
Thursday morning I got a call from the school that one of my friends who was suppose to go on the 3rd grade field trip couldn't go. Could I go? I called my mom and she was available to watch Gwen so I went! Tim would have stayed home but he had meetings in Salt Lake that day. I had a great time on the field trip, they went to Camp Floyd out at Cedar Fort, west 45 minutes from where we live. It's the site of an old pre-Civil War military camp--they were sent to put down the Mormon Rebellion and then a truce was made and they were allowed to settle there and they were told to observe the Mormons. Later Lincoln called them back to fight in the Civil War--funny thing (or not) is that most of them joined the confederate side! Anyway they have restored some old buildings used during that time and they let us tour and also taught the kids about adobe brick making, how to load a gun and fire it, the pony express and candle making. I enjoyed learning more about Utah history and it's involvement with the Civil War. I rode with some moms in their car because their wasn't enough room on the buses. This is the largest age group at the school which causes a lot of challenges for things like this. That night I had RS Meeting and I won a potted plant. They taught planting pots and gave other tips. We also had a chocolate fountain...yum!
Friday my visiting teachers came early. Tim came home early from work--he worked extra for 2 weeks so this was to make up for that a little. So I ran errands that day once he got home. I was getting the coaches of Izak and Micah's soccer teams gift certificates to dinner, dessert and movies. All the families pitched in to get them these. Timo had a state choir festival competition in Mapleton south of us 45 minutes. So he left right after school--BTW they got all superior scores and the judges were surprised they were all Sophomores. The rest of us and my dad went to Izak's game. They changed the field number so we were super far from where we parked so my dad stayed at a half way point. My sister came too and she checked on him at halftime. The game started late so it was almost 9 PM when we finished. My mom had gone to SLC to a concert in the Tabernacle, she was meeting up with an old friend whose daughters were in it. Dad did pretty good considering the change in the time and that. People with Alzheimer's don't handle change very well or lots of stimulation and noise. A soccer field complex is not the thing you want to take them to but he thought he'd be okay. We are glad he was. Izak's team won after tying in regulation they went into 5 minute overtimes--each trading sides after 5 minutes. After the final 5 minutes we finally scored just before time ran out! Phew, no PK shootout! It was an exciting game and Izak's team would have won in regulation but one of our own guys kicked in the goal on accident! He felt horrible. Owell! We dropped Taran off at his AP Spanish retreat on our way to drop my dad off at his house. My sister met us there and my mom wasn't far behind. Then we went to Macey's to celebrate with a King Kong Kone--Izak got one the rest of us got normal size ice cream.
Emily and Timo were going to the temple that morning but Timo had not been feeling well Friday night before he went to bed so when I went to get him up he did not go. Emily and Izak refereed that morning 2 games. I got my eyebrows waxed and ran to the nursery to get more strawberry plants and picked up a few more plants as well! Then Tim and I picked up Nate's truck (our BOL) and then picked up Tim's parents' old swing, they got a new one. We brought it home then went to get 3 trees: 2 apples and a peach. By the time we got home with them it was stormy. Zane's soccer game got postponed until Wednesday because the other coach's daughter was in the State Cup finals at the very same time. It would have been unpleasant to watch in that weather anyway. While Tim took the truck back, I ran to the high school to help set up for the End of the Year Choir Banquet. I am in charge of publicity for the choirs, actually it's dang easy hardly a thing so next year I am also helping out with the choir tours on top of that. I had forgotten the Big Kahuna I had rented from Partyland so I called Tim and he can down and got it for me--he's the best! I got home in time to shower and get dressed and then we ran back over with Taran to the banquet. Timo didn't go because he had a girl's birthday party that night and he had some homework to get done before hand so he opted out--he was feeling better after sleeping in after I woke him up that morning. The banquet was a casual dinner catered Hawaiian haystacks. It was yummy. The choir teacher gave out awards and we gave her a gift from the parents/kids. She had a lot of fun. The in coming choir presidents made a slideshow for the banquet. That was fun to watch even with the technical difficulties! We came home and got kids to bed and watched Pirates number 1 since number 4 comes out Friday! Good times!!!!
Today we all made it to church. The talks were great--service. I taught since Julie is in Costa Rica! Taran got asked to give the lesson today in priests last night! He ended up teaching the lesson he taught for our family last week--which was awesome. A guy from the General Young Mens Board videotaped his lesson and asked his permission to use it! He gave him his card and had him email him today so he could get an official okay from Taran! Wild, huh? Our hometeachers came over after church. Izak worked on a merit badge Citizenship in the World. Taran got asked to give his 3 minute testimony of seminary at seminary graduation next Sunday! Busy boy! Actually he has very few things left, which is great for a senior! Today has been really windy so we brought in our trees to the garage for a bit. Hopefully Tim can get them planted this week.
We also flew kites one day, I spent most of my time untangling them! It was all the little kids and 2 young neighbor kids also joined in so I'd help one and run to the other...I was a little frazzled when that was done! Emily and her friend Tiffany were twins on twin day which I am not sure what day it was! But that's why she is in the collage with her in matching clothes! I got Taran's graduation announcements...hopefully I can get those out this week! We got Gwen's preschool pictures back--I love them!
Just a few more weeks of school left--it feels like forever left and almost all the kids are done with homework! Timo has a few things still. Zane had a big report on an animal he saw at the zoo--I swear it took me more time helping with the research on that then some others I've helped with!
Have a great week! We are almost half way through May! YEAH!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Freedom Friday
So I haven't posted in awhile. There are plenty of great articles to be read that I could have posted a link to but I am tired. Not just the I am tired of life or my crazy busy life but of the politicians.
Does anyone get it besides a few here and there? Or has life got us all so distracted that important principles of freedom are being jeopardized?
I read Fahrenheit 451 this week. I really enjoyed it and was surprised I had never read it before! What am I living under a rock? Anyway, I really was inspired by the book it's insights from the 1950s! If you don't know the book it's a futuristic dystopia. It has these firemen that go around burning books/houses/people because books are illegal. Why? Because they cause discontent or opposition which makes people unhappy. The government keeps the people busy and distracted by activities all day and night. Their living room or parlor walls are big screen TVs--the ideal is for each wall to be one. And the stuff coming through these wall tvs is mostly fluff or propaganda. Anyway, when I walked into Costco after reading the book and there were these huge flat screen tvs all over it kind of freaked me out a little.
Are we letting ourselves be so influenced by the media that we think little about what the government is doing? Do we think it's wrong for people to disagree with the President and his fellow cabinet? Do we think they all should just get along, peace over principle? Come on folks, we have freedom of speech but little by little they want take it away...more power for them. Stay awake, turn of the ipod, ipad, tv and study our Constitution, the Federalist Papers...What kind of world do you want to live in? One full of fear to be contrary to the President or other leaders? That is messed up but it is becoming a reality. We must support those who raise valid questions in our small city councils and in our nation! We must keep ourselves involved as much as we can do at this time. Please help our country and ourselves stay free by being the kind of citizen worthy of this country. God bless America!
Does anyone get it besides a few here and there? Or has life got us all so distracted that important principles of freedom are being jeopardized?
I read Fahrenheit 451 this week. I really enjoyed it and was surprised I had never read it before! What am I living under a rock? Anyway, I really was inspired by the book it's insights from the 1950s! If you don't know the book it's a futuristic dystopia. It has these firemen that go around burning books/houses/people because books are illegal. Why? Because they cause discontent or opposition which makes people unhappy. The government keeps the people busy and distracted by activities all day and night. Their living room or parlor walls are big screen TVs--the ideal is for each wall to be one. And the stuff coming through these wall tvs is mostly fluff or propaganda. Anyway, when I walked into Costco after reading the book and there were these huge flat screen tvs all over it kind of freaked me out a little.
Are we letting ourselves be so influenced by the media that we think little about what the government is doing? Do we think it's wrong for people to disagree with the President and his fellow cabinet? Do we think they all should just get along, peace over principle? Come on folks, we have freedom of speech but little by little they want take it away...more power for them. Stay awake, turn of the ipod, ipad, tv and study our Constitution, the Federalist Papers...What kind of world do you want to live in? One full of fear to be contrary to the President or other leaders? That is messed up but it is becoming a reality. We must support those who raise valid questions in our small city councils and in our nation! We must keep ourselves involved as much as we can do at this time. Please help our country and ourselves stay free by being the kind of citizen worthy of this country. God bless America!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Late post on May and Mothers Day...

This week we had 6 soccer games, only 2 practices, piano, 3 birthday parties (2 for Zane and 1 for Micah), PTA fundraiser and I was in charge of the dinner part, let's see what else, oh ya, I babysat 2 days for my friend since the normal babysitter was out of town, had scouts, took playgroup to the park for a picnic, went to the Tulip Festival with my side of the family minus my brother Keith and his wife Amber. My dad sat in the car, he wasn't feeling well. Taran and friends were in Knightstock a concert outside at the high school, apparently the sound system wasn't totally working right so it wasn't as good as it could have been but Timo said that it turned out alright.We had already planned the Tulip Festival trip and the concert changed days so we missed the concert. We had to get my family into the Tulip Festival--we have a pass which gets them in at half price. The tulips were beautiful, it was a very nice evening. Tim took me out for Mothers Day Saturday night. Mothers Day was great I loved all the cute things my kids made at school. I told Tim I didn't want him buying something for me from the kids that I just wanted them to make whatever they gave. Taran organized an awesome card from all of them. It was very touching. We had both our parents over for dinner and then ended up inviting my siblings as well. It was a great day and probably my favorite Mother's Day other than my first one! Life goes on... Micah and Izak are in their semi-final games of tournament tonight, same play area and are at the same time just a different field, I will be back and forth! I just hope it warms up some!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Happy Mother's Day via Erma Bombeck
For the first four or five years after I had children, I considered motherhood a temporary condition-not a calling. It was a time of my life set aside for exhaustion and long hours. It would pass. Then one afternoon with three kids in tow, I came out of the supermarket pushing a cart (with four wheels that went in opposite directions) when my toddler son got away from me.
Just outside the door, he ran toward a machine holding bubble gum in a glass dome. In a voice that shattered glass, he shouted, "Gimme! Gimme!" I told him I would gimmie him what-for if he didn't stop shouting and get in the car. As I physically tried to pry his body from around the bubble gum machine, he pulled the entire thing over. Glass and balls of bubble gum went all over the parking lot. We had now attracted a crowd. Donna Reed would have brushed away his tears and granted him absolution on the spot. I wasn't Donna Reed. I told him he would never see another cartoon as long as he lived, and if he didn't control his temper he was going to be making license plates for the state. He tried to stifle his sobs as he looked around at the staring crowd. Then he did something that I was to remember the rest of my life. In his helpless quest for comfort, he turned to the only one he trusted his emotions with-me. He threw his arms around my knees and held on for dear life. I had humiliated him, chastised him and berated him, but I was still all he had. That single incident defined my role. I was a major force in this child's life. Sometimes we forget how important stability is to a child. I've always told mine, "The easiest part of being a mother is giving birth. The hardest part is showing up for it each day."
This is traditionally the day when children give something back to their mothers for all the spit they produced to wash dirty faces, all the old gum their mothers held in their hands, all the noses and fannies that were wiped, and all the bloody knees that were " made well" with a kiss. This is the day mothers are rewarded for washing all those sheets in the middle of the night, driving kids to school when they missed the bus and enduring all the football games in the rain. It's appreciation day for making them finish something, not believing them when they said, "I hate you," and for sharing their good times and their bad times. Their cards probably won't reflect it, but what they are trying to say is "Thank you for showing up."
Just outside the door, he ran toward a machine holding bubble gum in a glass dome. In a voice that shattered glass, he shouted, "Gimme! Gimme!" I told him I would gimmie him what-for if he didn't stop shouting and get in the car. As I physically tried to pry his body from around the bubble gum machine, he pulled the entire thing over. Glass and balls of bubble gum went all over the parking lot. We had now attracted a crowd. Donna Reed would have brushed away his tears and granted him absolution on the spot. I wasn't Donna Reed. I told him he would never see another cartoon as long as he lived, and if he didn't control his temper he was going to be making license plates for the state. He tried to stifle his sobs as he looked around at the staring crowd. Then he did something that I was to remember the rest of my life. In his helpless quest for comfort, he turned to the only one he trusted his emotions with-me. He threw his arms around my knees and held on for dear life. I had humiliated him, chastised him and berated him, but I was still all he had. That single incident defined my role. I was a major force in this child's life. Sometimes we forget how important stability is to a child. I've always told mine, "The easiest part of being a mother is giving birth. The hardest part is showing up for it each day."
This is traditionally the day when children give something back to their mothers for all the spit they produced to wash dirty faces, all the old gum their mothers held in their hands, all the noses and fannies that were wiped, and all the bloody knees that were " made well" with a kiss. This is the day mothers are rewarded for washing all those sheets in the middle of the night, driving kids to school when they missed the bus and enduring all the football games in the rain. It's appreciation day for making them finish something, not believing them when they said, "I hate you," and for sharing their good times and their bad times. Their cards probably won't reflect it, but what they are trying to say is "Thank you for showing up."
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Last Week of April

If you had looked out my window yesterday morning you may have thought it was the last week in January! We are having our typical bi-polar spring. If you notice in the collage Gwen and friends at the park 2 days before the blizzard. I put a photo of Timo sleeping in the living room next to the piano--I don't take enough photos of the big kids anymore so here he is! He usually takes his afternoon nap on the family room couch. I'll try for a photo of that this week!
Monday Zane and Micah woke up with coughs. Zane's was definitely worse than it had been. Micah's was just bad enough I thought he should just rest. So that meant I didn't go help at the school. It was registration for those who would be Juniors next year so I had some phone calls from parents asking my opinion on teachers and such. Timo got mostly what he wanted but is going to need to try and get into Chemistry--he had it then he didn't it was so weird! Computer systems like this are just not ready for the amount of kids registering! I had scouts which includes Izak. Tim worked late so we had our devotional and activity without him.
Tuesday I was able to go to the temple. It was surprisingly less busy than it has been. Gwen went to Zoe's then they came here while Stephanie took her car in for a lube etc. Then Gwen and I ran to Walmart for the weekly shopping trip. Micah and Zane had a bit of homework to make up. That night was Pack Meeting and Micah got one of the on time prizes! We had refreshments to bring so I made these chocolate chip bar cookies my kids love. Tim's work decided to postpone his project a week so he came home in time to get Emily and friends to the Junior High for the Fiddler on the Roof. She was ushering. This musical they only allowed 8th and 9th graders to try out lots of her friends from Charlie Brown were in it. Tim and I ran to Costco and had a little date. We haven't had one for awhile! Pathetic I know!
Wednesday I went visiting teaching while Gwen was at preschool, that was fun. I picked up the twins that I help babysit. Their normal babysitter was out of town so I watched them twice. They were kind of bored with out Gwen but at least they have each other! Emily went to the Carl Bloch art exhibit at BYU for their YW activity. They had a lot of fun. Taran had choir stuff after school then work so he did not get to YM that night he came home and ate dinner and that was around 8 PM!
Thursday Zoe came over so Stephanie could go to BYU Women's Conference. She and Gwen had fun. I also had the twins again so after lunch we went to the park and fed the ducks. Then they played on the playground awhile. They had a lot of fun and the weather was fabulous! I had bought a flat of strawberries from my neighbor for cheap and made strawberry syrup and freezer jam--it only took 2 trips to get everything I needed!:) Tim and Timo fixed our hoop, again--we have crazy winds! So I went back to Walmart a 3rd time that day so Timo could buy a new ball.
Friday I had my 2 nephews and niece while their mom went to the doctor. Tate is the youngest and he was asleep in his carseat the whole time she was gone. I had visiting teaching that morning moved to my house which was no big deal. Gwen loved having them and they are cute kids! After sharing lunch with them Gwen and I went back to Walmart for Timo--camp out food etc. Why I didn't get it the night before with him? I am brainless that is why! It didn't occur to me until we were leaving and saw half of his friends walking in to get their stuff with their parents! At 2:30 PM the kids had an activity at the church to make something for their mom and dad for the upcoming holidys of Mother's Day and Father's Day. The kids were so excited to make stuff. The weather started to turn very cold and windy. At 4:45 PM I left with Micah for his soccer game. It was so cold but we survived. He played great! I stopped at a fast food place and got him a meal since he was going straight to a birthday party. Then Taran watched Gwen and Zane while Tim and I went out to a new frozen yogurt place Orange Leaf--YUMMY! Timo was on his camp out, Emily went to Fiddler with my parents, Izak and Micah were at the birthday party. I rented Yogi Bear for them and they loved it! Tim watched some of it with them while I was on my home from the soccer game and he thought it was really dumb! After our date we got Gwen and Zane to bed and then I exercised. I watched some Myth Busters and Everybody Loves Raymond while I was on the elliptical.
Saturday morning we woke up to a blanket of snow--as you can see from the photos. Taran had a state choir competition at the high school so Tim drove him over at 7:30 AM. So much for sleeping in! It was still coming down at 8 AM when we got the news that the games Emily and Izak were suppose to ref were postponed. Then Micah's game was canceled and then Zane and Izak's. So I got way more done than usual! Micah had a birthday party--they went to a trampoline place called Jump On It! He had a lot of fun. Zane had a birthday party at 4 PM and they went to Chuck E Cheese. He also had a lot of fun. Tim and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and then to Walmart to return Yogi Bear to Redbox! Then I went shopping and returned stuff as well! That was huge! I hate having stuff to return hanging over me! But the stores aren't ones I go to very often nor are they close by. Tim took Emily and Izak to see Fiddler. Zane wanted to go but he was not back in time. I mostly cleaned my room and folded all my towels and linens. Timo made it back safely from Goblin Valley and had a great time. Taran's choir got first in State in the small choir category. His ensemble did well but we don't know the final call on that yet. I ended up watching more of Mythbusters while I folded my linens. Tim also worked off and on over the weekend and got a call while he was gone so he back to work when he got back.
Sunday we all made it to church--some of our kids seem to always feel sick on fast sunday. Anyway, they survived church. Church was great, I was very uplifted in all the meetings. This afternoon the kids have been looking at old photos--I got some down to fins Emily in the dress that Gwen is wearing in the window in this collage. That made us look through all of them and is making me feel the need to get these photos in an album or something! Not that I haven't wanted to do that it's just not been the priority. Then the kids started watching old home movies, they love them! It's been great! I even took time to watch some of one. You know my kids are dang cute!:) Happy May! Hope you have a beautiful week!
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