Last week is a bit of a blurr! It's amazing to me how much I don't remember anymore, I used to remember dumb details but now I barely remember important things. I know it's just that I have a lot going on but I sometimes wonder if I will develop Alzheimer's like my dad.
The highlight of last week was Tim's birthday. Other than his special breakfast of his favorite granola (it's pricey) and dinner of salmon with red potatoes and Costco chocolate cake there wasn't a lot exciting going on that day--he went to work. We did watch the rest of Pee Wee's Big Adventure which we had started on Family Night. It was fun to see Zane laugh at the silly parts.
Monday I had scouts--Izak's first time with us and Zane had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. That night about 10:30 PM, he threw up. Food poisoning. So I kept him home just to be sure. Emily had bad sinus headache and stayed home too. That made it so I could do my regular shopping trip Tuesday afternoon. Tim's present arrived (an ipod touch) so that was nice since his birthday was the next day. He's been having fun with it ever since! Micah had a Jr Jazz game and he did great!
Wednesday was Tim's birthday and Gwen had preschool and playgroup. My visiting teachers came that morning then I went shopping for the salmon and chocolate cake. I also went to Kohl's, I had a 30% off coupon and got the kids some spring clothes and Tim some white shirts for some great deals! I got me something too.
Thursday I stayed home and got some stuff done around here--organized the junk drawer, art cupboard and the cupboard above the desk in the kitchen. Hopefully I can continue the trend to organize and de-clutter! That night was our RS Meeting and they did a great job! Good speakers, yummy dinner and a CD of information about each sister--I stayed up late reading all of them!
Friday I watched the twins and my neighbor's daughter and I took them to the dinosaur museum with Gwen. They had a lot of fun. We have had beautiful weather so they played outside before and after. Zane came home with a fever from school. We have been so lucky not to have anything much this whole winter. He just laid around. Tim and I went out to dinner with a gift card he won at work. We were able to watch the first part of the BYU vs. New Mexico game. We had some things to take to his parents' and we stayed watched the game with them. We were so glad BYU won!
Saturday Taran and Timo had a young mens game, they won. Zane was better but still had a fever off and on. Micah had Jr Jazz practice. Emily had a Jr Jazz game part of a tournament they are having. They won by forfeit--I don't think the other team wanted to get beat 4 times by Emily's team. I am not being rude, I just think the league should have looked at the scores and not tortured the other team. It's not that Emily's team is amazing it's just that the other teams don't really know how to play, they are learning. I ran errands and got back in time to go to Stake Conference at 6 PM. Tim took our kids out to my mom's to watch the BYU game since we don't get the channel. It's just as well we missed it since they got spanked! Jimmer still had some 30 points...amazing player! After Stake Conference Tim and some men practiced a song for priesthood leadership the next morning! Then he ate dinner and we ran to my mom's to get the kids. We had told our teenagers to be home by 10 PM because of daylight savings.
Sunday Micah woke up with a fever and headache. Tim was at priesthood leadership early 6:40 AM more like 5:40! YIKES! Anyway then we went to Stake Conference, left Micah home since he said that he would be fine. He watched Sunday shows and played some from the Friend online. He was doing better by the time we had to go to Katie and Charl's to celebrate Izak and Tim's birthdays. We brought meat and dessert. Everyone brought yummy stuff. The kids had fun and some played outside even though it had gotten cloudy. It was a nice visit but I was beat from daylight savings! By the time we got home I had no energy to blog. At about 11 PM Zane coughed so hard he threw up then he did it again about a half an hour later. I got him some cough medicine with codeine after the last time. He slept fine through the night. Tim cleaned up the first mess and I the second. Kids are tiring!:) That's all for now! Have a great week! Enjoy St Patrick's Day! Do something fun!
What did you think of that BYU game tonight? Pretty fun! You must love being right there in the middle of it all (well during the season). You guys have a such a fun life!!
it is fun to be part of the Jimmermania!
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