Wednesday Gwen had preschool and playgroup. I ran to the bank and Kohls--I had some Kohl's cash I had forgotten about. I ended up buying some shorts for 99 cents! I tried to have a nap since I was going to be up late. Izak had soccer practice that afternoon and Micah had an ice cream party with his basketball coach soTIm came home early from work since Timo was working for Taran because Taran was at a choir festival in Brighton. Emily was in the Science Fair at BYU and needed to go set up between 5-7 PM so we planned to meet my mom and dad for dinner at the creamery after we set up and then we went to Persuasion. It's a play based Jane Austen's book. It was amazing! We got home very late but it was worth it. Emily enjoyed it as well. The next day Emily had to be at BYU by 9 AM so Tim took her. I went visiting teaching. That was fun as usual, I had missed our ladies it seemed so long since we had had a good visit. Taran came home for lunch--he had left for school early because he had a sectional choir practice he had to lead. He then told me how he got a scholarship to BYU. He only got half-tuition--I admit I am a little disappointed because eight years ago my neighbor's son with the same ACT got 4 years tuition and books paid. BYU did something different this year they had all the scholarship applicants apply with their parents' financial info as well and divided up based on need and merit of those applying and accepted. Because we have no one else in college or on a mission it hurt Taran even though he is paying for himself. They don't have you show how many dependents there are living at home. Owell, I guess it'll all work out in the end. One of Taran's friends in the Chamber Choir got the Monson scholarship at BYU--full ride all four years. He's so burned out on applying for scholarships that he won't apply for anymore. What can we do? That afternoon both Izak and Micah had birthday parties. I also had to get Emily from BYU. I also ran to the bookstore while I was down there and got Taran a sweet 16 t-shirt. We watched the BYU vs Florida game at our friends (Linda). Boy was I so disappointed. Jimmer their star point guard was off as was most of the team--and they were in the game despite it! Unfortunately they beat themselves and Florida came away victorious in overtime! They really could have won it. If they had played their best game and just got beat by a superior team I would be reconciled but I still feel they should have won but it wasn't meant to be. I felt so bad for Jimmer, who is a brilliant player check out the photo in this blog!

Friday I went to the temple Gwen went to Stephanie's, she was so excited! Before I had to go to the high school and pay for Taran to take 2 more AP tests. And choir tour--which he will reimburse me. I was planning on meeting some women from my ward and have lunch after but I was there earlier than them. I would have had to wait an hour for them so I went home. Gwen stayed at Stephanie's since the girls had planned to eat mac-n-cheese and watch Scooby Doo--it was snowing so this was a fun thing to do that day! I was able to rest since I was cold and felt chilled since the day before. My leg with nerve damage was cramping a lot that day. The rest did me good. Emily and the little boys had a piano group lesson that afternoon which they enjoyed. Micah's soccer practice and Zane's soccer practice were canceled due to the weather which was a relief! That night Tim took Micah to his parents' to cut out Micah's pinewood derby car. They also sanded it and then painted it. Meanwhile Emily went with a friend to see the musical Pride and Prejudice that the high school is putting on. She loved it so now is a Jane Austen lover! She ended up going with my mom Saturday since she loved it so much. Timo, the little boys and I watched more March Madness--NCAA basketball tournament. Crazy stuff--Duke out and Ohio State out who were both 1st seeds! My bracket is toast but I love it! Go Butler and VCU!
Saturday Izak had a merit badge class that our stake was putting on at 9 AM, Micah had his first spring game at 9:30 AM in Lehi, Zane had his last week of Lil' Hoopsters in Pleasant Grove at 11:30 AM
Sunday I didn't feel well at first but by the time it was time to get ready for church I was feeling better and I am glad I went. The meetings were all great. The lady teaching Relief Society told about her daughter who is on the Lone Peak High School cheer squad. They went to California for a cheer competition and got to the finals. They dropped out because the finals were scheduled for Sunday--awesome girls eh? Unfortunately the only cheer teams ridiculing them for their decision were from Utah County, Utah! Yes, it's usually your own who make fun or put you down for living your religion. I am so proud of them--two are in our neighborhood. We had a Trek fireside kick off tonight, Taran and Timo are going. I wish I could go!
Here is a collage I made of Tim's family from our reunion last summer. I had an 8 x 10 made of it. I thought I'd share it. It turned out really cool--I thought. Have a fabulous week! Last one of March! I hope it warms up...more soccer coming!

1 comment:
Congrats to Taran getting accepted to BYU--that is awesome! Sorry the scholarship wasn't better, though. That was always frustrating to me when I was in college that they didn't take into account that I was trying to pay for it myself. But it did work out! I'm starting to feel panicked about the whole college application / scholarship / ACT / SAT thing! I have to keep reminding myself that it will all work out somehow!
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