So Monday no one was sick, yeah and there was no school. It was a snow day that we never used so we got it off! So we made big plans...not really. Taran got up early and worked on some of his online classes. I took Micah and Izak to do some scout requirements and shopping with their birthday money. We stopped at the bank--Micah's requirement then shopped they both got new athletic shoes with their money--mind you I just bought them new high tops the beginning of Jr Jazz, owell they put some money in savings and paid their tithing what can I say? Then I dropped off Micah and Izak and I went to the local National Forestry center so he could find out what they do etc as a federally funded entity. Can I tell you the more I know about what they do the more I think we could really streamline some of these things and save a ton of money! After that I made lunch for everyone then went ran to Walmart and got Megamind for the kids to watch. The weather was bit nasty so some of them didn't go outside. It was actually pretty funny. I went shopping to get things for the prizes I was in charge of for our school's March Math Madness program. And was home in time for fixing dinner then we watched Megamind for FHE! We got our dollar's worth from Redbox. And even Taran and Timowho rarely go to movies or watch them at home laughed at it! That night Zane coughed so hard he threw up, twice time for the codeine! Then he slept fine
So it was Stephanie's turn to go to the temple but she had sick kids and Zane was still coughing pretty strong. Micah was running a fever again. So I stayed home with them, it was fun for Gwen to have their company. I wasn't able to do the normal shopping until later when I picked up Emily from her Musical Theater and Theater Company tryouts. I dropped her off and ran to Costco and Target. That night was Micah's last Jr Jazz game so we let him go, his fever was gone but he was on ibuprofen too! Tim said that you could tell that he wasn't 100%.
Wednesday Micah still had a fever but Zane was better so he went to school. I had found out the day before I would need to do playgroup for Gwen and her friends and I also had the girl twin that day as well which worked with playgroup. Micah was up for awhile then by the time I got home with the girls he was in his room asleep and slept the whole time they were here. In the collage you can see a floor covered in books that is one of the many creations the girls did that day, a new carpet Gwen says...mom doesn't think so!:) When they left I went in and checked on him (I did every hour) and this time he was awake and said that he felt better. He still ran a slight fever the rest of the day and let us know at the end of the day his back gums were sore--we are thinking 10 year molars! That night I put together the prize bags--as much as I could for the Math program.
Thursday was St. Patrick's Day and the leprechaun's left candy (rolos and mints) in our shoes. It was also the rootbeer floats for the classes that won the March Math Madness challenge for their grade--both Izak and Zane's classes won. My friend Linda was in charge so I helped her along with other moms. Gwen ate lunch with Izak and he brought her to me when he went out to recess. She had fun seeing kids from the neighborhood and sitting with Izak and Zane while they had their floats. Gwen even got one! The teachers were very appreciative of the program, my friend had done a fabulous job. This was the first time our school has done this--we always have a reading program which we did in the fall, so she had a lot to learn and do! She is the type of person to ask to do this so it was great! But I don't think she'll do that again anytime soon! I got home with Gwen barely before the kids, we went around and announced winners in the classes after the rootbeer floats. I ate lunch then we were in a mad dash to get the absent homework done. I didn't make Micah do all of it but he was overwhelmed! Meanwhile Timo had his friends over working on their Spanish video--I was not aware of this until they all walked in the door! I made Irish Stew and Irish Soda Bread for dinner. It took me awhile to find recipes without Guinness (a beer) and red wine in them! They turned out really good and we had brownies and mint ice cream for dessert. Then BYU played their first NCAA game and won but it was not pretty! After watching Gonzaga destroy St John's BYU's hopes for advancing were looking slim! At about 11 PM I finally got the prizes from my friend who contacted businesses and got discount movie tickets and other prizes to give out to the kids in the bags I made up--over a hundred of them. We awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each class--35 classes, plus a few ties. We also had a participation prize for all the students who did it. I stayed up until 2:30 AM doing them! My friend's daughter's birthday was that day and her son the next so I don't fault her with getting the prizes to me late I could been more prepared for them than I was--live and learn! If you look in the photo collage Zane got his hair sprayed green at his friend's house--pretty fun. All the face shots didn't really show it very well.
Friday Gwen and I were back at the school giving out prize bags with my friend who got the prizes, we split up and took them around. Again the teachers complimented the program. The principal took the top boy and girl from EACH class out to lunch! He got a school bus and parents came with. I hear that the kids that went had a lot of fun! We ran to Walmart and then to pick up the twins, their mom got called in that night before. So we went to the grocery store and got free ice cream bars with tickets my friend had leftover for all the participants! They thought that was fun then we went home. I spent over an hour cleaning the kitchen because Timo had told me 3 times that they were filming at our house again right after school. BTW the movie turned out quite funny! Tim came home early to help Izak put together a rocket for his Space Exploration Merit Badge class. He ended up helping Izak's 2 friends since their parents were busy, it worked out just fine, more fun for Izak! I also made a card out of posterboard for our friend Jason who was turning 40 that day. It read "40 isn't old...if you are a TREE!" (I got it off the internet). His wife (the one in charge of the Math Program--yes she had a big week!) planned a few surprises for him. This card was for a dessert gathering at another friend's so people could sign it there later that night all the neighbors and their kids were invited--he's the YM President. She also had some of us gather for dinner at Texas Roadhouse--he was surprised. It was a blast too bad I forgot my camera! Taran even missed a camping trip with friends to be there--he also had a friend Chad's birthday that night and they went out to dinner. It was a long day but full good stuff!
Saturday Izak and 2 friends were going to their last week of merit badge classes at BYU and it was our turn to drive. Tim drove them down and another dad brought them home but he took them to lunch first--pretty fun! Meanwhile Zane had his little hoopsters clinic, which I want to see this week since Tim thinks it's such a kick! Then Emily had her championship Jr Jazz game. They won, but it was their closet game ever and lowest scoring game. Pretty fun. Tim took a photo of them with their trophies on his phone so the quality isn't too great. Then we got back in time to get ready for the BYU game. Timo was asked to Spring Fling by a girl named Lindy this is her in the collage with him. He had a blast, it was a dance but at an ice rink and so they could dance and skate and they mostly skated. He got a huge blister on his foot. Taran did not go he has a sort of girlfriend so no one would ask him and we feel like they need to not be too exclusive and they agree so she asked someone else to Spring Fling and he went with someone else to Sweethearts last month. But it still makes it so no one thinks they can ask you. They will be going to Prom together, I think. Taran is very realistic about it all and open so we feel okay with it right now. What's the problem some may ask? We just feel you limit your associations and experiences by being too exclusive at this young age. It also can invite other temptations down the road if you cross the line. Back to Saturday's BYU game, wow! What a game if you don't follow the NCAA mens basketball tournament you will not understand the excitement fun in BYU beating Gonzaga quite convincingly even though BYU was picked to lose. I actually started to cry when BYU went up by 20 with 8 minutes left. I had thought they could have a game like that it was just awesome that they did! My bracket really stinks-- lots of crazy games this year but I did pick BYU to win that game and I will be thrilled if they beat Florida! GOOOO cougars! Hopefully Jimmer wasn't jinxed by being on Sports Illustrated!
Sunday church was great, super talks, all of them! I taught, never quite sure about my lessons but I do work really hard on them! We had a nice Sunday I had Taran finish up on some Duty to God stuff and Izak did some scout stuff. Micah taught our devotional tonight it was unique! Anyway, have a fabulous week. I am hoping spring comes back! I want to get some pansies for my pots, I have a giftcard from my
birthday last year I should use!
2 things I forgot, sometime this week Emily found out she's in the Musical Theater class and Theater Company! We also got a weird call from BYU last week asking m=why she had not registered for the science fair there! Because she didn't win... well we have her stuff from the school district and she is suppose to come... does she not want to? No, we just didn't know. Well, register her right now and she can come. Okay, we will...weird...she's going to the science fair at BYU again! Apparently it's super fun so good for her! I wonder what happened, did they forget to call her name? Owell...
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