Monday: We let the little boys sleep in and then stay home because we had such a late night Sunday. They worked on piano and scouts and they are pretty much done at school so I didn't feel like it was a big deal! Tim fixed the washing machine and helped me with scouts. He taught them how to use a compass. We went to Thanksgiving Point Farm for Family Night and my parents joined us. It was fun and we rode the wagon instead of the ponies. Tim enjoyed feeding the horses hay...
Tuesday: I went to Izak's soccer game in Provo. Tim met up with us there. They played well but still lost--should have tied a couple of bad calls. Owell.
Wednesday: Taran took his AP Calculus test. He's hopeful he passed but we won't know until June. His teacher had breakfast for them--great teacher. After lunch I took Gwen, Zane and Marc to the Thanksgiving Point Farm they rode the horses and had a great time throwing the corn at the animals! They actually enjoyed playing in the play jail for about 45 minutes. I took Timo to his follow up on his ankle and he still needs to wear the air cast. He should have had his ankle casted for four weeks--he had a compression on one side. It was Cinco de Mayo so we had grilled steak tacos--marinated in a tangy lime marinade. It was yummy and we ended with Klondike's Chaco Taco. I was going to attempt a fried ice cream recipe I found with rice krispies. This was less work and not too pricey and everyone loved them! That night I started to feel even more miserable--my allergies and cold hit me hard at Thanksgiving Point Farm.
Thursday: I woke up feeling horrible so Tim worked from home and helped out with the running around to piano and such. Taran and Timo's team had a soccer game that night he coached--Timo didn't go, they won anyway. Izak's last game was that night but because I was sick he went with a friend. They lost. So the season is over. I also missed our Relief Society Activity that night that I wanted to attend! At least by sleeping and resting all day I felt way better.
Friday: Taran had his AP US History test which he felt more prepared for and is fairly confident he passed. I prepared for my scout camp out and then went to Muffins for Mom's at the elementary school. My awesome friend Stephanie watched Gwen at the last minute since Taran was not done in time. Zane was at Marc's.--they actually used our pass and went to the Dinosaur museum. He got in free and they got in at half price. The 2nd graders sing to their moms and then do some activities in the classroom with m & ms (me and mom) and have muffins. It was fun and the kids snag so cute! What a great tradition at that school! I went with Taran all the way through Micah so far! Zane and Gwen had a birthday party after school so I dropped them off and went over to our camp out to prepare. We had a great time and lots of parents helped. Tim rented Serenity and Fantastic Mr Fox. He said that Fantastic Mr. Fox was weird but funny--not much of a kid's show. Emily and friends set up a tent in our backyard and played in it until they had to leave. Timo and Taran's scouts troops were going camping together that night but neither could go Timo due to his ankle and Taran a State Choir competition the next morning, early. So Taran and Timo went with some friends to Macey's (grocery store)and got KING KONG CONES cheap twist cones that are HUGE. I got home in time to watch Hot Rod on Clearplay with them--crazy movie. Emily summed it up well,"I think I lost some brain cells watching that movie!" It does have some funny parts but overall strange! My scout cohort and I can't sleepover with the scouts, fortunately we had plenty of dads who helped us out.
Saturday I slept in so I missed the breakfast for my scouts. I hear it turned out great without me--no surprise! We had Zane, Emily and Micah's soccer games. All three of them scored. I missed Emily's when I took my mom out to lunch for Mother's Day at the Trellis. Gwen and my sister came too. It was fun and yummy. We also did a little shopping after. Emily and Izak also refereed. That afternoon we worked on tidying the house and Tim went Mother's Day shopping. Emily had a party for her friend Paige, who was Madi, birthday. They had a blast on some crazy scavenger hunt all over! That night Tim and I went on a date to see Ironman 2 with some of our friends from the neighborhood--it was a huge group. I was pleasantly surprised by how fun the movie was--I liked it as much as the first movie. I had VERY low expectations. I sat next to my friend Linda who organized it and we laughed all the way through--nice to have someone else who laughs with me--out loud! After Tim and I grabbed drinks at Sonic and stopped at Walmart for milk and such.
Sunday: Tim made me a yummy breakfast. Then we raced to church since it is at 9 AM. The meetings were great. I especially enjoyed the children singing for the mom's and little Gwen went up there and sang--you could barely see her face in front she is so little! Zane walked her up holding hands--precious! (Why don't my kids treat each other like they treat Gwen???) Seriously before church the 3 younger boys were wrestling and fighting...typical! Tim got a new calling, he is the Elder's Quorum Secretary. He had that calling in our last ward until we moved here and he was the EQ President in our young adult ward until we got married. He is kind of sad about not being the choir director anymore but is always willing to help in anyway. They haven't called anyone to take his place so he'll get to do Manly Choir. We got home and did my mother's day presents which were all great--those who call me will be happy to know we have a new home phone system Tim bought at Costco so now I won't sound like I am on the space shuttle anymore! I loved all the cool things the kids made at school for me, treasures! We went to my mom's for dinner, Teresa and the men prepared most of the meal: salmon, steak and chicken, roasted potatoes, raspberry salad, steamed vegetables, watermelon and rolls. Tim's parents came too and Charl and Katie's family. Keith was with Amber at her parents' since it was also her dad's birthday. We had a great meal and cheesecake and ice cream novelties for dessert--yummy! After Tim's parents left--to get home to phone calls. Jodi, our pseudo adopted sister, came too. We played Oodles which Jodi and Katie dominated but I was impressed with Emily and Taran's play. It was a great day and I very grateful for my mother and mother-in-law. Such amazing people and great examples to me. I am grateful I can be a mother and I love each of my kids so much. I feel greatly inadequate in my roll as mother I find it very challenging on so many levels! But has brought me closer to my Heavenly Father and helps me see how much he loves each of us. And that is a great gift. I hope you know how much He loves you and if you don't feel it...pray to feel it and you will. I know because I have. Have a great week!
Shoot, I knew Tim was put in EQ but I didn't even think about choir! Boy will we miss him!!!
Thanks Steph!
What a busy week and I'm sure that's what all the weeks are like!! You are so great at making everything happen. I hate allergy season, mine is kicking in too!! Is that sister a twin? You two have exactly the same facial features, love it!!
not a twin but we get that a ot!
Hope you are feeling better this week.
Good luck to Tim with the new calling! We had Chinese food on Cinco de Mayo because I forgot what day it was...but then, I didn't serve my mission in Mexico; what can you expect? (yes, I know you didn't go to Mexico either...)
but I grew up in California!:)
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