So it was another busy week with Taran and Timo had choir concerts which were enjoyable and all the grandparents and aunt Teresa came too! The elementary kids had their dance festival which ended up in the high school gym instead of outside since the weather has been very unpredictable--global warming, I want some! It was very cute and my neighbor got there an hour early and saved seats for those of us not up to sitting for an hour extra! My mom, Taran, Tim, Gwen and I went to that. It was really cute and do I dare say the best one overall. What I mean is that ALL the dances were good not just the ones my kids were in! Zane did the macarena, Micah and under the sea dance, Izak Pirates of the Caribbean and Emily Hoe Down Throw Down. We had our last soccer games this week as well and the weather made those interesting but in the end it was a decent weather day. Timo pent about 30 plus hours on a Spanish video assignment. So we saw a lot of his friends and we had some late nights as they finished up and he edited. Taran was a little sick with the cold I had and now is better. The 6th grade had a talent show and Emily and her friend sang a song from Brother Bear "Tell Everybody I'm On My Way". Her soccer team had a party Friday after their last game. I was able to fit in a trip to the temple which was nice. Taran and his friends have been going every week after school so he doesn't have to get up early when Tim takes Emily and Timo! Very proud of him for doing that with them every week with tests and such.
Monday I was able to go to Heber with Tim's parents and sister Amy to see the cabins and facilities of the reunion site they got. It is going to be so fun! It really made it more real and I couldn't wait to tell our kids about how nice it will be. This definitely Tim's way of camping! So it seem everything is coming up so soon!
Well, this it the last week of school. No homework for most kids but Taran has finals Monday-Wednesday. I am so glad!!! YEAH! Have a great week!
I love Gwens ruffle skirt!! So glad it's the end of the school year, summer will be so nice!!
Almost done...almost done...almost done!
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