We woke up to snow Monday morning. It was supper heavy and weighed down the bushes and trees. We had to knock the snow off with a stick a couple of times. It was a lot more than the photo I took in the collage shows since that was just after an hour of snow and it snowed much longer than that! When I went out to take the picture a bird flew into our house! That was great excitement. Tim finally got it to go out with a broom coaxing it. Luckily it didn't freak out and poo everywhere.
Tuesday it was nice enough that Zane and Gwen ate lunch outside--I had mopped so I made them but it was a nicer day for sure. Timo ran a lacrosse practice for Izak's team--he's helping Tim out with it! Timo got an award at the junior high for his GPA all 3 years 3.97 and his Spanish teacher gave him the department award for excellence in Spanish--we thought that was funny! I had a bridal shower that night too. Tim had EQ meeting that night and visiting.
Wednesday Timo went to Boondocks (place with mini golf, laser tag, go carts and an arcade) with other 9th graders from his school--they took the bus thankfully. He had a good time. Gwen went to her friend Sophie's and I went to 6th grade Promotion. Yep, our school does that! Quite a few kids from our neighborhood spoke and got awards. Then the 6th graders played games after that. Zane went to a friend's so I didn't have to worry about getting back. Emily had a class party at a girl's house in her class who has a pool. She gave a party last year too. Emily had a lot of fun.
Thursday was that last day for Taran and Timo. Timo's school had their 5k run and Timo walked it and deliberately came in last. He was wearing his air cast so they didn't pressure him--it took him over an hour! Some of his friends walked back with him too. Funny kids. Underachievers unite! I took Zane, Marc and Gwen to the Children's Discovery Garden at Thanksgiving Point. It wasn't the warmest but better than some days so they didn't totally freeze when the wind blew. I took photos of the garden there you see in the collage and the kids on Noah's Ark and a bear. They loved it! Emily got a Presidential Academic Excellence Award and a Presidential Fitness Award during their last assembly, good job! Taran and his friends played softball after school. Timo did lacrosse practice again. Taran also had young mens at an assisted living place near our house. Then he went up the canyon with friends and to a dance at the high school. I got to see an old friend from our neighborhood who came to visit it was fun--I took a picture of Izak and her son since they were friends since they were little. When I got home we had a bunch of teenagers, mostly Taran's friends, eating cereal in our kitchen. Tim hung out with them. I had to encourage them to go home, since Tim had to work the next day!
Friday the little kids didn't have to go until 8:45 AM. I ran to Walmart since Taran and Timo were home to watch Gwen. I had to get 125 buns for the annual schools out party in our neighborhood. It was great fun with hot dogs, chips, treats, fruits and veggies, water and otter pops. They had 2 water slides and a dunking machine this year. Emily went to part of it and then I took her and her friend to a party in Alpine hosted by a girl from their class. She had a lot of fun! That afternoon we picked up our van to take it to my parents so it could get fixed--a little more. We had to pay for the transmission to get fixed over $2000. Yes that is not what we wanted that money used for! But it has a valve problem that our mechanic is going to fix--hopefully soon! Tim worked from home after that. The trampoline got a huge hole in it so it will need to be replaced soon!Money, money! Timo's friend John's mom put together a BBQ for the 9th graders. Unfortunately the nice weather didn't hold. It was okay enough to eat and they played a couple games and went inside. Tim made homemade ice cream for it--it's a photo in the collage. Notice the sweatshirt. Homemade ice cream is still great even if you are freezing! We enjoyed hanging out with the parents while the teenagers watched a movie. Taran went to Graduation because he had to sing with the choir. He and his friends who also sang went out to eat after so even though they had to sit through a LONG program I think they had fun in the end. Izak and Micah had a lateover with their friends and watched the new Alice in Wonderland which they liked but said that it was weird. Emily watched Zane and Gwen who crashed at 7:30 PM due to all the fun earlier in the day--they watched a movie before so they didn't feel left out any fun. Tim and Emily watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. I exercised instead.
Saturday no soccer but SUPER cold. So Tim went out and got the old trampoline pad off and the put the springs in a box. We plan to order one soon--our kids use it every day! He also mowed & trimmed since it looked like it might rain. I worked on the inside with the kids. Then I went with my sister to Midway to a place called the Barn. She was hoping to get a vase on sale--they were advertising a sale but it was not on sale but she got it anyway it seemed less than when she went last time. She was going to babysit my brother's kids at my mom's since the restaurant is near it so we went to my mom's. I played with my niece and nephew while Teresa took care of the new baby. It was really fun! Tim came and helped out by mowing the lawn--Taran or Timo were going to do it but by the time we had the day figured out they couldn't go because they were going to dinner with friends--I think some girls set this up. Tim brought me home. We stopped for dinner on the way home. Then some of the kids were at our house playing games until 10:30 PM--who says you can't fun without alcohol? They were laughing all night! Tim gave all the little boys hair cut and Gwen a trim. I ran to Old Navy to get Izak some church pants and came out with pants and t-shirts for our family picture this summer. The t-shirts were for the boys and guys $5! I couldn't pass it up!
Tim accidentally moved his alarm clock time up an hour so we got up and going way too early! So we are all tired today! Zane got to share his testimony today in Primary and it was very sweet! Tim and Timo are hometeaching and Taran went today and our hometeachers came too. It's kind of weird not to have choir here at our house anymore!
I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day! Remember those who fought that you could enjoy this day with family and friends!
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