Monday I woke up at 2 AM with a really, really bad sore throat. I took some Tylenol and went back to bed. I decided not to go to the school and help until I knew I didn't have strep. Tim took a sick day and watched Gwen while I went to the Urgent Care since my doctor never has appointments available. It came back negative but the doctor gave me a steroid liquid to swallow. It was nasty, but it helped a ton. I ran some errands for scouts and went home and rested. I had scouts that afternoon, more our last week of first aid. Emily went to a friend's who lives on the way to Taran's work so it was easy to accommodate. Zane did our activity even though Taran taught our devotional. We played four corners. After scouts I was wiped out but as we did our family night activity I started feeling better.
Tuesday I felt better, not a 100% but better. I watched Zoe so Stephanie could go to the temple. So I took Gwen and Zoe to the store and we got Tangled. Yes, we love that movie. They had fun watching it. We have enjoyed it ever since! Then Stephanie took Gwen and Zoe with her to visit a pony--Gwen wouldn't ride or touch it. But she was very excited to tell me about it. It was a blessing. I actually took a little nap. That night was the pinewood derby and Micah's soccer game in Eagle mountain--40 minutes away. So he went to the game and got there at the end to race his car against his friends. He was okay with it which was a relief. He had had a freak out before he left for the game but I was able to pray with him and he calmed down enough to be reasonable. The Power of Prayer! I ran to a couple of stores that night after the pinewood derby. Tim had a mens basketball game and they won the championship--he is excited they have regional games.
Wednesday Gwen had preschool and playgroup. I was able to get the last things Taran needed for his trip. We gave him his birthday present, a camera, early. Hopefully it will last him through his mission. Izak had a soccer game that I had to take him to before I dropped Taran off at the school--he was going on choir tour for the A Capella choir to San Fransisco. Then I had a Court of Honor that night and our scouts had the flag ceremony. Tim went to Izak's game and brought him to the Court of Honor. Izak had earned 2 merit badges and his Scout rank and he's only been in since the beginning of the month! It helps that he has motivated friends he can do it with!
Thursday I wanted to just stay home and do stuff around here. I was still not feeling totally healthy. The weather was beautiful so Gwen blew bubbles and jumped on the trampoline outside that day! That evening Izak had another soccer game and we got him a ride since it was Zane's 1st grade music program. It was darling! It was patriotic. My parents came, I had forgotten to tell the grandparents but I happened to be talking to her and told her. Afterward we got soft ice cream cones from the grocery store. This was Zane's suggestion which we all agreed that it would be fun idea. Izak was home by then so he joined us too. Timo felt he had too much homework to go. That night he had a YM basketball game which they won.
Friday I wondered how I might get everything ready for our camp out that afternoon evening. I made sure I did not miss my morning prayers and I feel I was greatly blessed with accomplishing all I needed within less time than I thought I would. Does God care about our little concerns? I say He does! Gwen and I went across the street to our new neighbor and invited the preschool children over for lunch and to play. Gwen was thrilled to make friends with them and they are very cute boys. When the other boys came home they enjoyed playing with the older one (he is 5 and the other is 2). I was able to finish getting things ready for the camp out and then help Izak pack for the camp out. Timo has had to work for Taran while he is gone--thank goodness he knows what to do! But I had to leave at 4 PM to start our camp out--we set up tents and teach skills--actually the older scouts teach, we guide. The dads come by 7 Pm for dinner. Tim was there, which was fun! He had had to take Emily to a basketball team party at her coaches before. She had a lot of fun. I got home around 11 PM. Emily got a ride home and she got home after that. Since my co-scout leader and I are women we aren't allowed to spend the night. So we are blessed with some dads to spend the night--not all spent the night.
I got up at 6 AM to make special syrup for our scout breakfast--the boys plan the menu and cook it. I showered which helped my sore throat and went over and got everyone up--we camp in my co-leader's backyard. It was delicious! The dads loved our meals! But all the credit goes to the boys. Tim had Zane's game at 8 AM and I had to get Emily and Izak to referee soccer games at 8 AM. I went back and helped clean up after I dropped them off. When Tim got home we went can got our tent. We all struggled to stay awake because of the late night early morning. But I always love conference. I am looking forward to reading the talks. I find they strengthen my testimony and faith which make we feel more peace and joy. Of course the kids tend to interrupt and test my patience and this year I wasn't as prepared with what I was going to do with them. Our Primary brought a packet around for all the Primary kids to do but they didn't want to do them until Sunday! Micah had a game in between sessions so Tim took him and I got lunch for the kids. When he got back we put away the tent. After the second session I got dinner for the kids and I (a large sub sandwich from Walmart) since Tim took Timo out to dinner before Priesthood session. The kids played with friends until dinner. After we ate dinner I fertilized the grass. It started raining. After baths and tidying up we went to Tim's parents where we met up with his siblings their kids and our adult nieces who live here. It was fun and the men met up with us after the Priesthood session. We had rootbeer floats and visited some more. We met Stan a guy Erin has gone out with a few times or more lately. He seems pretty cool. Tim talked to Taran when we got home after the kids were all in bed. He is having a great experience! We are so glad. He and 3 other guys from their choir were watching the Priesthood session at a Stake Center and the signal went out so they sang Nearer thy God to Thee to the congregation! I thought that was cool!
Today we tried to sleep in a little. We woke up to SNOW! Utah has crazy springs! We did manage scriptures and prayers before the first session. In between sessions we watched a byutv show about a family with 21 adopted kids and about the Eagle Eye program--check it out I don't have time to write about it here. Amazing stories and every inspiring it made me cry! We are planning on staying here for dinner so I am cooking a ham I had in the freezer. It smells good! The snow has melted now and everything is greener. So grateful for living prophets to guide us and strengthen our faith and understanding. Conference is truly a blessing in my life and I hope my kids come to feel that way too. Have a great week! We have one week and then it's spring break!
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