Today our oldest is 18 today! We have enjoyed many happy moments with him over the years. There have been moments of frustration and such of course but really we can not complain about the great adult he is turning out to be!
This week we have had Christmas weather. It's starting to bug me. I didn't take photos, maybe I should have for proof. This week I don't feel like writing a ton. We had the usual scouts, piano and soccer. I had meetings almost every night. Let's see highlights:
Monday: my scouts did a mock first aid/accident activity, we watched the NCAA Men's championship basketball game--what a let down of a game! Taran got home around 11:30 PM from Choir Tour to San Francisco. We talked until 1 AM , he had a great time!
Tuesday: I went to the temple, highlight for me, that night Tim took Izak and his friends to a city council meeting for the Citizenship in the Nation MB.
Wednesday: my visiting teacher came over, it was a nice visit, I ran errands while Gwen was at preschool and playgroup, that night I had a choir parents board meeting at the high school and brought home some clothes that the teacher needed washed from a performance, Izak's team won their soccer game
Thursday: I found out the father of one of my good friends from high school had died. He was from Logan and had moved back from California. He was a really great guy. I babysat the twins and did the laundry from the choir, I had roundtable a scout meeting, I ended up sharing ideas that we use with a couple of new scout leaders that had come, you know me I like to share! Izak had another soccer game and the older boys a church ball game that ended in a loss--this was the tournament so they are done too bad the ward they played has a bunch of punks on the team (swearing and playing dirty--what's up with that? the only boys like that in the stake). Timo has bruises all over from it.
Friday: I took back the clean laundry to the choir teacher, she was thrilled! I feel bad she feels like she has to do so much! Gwen had a friend over when we got back. Taran registered for the dorms that day. Shipp Hall in Heritage, right by the Creamery! That afternoon I took Izak and some of his friends to do service at the local goodwill (DI). They gave a tour, it was actually a very powerful experience for me to see how much our church does to relieve the suffering of others and to help them become self reliant. Tears welled up in my eyes as they explained different things. Powerful. Tim and I went out to dinner and basketball shoe shopping meanwhile one of the moms (Stephanie) had all the scout boys I had taken to DI come over after dinner to watch a movie another prerequisite for the Citizenship MB about someone who has made a difference in their community. They watched the Otherside of Heaven.
Saturday:My mom picked me up before 7:30 AM to drive to Logan to the funeral of my friend's dad. Her dad had been a counselor to my dad in the bishopric and her mom my YW President. We knew them well so we went. We picked up my sister on the way. We had a nice visit in the car in spite of the blizzard we made it in good time and safely. It was so nice to see Sherisse and her family. We had a nice visit before and were able to see some other Chicoans that live out here now. We had to hurry back because my dad's cousin from England was coming to my parent's house for a family gathering at 2 PM. My brother had gone over to my mom's to help him out until my mom got back. Tim and I headed over and we had a nice visit then we went shopping for Taran for his birthday and bought him a small something he wanted so he could open it today. Then back home...Tim, Emily and I were teaching today so we were finishing up our lessons. We watched Evan Almighty on Clearplay that night==Steve Carell is so dang funny! Love HIM! It was cute.
Sunday: Gwen woke us in the night with an earache. We gave her ibuprofen and some ear drops we had left over that numb. She woke up feeling great. During church it started oozing. I had cleaned it that morning so I knew it wasn't leftover from the drops. Since she said she had no pain we went on ahead since Tim and I both had to teach. After church it really bugged her so I called and got her an appointment with the after hours doctor. We had Taran open his small gift--I also found some cheap stuff for his apartment (we had given him a simple point & shoot camera before his tour as an early gift). The difference between boys and girls: Timo said, "How depressing!" When he saw them! I would have been ecstatic!

Spring break starts tomorrow so the little kids are sleeping in the playroom downstairs. That should be interesting! We hope to do some fun stuff. Hopefully the weather cooperates some!
Taran and Gwen look so much alike! 18! Wow! Now you have another adult in the family. It sure sounds like he is a great kid. What a busy life! Your parents look so good. I'm sorry about your dad. I don't know who you are talking about from Chico that passed away?
Yes they do.
Sherisse was my age, her mom taught piano to a lot of kids--the Nations, Halls...Her dad was a dentist? Anyway, they lived more toward Chico Jr/High than your end of town.
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