I am short on time so this may be a shorter post! Of course I tried to sneak preparations for Christmas Day in as much as I could. Still not quite done. Tim and I helped out with many school projects instead of wrapping presents! Owell...But I did watch Zoe so Stephanie could go to the temple this week, then another day I had Zoe and Sophie over for playgroup and we made Christmas sugar cookies and frosted them. I forgot to include those photos in the collage. We got teacher gifts ready and some friend gifts ready for those who aren't the neighborhood. Thursday night Timo and Taran had their choir concert. It was great despite their grumblings that it wasn't going to be very good! Granny and Grandpa were able to come. I helped with Micah's class party, Gwen came with since I had no where to take her. It was fun. Friday we left for Salt Lake around 4 PM. We stayed in a hotel a few blocks from Temple Square that had an indoor pool and full breakfast included. Teresa and my parents came as well. Of course there was some fiasco before but all in all we made it and you will understand when I write: teenagers. We ate dinner at the Wendy's next to the hotel so we could get to Temple Square fast. As it turned out the traffic was horrendous so Teresa came up to drive while my mom, Emily, Tim and I jumped out. We headed over to the Mormon Tabernacle choir concert with guest artists David Archuleta and Michael York. After parking Teresa was awesome and took the kids around to see the lights on Temple Square and the Visitor's Center. Then they went back to the hotel where my dad was hanging out--it was good he didn't come since it was so crowded. The rest of us barely made it inside the Conference Center before 7 PM--if you haven't scanned your ticket before then you lose your seats. The standby line was amazingly long. When we got in people had sat in our section, it was full so we had to sit in another section and the only sections left were the far sides, next to the wall. Despite the terrible seating--we couldn't hear the choir very well and we couldn't even see the men in choir since we were on the far right side--it was amazing. I am not really a fan of David Archuleta, I don't hate him or anything, but he was amazing. He seems very humble and down to earth. Michael York told an awesome story about how the choir was formed...it started with a Welsh immigrant. He also read the Luke 2 account of Christ's birth. We thoroughly enjoyed it, I feel bad for anyone who may not have heard the choir from another spot because it is so amazing! I just love going to the Christmas concert. We walked through the lights and visitor's center on Temple Square on our way home. We just walked home since the weather was fine and the hotel was close enough 5 blocks or so. We took the kids swimming when we got back. In the morning we took them again before we left. Timo had a study group and Taran had to work. He only had enough time to take out the garbages at the school that were the worse. Emily and Gwen made graham cracker houses, Emily made Mordor and Gwen made a zookeeper's house. They decorated them at my cousin Hiedi's where all her sisters congregated as well, my brother Charl and his family and Keith and Amber showed up later. It was fun. On our way out Emily tripped and dropped Gwen's and then I picked up hers to bring and the tower came off. So there were tears. Meanwhile the Tim and the 3 boys went to his parents' to watch the BYU vs UTEP football game in the Nevada Bowl which BYU dominated. Nice to end the season that way. We got the kids fed and ready for bed and then we left Izak in charge of the younger guys--they watched Home Alone. Our new neighbors across the street invited us to go caroling with them so Emily and Taran came--Timo declined and stayed at a friend's. We had a lot of fun and they had a lot of yummy food! Tim and I left so Izak didn't need to be in charge so long. I ran to Smith's for milk and some Christmas shopping. A little closer to being done! We got to bed late, putting away laundry...Today was the Christmas program. It was amazing! The spirit was strong. I taught my class, which I was glad to do since it was about how the prophets had prophesied about Christ's coming from Adam to John the Baptist. I have enjoyed teaching the Old Testament most of this year. It has strengthened my testimony. I hope these young people have learned and gained a testimony of Christ in the Old Testament. Tim and Timo went hometeaching and our hometeachers came. We are all so tired that we napped after they left. Izak actually fell asleep during their visit! I can't believe we have less than a week. My kids are excited! I have some ideas of fun things to do this week. We may get to them or not! It has to be non-stressful, holidays need to be about creating good memories and not forcing it. May you anticipate Christmas with joy and love in your heart! Merry Christmas!
You're the best Rachelle! So much to do and you just tackle it. Of course, my favorite line of the whole post was "watched Zoe so Steph could go to the temple." That has been such an enormous blessing in my life...our lives. I love you!!!
Steph, I feel the same about you! You are the best! Thanks!
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