So Monday I did my usual helping in Zane and Micah's classes. Tim had stayed home because he wasn't feeling totally regular, if you get my inference there! I ran to the store and got some liquids for him after helping at the school. I had scouts in the afternoon. For family night we drove around and looked at the Christmas lights on the homes in nearby neighborhoods. We found one that rivals the Griswalds in Christmas Vacation—they have Santa on the roof AND a neon Elf or Santa (I couldn't tell) dropping presents from a rocket ship hanging from a wire strung from the lamppost to the house besides a gazillion neon holiday things in the yard and Christmas lights on the house. This was a large, new, fancy house which proves tackiness is prevalent in all social classes. Taran had Madrigal again that night and my parents attended and thoroughly enjoyed it!
Tuesday I went to the temple. That was a really nice experience. I love going during Christmas, it helps me have the true feeling of closeness to our Savior. My friend Stephanie, who had Gwen, took her to a park and stuff so I had some extra time. I was going to go shopping but then thought I can take Gwen shopping but I hate ignoring her when I am on a project. So I finished up a Christmas project I was working on, that was a RELIEF! I felt light and so happy! That night Timo had basketball practice and Emily and Tim went to the last night of Madrigals. They enjoyed it. I had to take Timo with all the kids and then he got a ride home. Tim played basketball with the men that night.
Wednesday I drove the little girls to preschool and then helped my friend Linda who is getting ready to pick up her daughter on her mission in England. She has been battling breast cancer the last four months and now she's battling getting her body back to normal. To top it off she has diabetes and epilepsy! Because of the chemo she has become dehydrated and triggered her body to seize! Anyway, we are all praying she has the health to travel this coming week. I finished helping her in time to get Gwen and Zoe. Usually we have playgroup but I had 2 conflicts so I am doing it next week. Taran watched Gwen while I went to Micah's class to read 3 short Christmas books. I was the mystery reader, it was fun! Then Emily's CTE class invited preschoolers to class that day so they could play games with them etc. Gwen had a lot of fun. I was late picking her up so she road the bus with Emily—I am just lucky the bus driver loves in our neighborhood because I don't think they normally let them. That evening I had 2 meetings, Emily and Timo had a concert at the junior to go to. So I took them and their friends and picked them up and missed one meeting. After my other meeting I went to the store since I hadn't been able to go Tuesday! Timo had his second basketball game at 9 PM.
Thursday I spent time on the phone getting Gwen's preschool for next year figured out. I am relieved I did and I am really excited about it too. My visiting teachers came over and we had a nice visit. After lunch Gwen and I went on the quest for some ugly sweaters! We finally found some at Savers. Then we bought some things for the dance, royal icing mix, paper plates, candy and soda. The boys and their dates were making graham cracker houses. I got home in time to make soup. One of my visiting teachers gave us a French bread shaped like a candy cane and it was red and green and it was yummy and went well with soup. I also had to make no bake cookies for pack meeting that night as well.
Saturday Taran had a singing gig that morning at 9 AM. He had Tim drive him since he was so tired. He got a ride back. Tim, Emily and I went to my mom's and helped her out. Emily helped with Christmas stuff inside and Tim and I raked leaves and bagged them with Izak's help and then we helped with lights in her yard. Then we came home and I put lights on my bushes and one tree—I am ready for snow because it helps it look so Christmasy! We have had lots of rain instead. I feel like we are having a northern California winter! Taran and his friend made t-shirts for their Dodgeball team. They did pretty good but missed the ward Christmas party. Our ward Christmas party was after lunch, it was service activity. We made blocks (over 500), put together, hygiene kits, newborn kits, school kits, and about 6 other different stations that I didn't get to helping. I was over the newborn kits, then I went and helped with the blocks after that. They had yummy sugar cookies and gingerbread men & women cookies, and Clementines for refreshments. It was fun and organized and a great experience! I know they spent A LOT of time on preparing for it and you could tell but it was the best activity in my experience! Taran had work and then 2 singing gigs. Timo had another friend's 16th birthday party, this was for a girl and it was a surprise. He had a blast.
Today was church and I didn't sub or teach my class but got to sit with Tim in Sunday School. Sacrament Meeting was so great, the speakers were terrific. The lessons were equally as good. Tonight is our stake Choirside,which we are excited to go to. Tim calls it battle of the ward choirs! I love Christmas music and this will be a great event to attend.
We have Taran and Timo's choir concert this week, it should be excellent. Friday is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert with David Archuleta, we are very excited about that! Fun times still to come and a great Christmas season to be had! Hopefully you are feeling the love! If not read last week's post at the end. It may help you as it has so many of us, including me!
Rachelle, you are amazing! I am tired just reading all of that.
me too!;)
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