Monday morning at 1 AM my tooth woke me up and I never got back to sleep. Luckily the endodontist had a cancellation and I got in at 11:30 AM. Tim stayed home and took a sick day. He and Gwen dropped me off and went looking for a new washer. It was very painful getting the shots for the numbing but once the numbing kicked in I was feeling a lot better. By then my cheek was quite swollen. Tim got me a milkshake on our way home. I missed scouts since I couldn't talk for awhile. The numbness wore off bout 4 PM. Luckily my co-leader did it at her house so the boys didn't miss out. The rest is fuzzy to me...someone just reminded me that we watched half of Private Eyes--Zane taught a lesson and that was the activity. Tim took me to get some things for Gwen's birthday party the next day.
Tuesday was Gwen's party. She invited 4 friends and her cousin (who is also her friend) Holly. It was a princess party. She wanted cupcakes and I made crowns out of airhead candy--the idea on Family Fun suggested laffy taffy. I should have stuck with the laffy taffy, these got too warm and melted. We made crowns, painted finger nails, made dance ribbons, danced and played games. We ended just in time. It was a simple party that went fast. My mom came and helped out since Tim couldn't get the time off. We had it early in the week because 2 of her friends were gone on her birthday. I chose during school because after school is always so crazy at our house. She had a great time and apparently so did they, so I am glad. That afternoon I started feeling sick. I caught the cold Gwen had caught Sunday. Emily came home under the weather so she missed her flag football game. Tim took some of the kids to Taran and Timo's flag football game. I did manage to get something together for dinner.
Wednesday Gwen had preschool and Tim I planned to go check out some washers then. I felt a little better than the night before. After I dropped of Gwen and Zoe we went and the used appliance place we went to was closed. So we went to my mom's to pick up laundry she had started doing on Tuesday and drop some more off. With 9 of us you have to realize that the laundry piles up FAST! But I really could not worry about it at the time because of everything else going on. My neighbor called and needed me to watch her twin 5 year olds while she and her older kids went to Salt Lake to see her husband sworn in as an attorney. Since Gwen's friend Sophie was suppose to come over that day anyway, I figured why not? So we picked them up after getting the laundry and then picked up Gwen and Zoe and then picked up Sophie and dropped off Zoe. They played nicely most of the time. Tim went to Salt Lake to fix some things up there and guys were out of his office at meetings somewhere so he was flexible in the morning. That night was a high school football game since there was no school the rest of the week for Fall Break. Taran and Timo went to that and Emily watched the other kids so we could go on a little date. We actually ended up getting some shopping down for Gwen's birthday. Then we got ice cream after.
Thursday my nephews came over because their mom (Shellie) had to take their brother to Primary Chidlren's hospital for some appointment that took a good part of the day. The kids had fun. The Crane cousins came over for a little bit too. Emily had a friend Tiffany over since Tiffany was going to be gone on Emily's birthday so she wanted to spend time with her then. I was in and out getting stuff for Emily's birthday since we had a funeral on Gwen's birthday. I also had to drive Micah down to Tim in Orem so he could take him to Payson for a soccer game. They won. We would have all gone but the cousins were still there so we didn't. Taran had to work from 6 AM-1 PM so he headed out to friends at 3:30 PM, they were goofing around with music. Timo and his friends hung out.
Friday was Gwen's 4th birthday and she chose donuts for breakfast and chocolate milk. She liked her presents. She went to lunch with Granny while we were at the funeral. An elderly woman in our neighborhood/ward died Monday night. She had dementia from strokes, and it finally killed her. This was a great blessing for her and her family. In the funeral they said that she said towards the end "Get me out of here!" This was amazing because she had not been able to speak for months. Her husband had made homemade ice cream for the kids in the neighborhood so all the children loved them. He asked the children to sing I Am A Child of God. Tim, Taran, Timo, Emily and another lady sang a song he picked as well. So we were all there. It was long and I worried my mom would be waiting with Gwen but we beat them home. I got the kids special lunch for singing and being so good at Walmart--nothing exciting just different! We had macaroni and cheese for dinner with Totinos pizza and rootbeer--4 year olds! After dinner we cleaned up and the Louw side came for cupcakes and ice cream--yes I made more cupcakes. She loved her presents and Emily got hers a day early which she also enjoyed. The kids watched How to Train Your Dragon and us adults visited. It was very fun. after they left we got ready for Emily's birthday.
Saturday I got up early to finish some things for my lessons on Sunday. Yes, I taught 2 classes. Anyway, Emily opened her presents and then Tim took her to breakfast at Kneaders. She got a raspberry filled croissant and a yogurt parfait and juice. Then my mom (granny) took her to lunch and shopping. I picked up my niece Maddie and then we picked up Emily in Orem with my mom at the mall. We headed down to Provo to my niece Erika's beauty school. We were late because I had a MAJOR detour on my way to get Emily--hard not to do now in Utah County these days! Anyway, they got facials and an updo and looked beautiful because the are anyway! Hopefully that was fun for them. We ran to pick up pizza Emily had chosen for dinner. About that time my cold/flu symptoms started to rear their ugly head. I managed to get to Tim's parents and feed the kids. We celebrated not just Emily's birthday but all the Pew side October birthdays. So that meant: Shellie, Daniel, Erin, Gwen and Emily. Highlight was that Grandma made Gwen the cutest pink dress with a pinafore--check it out in the collage. We had cupcakes and ice cream, AGAIN. After cleaning up I headed home and bought Nyquil at our Walmart because I knew I would need it. I came home and took it. The kids watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid while Tim got our laundry room ready for the new washer which was going to be delivered about 9 PM. I worked on a few things I still needed for my lessons. Taran had left the family party to go to his friend Brenna's birthday party that sounded like QUITE the party. Tim and I were asleep when Taran got home. Timo ended up at home since all his guys were not doing anything interesting--at least the ones in town. Emily watched her favorite Lord of The Rings movie--I am not sure which it was, #3? Anyway...
Today I was able to teach the 2 lessons I prepared--I was not sure but showering helped me feel better. I had told my neighbors I would teach for them because I had taught last week. My co-teacher needed me to teach too and I feel responsible to them so I decided to do both esp since they share the same classroom, it was easy. Tim was going to sit with the junior primary class but Zane caught the cold and so he told someone and took him home. I don't think I'll ever agree to teach 2 lessons in a week, it was very hard to feel inspired about either but I think they went well anyway. I came home and crashed after lunch. Tim cooked dinner and did a good job. It was nice to rest and I feel a little bit better. I hope I can really rest tonight and feel even better tomorrow!
Have a great week! Fall is coming upon us, we had beautiful weather all week and it is suppose to change tomorrow.
1 comment:
I hope you feel better soon! It is no fun to be sick; especially when you're a mom because you don't get to relax much!
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