Not a lot of time to write this week.
Main highlights:
Taran's Chamber Choir Disney Concert so fun for Family Night thanks to all the family who supported it!
First snow of this fall/winter on Wednesday
Gwen's indoor Halloween parade at preschool because of the snow
Taran and Timo's Fall Concert~this was all the choirs at the high school, it was amazing! Just a little late...
Halloween costume frenzy the night before dressing up at school
Friday straightened Taran's hair for his 'costume', younger kids trick or treated Tim's work
Emily had play practice most of the week and her last Flag Football game which they won and placed 3rd!
Halloween Parade at the elementary school, Gwen and I enjoyed it
Planted 10 raspberry plants and daisy plants all starts from a great neighbor
Had our Halloween weird food menu Friday night...worm sandwiches, goblin toenails, chicken brains and bat eyes...
Watched HP 1 Friday in preparation for HP 7 part 1 that comes out on Timo's birthday
Tim and I went Christmas shopping--yes we did. We are almost done with our kids!
Emily and younger trick-or-treated the grandparents, by the time we got home it was pouring rain...check out Gwen in her cape/cloak, Izak & Micah and friends with black plastic bags over them, Emily went to a Halloween Party, Taran went to 2 parties and Timo trick-or-treated the wealthy side of the valley with friends and were fed Hot Dogs, hot chocolate and large candy bars! Little boys watched Private Eyes with their friends and had pizza, apple beer...
I started HP2 once I thought trick or treat-or-treaters where done and folded laundry
Today for actual Halloween we had a yummy salmon feast and cupcakes and "boo shakes"
We also had a lesson on gratitude and we are really trying to ramp it up this year and be more grateful! Happy Halloween and Happy November!
PS Micah is the cow master, yeah whatever! We didn't get around to carving our pumpkins... muddling!
We didn't get around to carving our pumpkins, either! (Or painting them...they are still just plain pumpkins!)
That is funny about the pumpkins--us too! They are going to be pumpkin pies instead of jack 'o lanterns!
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