Let's see I don't think I'll go into every detail but maybe list what we did so you might get idea what in the heck all these photos are from in the collage. We had hoped to go to sunny California but it didn't quite fall into place. But I think we had a a lot of fun any way, snow and all!
Monday: 3D dinosaur movie w/ my dad, Taran got asked to Spring Fling by Kelsey (Homecoming Queen), he is shocked I was not...FHE Final of the NCAA basketball tournament...Butler soooo close Izak wins our family 'pool' he picked Duke, later Taran and friends went bowling
Tuesday: back to the Dinosaur Museum to see it w/my dad and some friends of the kids whose dad was in China over the break, Taran replied to Kelsey, yes, of course! Timo went to Alice in Wonderland with a friend...Izak played lazertag with friends, Taran and friends watched the Jazz game and Timo did too with his friends
Wednesday: I went to Gardner Village with Emily, my sister and mom. Dad went to the Planetarium with his brother, Tim took little kids and a friend to Kangaroo Zoo (indoor inflatable toys place) and older kids mini-golfing, Timo and friends played basketball and night games awhile, Taran hung with friends all over, Tim and I went to a BYU Synthesis Concert (Jazz), they were celebrating KBYU Classical 89's 50th year so all their songs were Jazz versions of classical songs--very fun!
Thursday: we went to the actual zoo because it was the warmest day with 60 weather, bats were the big hit, we brought a friend, we starting watching our neighbor's dog, Lola so the kids took her for a walk, Taran and Timo play street basketball for 3 hours with neighbors
Friday: Tim took Timo to get his permit, we went to the Duck pond park, kids played football, fed ducks, played on the playground and we had a picnic w/ my dad too, then we went to my parents to help in their yard for until dinner, took care of the dog, Tim and I watched Sherlock Holmes with Taran and Timo we got a late start so they were done with their friends (Taran saw Old Dogs--not that great he said), we loved Sherlock Holmes
Saturday: Tim had choir stuff in the morning, when he got home we woke Taran up to sing happy birthday and give him his present (money), Tim took Micah, Izak, Emily and 2 kids to a BYU football practice and meet the players thing--loved that, I bought strawberry plants and grape plants, Tim planted the grapes and I planted the strawberries, I also planted peas, Taran helped his friend with his eagle project and came home for birthday dinner: pizza, and his favorite chocolate chip pan cookies with ice cream, then off with friends he watched the MJ This Is It and said that it was pretty interesting, Timo played basketball with friends and set up chairs at the church, we tried to go to bed earlier which we did but still not early enough
Sunday: Regular choir which Tim leads sang today and the childrens choir sang today which meant everyone but me, Gwen and Zane had to be there early to practice since last week was General Conference. It was a great meeting we have a girl leaving for Atlanta on her mission soon who spoke and another good speaker. Then we hurried out to Charl's ward for Tate's baby blessing, that was really neat. Afterward we enjoyed yummy breakfast food waffles, fruit and sausage and egg casserole and muffins...it was all super yummy! After a fun visit we stopped in at Tim's parents who live in the same direction and visited with them and Anna our niece and her boyfriend Buck too...we came home for dinner which was leftover pizza and watched the Prince of Egypt and Taran got asked to speak next Sunday and I made the mistake of laughing and got asked for the week after! Jokes on me now! It was a really nice day with family! Back to the grind of school but hey we have 6 weeks left is all!! YEAH!
Oh, I'm jealous...we still have nine weeks to go! But that means we'll be there in 9 weeks, too!!! Woohoo!!!
P.S. Sorry to tell you this, but I think we have 7 weeks left, not 6!
I meant of actual work!
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