So living in Utah you have to realize the weather is bi-polar in the spring. We had beautiful days, snowy days and rainy days all this week!
Monday Micah and Izak had piano. For scouts we were studying native plants and we took a little walk through the creek in our neighborhood. It was nice to be out and not cooped up. We met my family at Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip Festival at the gardens. It was busy but still very beautiful and 40 percent of the tulips were open. If you look at the collage the other flowers haven't come to life yet so it's still pretty barren in parts but it was very pretty and great to be outside. The kids had fun feeding the gold fish that are in the pond near the rose garden which is still hibernating. We ran into our good friends the Maags who live across the street. I am surprised we didn't see more people we know. It is a big place so you don't always notice how busy it is. We went to JCWs for twist cones on the way home.
Tuesday I helped in Zane's class. Zane's friend was suppose to come over but he got sick. Zane had soccer practice at our house that night. Don't remember much about the rest of the day. But it was pretty! Wednesday the rain came in. I was going to take Zane and his friend Marc with Gwen to the Thanksgiving Point Farm. With the weather so iffy we rented Astroboy which they didn't really like, it's too sad they said. They said that he dies 3 times--sorry if I ruined it for you. But I think that's why it didn't do well. Gwen got to go in her friend Sophie's jacuzzi when the rain stopped. Timo's group performed their song Come Thou Fount. Emily had a party for a boy from her class. She was one of 3 girls. Izak had a soccer game that night and Tim had to coach until the coach could get there. They got soaked. They also got hailed on right when the game was going to start and had lightning so they waited in the cars to see if it stopped and it did so they played but the rain kept coming down. I spent most of the afternoon making stuff for the bake sale at the school Thursday during the Walk-A-Thon. It was to raise money for the teachers for supplies--some schools they can't make copies anymore because the budget is done. Thursday morning we woke up to snow! Gwen and I went to a boutique/craft fair thing in the morning. Emily had piano and in the afternoon was the Walk-A-Thon fundraiser for our PTA and the weather was GORGEOUS. The kids did it while I went and checked out the silent auction gift baskets that were being auctioned--I did a cookie themed one for Zane's class. They had a lot and they were very fun--lots of BYU ones and they did well! I guess it has raised a lot of money so far. We have a wonderful community that is so supportive!
Friday I went to the zoo with Micah's class. It was a lot of fun even though it rained. Half the moms that went were from our neighborhood! I think only 2 didn't go who had second graders! Mind you that year 22 babies were born in our neighborhood! Unfortunately, it rained all day we got a reprieve in the Reptile House and other indoor exhibits but once we stopped to eat the boys--Micah and 2 friends got cold and just wanted to go back to the bus. But we had an hour to kill yet! So we spent at least 30 minutes with the giraffes! Did you know they chew, swallow and regurgitate and chew some more? We actually could see the giraffe do it. Micah's favorite was seeing the Burrowing Owl eat a dead baby rat and pull it's guts out--yuck! I really liked seeing the Barn Owl a zookeeper was holding as we milled around outside, beautiful birds. I tried to get a photo with my phone since I forgot my camera, it's blurry! My friend Stephanie watched Gwen for me. Taran picked her up after he was done with school and came home to a locked house! In the nasty weather. Luckily one of his friends were home so they hung out over there until Tim got home with a key. Taran also found out that the wind had sucked off his window in the storm but didn't break when it fell! So a new project for Tim! That night I went to a baby shower for my cousin Gwen--yep we liked the name and my cousin so we took it! She and 2 of her sisters are pregnant so it was fun to see them. They are all do within the next couple of weeks! My Aunt will be busy helping over 6 weeks! Taran and Timo went to friends to watch the Jazz win! Emily hung out with her friend Kassie. Tim let the little boys watch The Blind Side on Clearplay. What a great show!
Saturday we had soccer games 8, 9, 10, 11:30 and 1 PM! We were going to try to get to Timo's lacrosse game but it ended up being at 9 AM and we couldn't get there with that schedule when he can't play. We tried earlier in the week to go to another game but with the crazy weather it got canceled! Emily and Izak refereed 2 games each also. Emily scored 4 goals in her game, one was picture perfect! Taran scored in his game too. We had a couple of hours to finish up some housework and yard work--Tim mowed and trimmed. Unfortunately, we didn't get it all done that we needed so we'll be behind this week and this Saturday is shot! We met my family at Brick Oven Pizza for my brother Charl's birthday. It has been at least 15 years since I have been there. It was yummy then we went to my mom's for cake and ice cream. Taran also got his gifts from my family, money and an itunes gift card. We ended up being there late. Everyone was full so they played outside for awhile. It was a fun evening!
Sunday I spoke in church. It seemed to go well. I kind of obsess in my mind my whole talk after I should have done or said this... Owell! I got called at 8:30 AM--church is at 9 AM to sub. Zane's teachers had strep throat. I had just enough time to print out the lesson and skim it--I had been pondering how amazing it was that I was ready for church early. That was why, so I could gather things together and it actually went well! I enjoy Primary. Our hometeachers came, they are jewels we love them! Taran went hometeaching and Tim and Timo went as well! We also had Manly choir and boy do they sound AMAZING! My parents found my cell phone in their car and had some other stuff we left to bring out so I invited them and Teresa over for dinner last minute. It was a nice visit and we had our devotional after they left. Just found out the Jazz won! Sweet! It's been a full week...this may also be another one. Timo is now walking on his foot with the aircast. It hurts tonight after walking around on it all day, hopefully it will just get better over time and not mean that it is not healing!
Have a great week the last of April!
I love your photos every week!
I do that after a talk, also--kind of look back and wish I'd said things differently!! I'm sure you did a wonderful job. I love your photos every week, also!
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