Big week at our house. Gwen is potty trained. I finally feel confident that she is. We've had our ups and downs but she finally has done it! I really didn't want to buy more diapers so my sister-in-law Katie said, "Why don't you tell her when you are out of diapers you have to use the potty?" So I thought, "I think I will try it." Normally, I don't push my kids with potty training, I just let them dictate to me when they are ready but a couple of months ago she went 3 days without an accident super excited with the cute pink potty then lost all interest and went back to diapers. So we had a rough go 4 accidents the second day. But we are going into our fourth week and we still have had our rough times so we've been getting creative. Let's just say that every kid is different and even though I have had 6 kids go through this 'rite of passage' it didn't get any easier and I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing as a parent! My rite of passage: no children in diapers, it's been almost 17 solid years of diaper changing.
Taran got his license! He has had his permit a year so we decided to go get it. Here in Utah they do their road test in drivers ed so he just had to take in his certificate stating he passed his road test. We also had another stack of papers to take to take in. We had heard that there were 5-6 hour wait so we were pleasantly surprised when it only took 1 hour! YEAH! He has to wait 6 months before he can drive anyone but family but by the time school starts he'll be able to drive himself, Timo and friends to high school. Here again, Taran not too motivated to drive so we let him go at his own pace. He got his learner's permit 2 months before he turned 16 only because he was going to need it for driver's ed. I wasn't nervous about he driving until now. He is pretty good just not super smooth but I know he gets his driving skills from me. Timo is anxious to get his learner's permit so we need to do that now that Taran is done.
Emily had her 6th grade dance Friday. Here they teach the 6th graders the waltz, cha cha, and 4 line dances and then they end the unit with this big dance. They have a dance card and they get to ask 2 kids to dance and then they get to be asked by 2 people. Emily loved it and wished it wasn't over. Check her out in the collage in her dress. So those were are the rites of passage.
This week we had scouts, basketball practices and games and now lacrosse is starting up for Timo. We also had piano lessons and playgroup. We had the cousins who live here over for a sleepover Friday night. Only Maddie, Jeremy, Giovanni and Cristian stayed the night, the twins weren't sure but came and played until Shellie's ward party was over and she called to see if they wanted to stay or not. We watched the Olympic Opening ceremonies and they also watched Robots the animated movie and played. So it was a late night.
Saturday I had our stake women's conference and I went even though I had woke up with a nasty cold. It was really good so I am glad I went and I got to be with some great women from my neighborhood. I feel truly blessed to have so many amazing women in my life. After womens conference it was back to getting the house back together and ready for the sabbath. We had some basketball games that afternoon. And I know I wasted a lot of time watching the Olympics...owell.
Today we forgot to set the alarm and so we got up at 7:30 AM! Yikes for 9 AM church. Tim and I were late getting there after getting the little boys and Gwen ready and timing showers with the older kids so we still got a hot shower! Church was good, we had a young woman speak who just returned from a mission in Armenia. She had met my niece, Anna, who had recently returned from there and got some tips. After church we had choir. We also gave the kids a bag with treats (see the picture of Zane). Later, my parents, Tim's parents and my sister came over for Valentine's dinner. Tim marinated steak and chicken it was so good! Taran and Timo made mashed potatoes, Teresa did rolls, Tim's mom made a fruit salad and my mom did desserts. It was so good! I thought anyway.
Thursday Tim and I went out to dinner in honor of Valentines Day. We went to the Blue Lemon a delicious restaurant near our house. They have really yummy healthy food. It was nice and not crowded like most Valentines Day excursions can be--this we learned a long time ago to go out other days instead and enjoy time with the family on that day!
We got our state taxes back this week! Yippee! Tim and Taran are going on choir tour next month and Taran is counting down the days! He also needs to decide on a date to ask for prom--it's the end of March! Life is never dull. Have a great week! And hopefully you have had a great Valentines Day and know you are loved! Yes, you are!
What fun, and I wish I were on the ball enough to be getting state taxes back.I still have to dig all my paper out so I can file.
Yay for Gwen, and for you! That's a lot of diapers in 17 years. I can't imagine. :)
Wow--lots of big things going on at your house! Scott is totally anxious to start driving; it's funny how every kid is different, like you said. And no more diapers...congratulations! I keep thinking I need to potty train Seth soon, but he is resisting. He knows when he needs to go; he runs off and hides in a corner! But when I ask him if he wants to sit on the potty, he always says no. If we are stuck indoors many more days, though, I might give it a try!
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