Last Monday my mom took Micah to lunch in honor of his birthday and then he picked out a football and Lego at Walmart after. He was thrilled. Then we went to see the movie The Lightning Thief. Tim HAD to work so I took most of the kids and my dad, who enjoys Greek mythology. Izak went with his cousins since they had an extra ticket last minute. I have not read the books, although I just started this one and the movie is very different. All in all the kids and I enjoyed it, and I think my dad did too. Gwen went to my mom's to play because I was sure it would not be a movie she would sit through. Later we went to Tim's sister Amy's to celebrate Juan (my bro-in-law), Jeremy (nephew) and Micah's birthday. We had a potluck dinner of soup, salad and rolls and the birthday families brought dessert. It was a yummy time. Everyone enjoyed their gifts and it was fun to be together since it had been awhile since we saw everyone--my niece came down from Salt Lake and my nephew came up from Provo to join in the festivities. It's always fun to see them too!
Tuesday I helped in Zane's class in the morning. Timo and Micah stayed home with nasty colds. I had scouts and Izak had scouts, we forgot about Emily's basketball practice. Wednesday, Gwen had playgroup. Emily had Musical theater. I went shopping after dropping her off. Timo had a basketball game he felt well enough to go and they won and play again this Wednesday. He went to scouts after. Thursday Zane's friend Camden came over after kindergarten and they had fun. Tim and Taran went to Salt Lake to a new museum for Taran's young men activity. Emily had piano too. Timo had lacrosse practice. Friday Timo had had a bad night and stayed home the first few classes and I took him for his last class since he had a test and didn't want to miss it. I made Micah's cupcakes for his party that afternoon. I also managed to go to the temple. The lady there said that I was the happiest person she had seen all day--I laughed. She reassured me that was true and I sobered! Izak had a basketball game that night and did great. Emily had a birthday party, Taran and Timo had plans that night so my mom and dad hung out with the kids and watched the Olympics while Tim and I went to Fanzz in Sandy to finally get Micah's birthday presents. We got home just after 9 PM so they went home before it was too late. I finished preparations for the party. Saturday was Micah's birthday and he wanted crepes for breakfast so I made them. We wouldn't let him open his presents until Emily got back from the temple. We got him a Jazz NBA basketball jersey and a Denver Bronco shirt. Not too exciting but it's what he wanted and he had invited 19 kids to his party so we figured he'd get a lot of toys anyway--which he did! Emily had a basketball game and I took her she did well but jammed her finger towards the end and was done playing. It was a close game and they won, yeah! I must good luck! We got Micah Wendy's kids meal on the way home for lunch. We got all the stuff done we needed to before the party and all but 1 kid came! It was a sports theme and we had lots of different activities and we split the kids up so they wouldn't have to stand around too much. The weather was iffy with snow and rain so we couldn't do as much as we would have liked outside but I think it turned out alright. We had a pinata, cupcakes, ice cream then he opened his presents and that ended just in time as the first parents showed up. He had a blast and hopefully his friends did too. He got quite a few Legos and lots of other fun things including a basketball. He spent a bit of the afternoon building Legos. And then the other toys too! He chose pizza for dinner so I was relieved not to cook but did make his special birthday dessert: Health Bar cake.
Today was scout Sunday for us so I and the 4 boys had to wear our uniforms to church and we also sang a musical number as well. After church they took a picture of all the scouts and their leaders. Timo left church after Sacrament Meeting because he had coughed a lot the night before, he came home and slept. We had choir at our house, our hometeachers visited and Micah had his interview for his baptism with the bishop. Tim, Taran and Emily went to stake choir practice and then we had dinner. Micah has our devotional and hopefully that will be soon!
We spent most 'extra' time watching the Olympics, what fun!!!! We love it but barely got the birthday stuff done for Micah because of it! We let our kids stay up late to watch some of the events, not a wise thing but it just got so exciting we got carried away! We need to be more disciplined this week! I hardly ever watch TV but when the Olympics are on I seem to find myself GLUED to the TV and internet checking updates! I am always this way with it!
Taran is getting ready to ask a friend to the prom, here it has to be creative not just ask in a normal way so he is stumped on how to do it! He thinks my ideas are lame...hopefully he'll do it soon before she gets asked!
Have a great week, hopefully your resolutions are firm. I heard on the radio most people quit their resolutions by Valentines Day! Hang in there if you've been a slacker, it's a new week and you can get back on top! Enjoy this last week in February!
Wow, they never do scout Sunday out here...and somewhere along the line I thought they told us the boys shouldn't wear their uniforms to church...I guess I was wrong.
We've been enjoying the Olympics also although I've been more disciplined this week (or I'm just more tired!) The Olympics only come every two years (or four, if you really like Winter) so it won't kill your kids to stay up once in a while!! I say that, but I've been making mine go to bed...! :)
PS--Love the pics; the cupcake idea is so cute! You are so brave to have 19 kids invited to a party!!
the scouts were not allowed to pass the sacrament or anything, the men did it this what they do now--I think that was the policy for a time that they couldn't wear them... as far as being brave more like silly but having the kids rotate through and having Emily and Izak help out as Tim said, "well that wasn't that bad!" I learned a few things!;)
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