Family Year in Review 2015
remember when people told me to enjoy my little kids because they
grow up fast. I was very skeptical. Days seemed like years and
sleep seemed like a dream of long ago. So for those of you with
little ones or those who are just embarking on adulthood, enjoy each
moment you are living. Sometimes you might have to search for the joy
but do try. It will add to the memories and you will be grateful you
noticed it. So here are some of our moments. I usually don't share
the downs, there were downs and there were super tough times. There
were sleepless nights and days full of worry but looking back we made
it through, a little wiser and maybe a little more humble. And that
is life, we hope all our experiences make us a little bit better than
we were.

3v3 Ultimate Frisbee Team 2nd place Middle School Turkey Bid Tournament |
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Izak at the Mixed State Tournament for Ultimate Frisbee |

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Emily as Mary with her stage family from Secret Garden. |

(21) is in his first semester of college at BYU-Provo. He went on a
mission straight out of high school and returned this summer, 2 days
before Taran was married. He seems to be doing well in school. He
works at BYU mail services. His Granny worked there many years ago
but some of the people she knew are still there. He has a ROC pass
(sports) and goes to all the BYU home football games. He tries to
go to other sporting events too it just depends on his homework load.
He does a lot with his Family Home Evening group. They seem like a
fun bunch. He was able to go back to San Antonio the beginning of
November and go through the temple with a man he had taught that was
baptized. That was a great experience for him. He's a serious
student but I think he is managing to have some fun. We hope anyway.
It's nice to have him home even though we don't see him a whole lot.
(22) and his wife Lisa were married last summer. Sorry if you didn't
get an announcement. It was not intentional. They met at BYU, he was
her home teacher. By Christmas it
was getting serious. They got engaged in the spring. We are glad they waited for Timo to get home! They went to California on their honeymoon to Morro Bay. From the pictures it seems beautiful. He is still working at NuSkin. Recently he was rewarded with great seats and food at a Jazz game. He says he likes all his classes he has right now. He and his band Emissary are competing again in BYU Battle of the Bands. It's a great creative outlet for him and his music talent. Lisa is going to LDS Business College in SLC. She is working as a TA there. She has some tough classes this semester. But she is still her happy, cheerful self. It's still a little weird to think we have a married child. It's surreal but then it's also a natural part of life. You want your child to find someone they love who appreciates them like you do! We are happy for them in the adventure of marriage and being a student. It is definitely the easier way to go through college—less distractions!
was getting serious. They got engaged in the spring. We are glad they waited for Timo to get home! They went to California on their honeymoon to Morro Bay. From the pictures it seems beautiful. He is still working at NuSkin. Recently he was rewarded with great seats and food at a Jazz game. He says he likes all his classes he has right now. He and his band Emissary are competing again in BYU Battle of the Bands. It's a great creative outlet for him and his music talent. Lisa is going to LDS Business College in SLC. She is working as a TA there. She has some tough classes this semester. But she is still her happy, cheerful self. It's still a little weird to think we have a married child. It's surreal but then it's also a natural part of life. You want your child to find someone they love who appreciates them like you do! We are happy for them in the adventure of marriage and being a student. It is definitely the easier way to go through college—less distractions!
(getting older) continues to work on organization, budgeting, healthy
food and whatever needs her immediate attention which usually
involves driving somewhere. She helps with PTA at the elementary
school, drama and choir booster committees. She hasn't figured out
how to fit Family History research into the schedule yet. But she
has a ton of names to do so she tries to get to the temple each
week—it doesn't always happen. She has 11 Bear scouts keeping her
busy but she loves them. She and Tim enjoyed being a trek ma and pa.
It was a great experience and we had some great kids in our family!
We loved them!
(also getting older) is solid as in dependable, he keeps healthy with
his lunchtime sports and
eating lots of fruits and vegetables. He is still working at Family Search and manages some good people. He spends his “free time” coaching flag football and Jr. Jazz and getting kids to their stuff and watching them too. He also tried to keep the cars running and the house from completely falling apart! He got to “spot” for our friend who PAs for BYU football and basketball games. He spotted 2 football games—he'd find out the defensive player who made the play. He thoroughly enjoyed that. He takes good care of us all and we are blessed by his good works. He was a great pa on trek. He would be a great pioneer.
eating lots of fruits and vegetables. He is still working at Family Search and manages some good people. He spends his “free time” coaching flag football and Jr. Jazz and getting kids to their stuff and watching them too. He also tried to keep the cars running and the house from completely falling apart! He got to “spot” for our friend who PAs for BYU football and basketball games. He spotted 2 football games—he'd find out the defensive player who made the play. He thoroughly enjoyed that. He takes good care of us all and we are blessed by his good works. He was a great pa on trek. He would be a great pioneer.
Louw Family Trip to Idaho, Sawtooth Mountains in the back. |
have nothing to complain about but maybe our government, hahaha. But I guess it's not really that funny :( Our
blessings truly come from the source of all good, our Savior Jesus
Christ and our Heavenly Father who sent Him. We are so grateful to
take time out from our busy lives to reflect more upon what He means
to us. We are so grateful to know that we can turn to them in our
time of need and they will guide us and that all things work for our
good if we are faithful. May you feel their love in your life and may
you enjoy the peace this season brings despite all the craziness in
the world.
Much love & Merry Christmas! & a Great YEAR! Tim, Rachelle, Taran & Lisa, Timo, Emily, Izak, Micah, Zane & Gwen
Much love & Merry Christmas! & a Great YEAR! Tim, Rachelle, Taran & Lisa, Timo, Emily, Izak, Micah, Zane & Gwen
So glad we got to see you this year...twice! We love you all!!
You are good people. I feel so fortunate to call you all family!~
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