Tuesday I prepared to have the missionaries over for dinner. This is the first time since we moved into this house we have been able to have them over for dinner. It was a busy night because they were coming at 5 PM, then the 3 little boys had Pack Meeting at 6 PM but they had to be early to practice stuff—Izak's troop was helping retire some flags and they needed to rehearse what/how to do it. Meanwhile my brother had called and needed me to go out to his house and play with his dog. She is a puppy and they have a neighbor kid who comes during the day and and plays with her. His wife was not going to be home that night from work she got to go to Wicked in Salt Lake with her sister and he wasn't going to be home until 9 PM from work so he was worried about the dog. Tim's parents had called that afternoon/evening needing help with their flooring preparations. They live near my brother so it was perfect! Once the missionaries left, which was really fun by the way, we went to Pack Meeting we go there in time to watch Izak and Zane retire a flag—Micah did it too but we missed it since we needed to leave. We left our neighbors in charge of the 3 boys and left. Gwen kind of freaked out with the dog for a little then she settled down. She is a cute puppy—getting bigger everyday. Tim came and got us when he was done and he got her all wound up which freaked out Gwen again! Owell, just was we drove away my brother was coming in his last appointment didn't show up. We got a call on our way home that Emily and my mom were almost back so we ran to my mom's instead of going home. My mom and Emily had a great experience. I am so glad they got to go. My sister had stayed with my dad.
Wednesday I was busy...I was suppose to
go to the dentist and get my crown but I didn't have a car or a
purse. Tim had gone to Salt Lake for the day and I thought my purse
was in his car but it was in the van (because Tim put it there) which
Timo had at work anyway. Owell... this week. I had Young Womens
Presidency Meeting so the kids watched June while I was gone some of
them also went to the library. She was actually napping when I got
home. She woke after an hour and Micah was able to get her to try
her bottle. She hadn't had lunch and I tried to feed her food but
she just shook her head no! After helping Gwen with lunch I went
into the living room and Micah was feeding her. I had to get a photo
of that! Once Tim got home I ran to get a wedding present for a girl
in our ward/neighborhood. I also had a bridal shower for another
girl the next day so I got a bag for the gift I had purchased the day
before. The wedding reception was really nice. Timo drove his
friends and we went in the van. The girl is the sister of one of
Timo's good friends so they went to hang with him. They had yummy,
fancy food from BYU Catering. Emily went to Young Womens after
because her class was writing missionaries from our ward. Timo had
had mutual the night before, a dance for all the Priests and Laurels
from 2 stakes. There wasn't a great turn out so he didn't think it
was very good. It's so different here, I lived for stuff like that
when I was that age! They see everyone all the time so no big deal!
Owell... Tim gave the little boys haircuts after the reception.
Izak's temporary mowhawk! |
Gwen got to play on the playground for a little bit in Park City. |
Saturday Emily had to be to a parade,
she was going to be in it. She had to meet at 8:30 AM. After I
dropped her off I ran to the store to get some stuff to make another
treat for my friend's daughter's baptism. I got that made and then
Tim and the boys were back—not a lot of sleep but fun. Zane had a
special scouts at Home Depot that morning and they made a corkboard.
I set up the food for my friend while they were at the church for the
baptism. I barely had it all done when they came home! She did a
very nice job and I am glad that I could help. It's great to live
where we all are a great support to each other. The rest of the day
was chores and working on my lesson. Tim picked up Emily after the
parade while I was at my friend's. After dinner I ran some errands.
I got Taran a new camera. IF I find the receipt with proof of the
extended warranty I will get a new camera but he is leaving in just
over a week and I want to get Emily's camera back before he leaves.
I also spent a lot of time reading about cameras and finally found
one that seemed to fit his needs and budget. I stayed up late
watching the Olympics, running on the elliptical and folding laundry.
Tim didn't sleep much at the camp out so after Michael Phelps won
his final medal he went to bed. I like seeing the interviews and
Today at church I taught all the young
women about the scriptures. I actually divided them into 6 groups
and had 3 groups discuss why we should read our scriptures, I had
quotes and scriptures that were different for each group to read and
help them. The other 3 groups talked about how we can read the
scriptures. They also had quotes and scriptures. Each group shared
what they discussed. I had 3 young women share how reading the
scriptures had blessed their lives. I shared a few personal
experiences and that was it. I feel like the girls learn way more
from each others experiences, than me just standing up front talking
and trying to drag answers out of them. I feel like the small group
is less intimidating. I had one leader in each group to help them
stay on track. I got a lot of positive feedback. I felt strongly I
should do it that way. It's Fast Sunday and the kids are less than
pleasant. All this staying up late because of the Olympics and not
eating makes for less than pleasant.
Taran wrote that he got his visa so he
will leave a week from tomorrow! Life is going fast and school is
around the corner, meh. Have a great week!
haha! I love the photo of Micah feeding june! She is so spoiled with love and i love it.
and as always, I don't know how you do it! You are so busy but it seems like you get so much done! Do you keep a planner? And I can't believe that you find the time to help me out every week- amazing!
So what is the temporary mohawk for? Kinda fun...I don't think Frank would EVER let our boys do that! Great idea for teaching the scripture lesson; I need to remember that! I feel the same way as Anna...how do you get so much done? You are amazing how you do so much and still find time to help other people so much.
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