I think I am going to surrender to thinking I will not have a "normal" week. There seems to be things that are more important in life than schedules and plans. This was such a week where this was the case. I am not trying to brag I just had family and friends in need and so I did what was necessary to try and help them, lift their burdens some.
Tim finished the chalkboard/magnetic board wall in the playroom! Yeah |
Monday I had planned to take the kids to Seven Peaks. I was still pretty tired from camp and all so I told them to let me sleep after scriptures then I would take them. They were fighting outside my room so I didn't sleep much so we didn't go to Seven Peaks. I did write a letter to Taran and sent it with the kids' letters and some treats. Emily, Gwen and Zane came with me while Izak and Micah went swimming with friends. Emily and Gwen helped my mom inside her house and Zane and I picked up all the yucky apricots under the tree--not a few. I also picked all the apricots on the tree I could reach. We visited for a little bit and returned home in time for dinner. Timo gave a lesson on choosing good friends from the Strength of Youth Pamphlet. Then we played SkipBo. It was really fun. Tim was able to finish the wall with the chalkboard paint and metal board. It's very cool, I just need to get some chalk!
Tuesday I had YW Presidency Meeting at 8:30 AM. My visiting teachers came at 10 AM which is always enjoyable. Emily, Micah and Gwen had fillings filled at 1 PM. We got home in time for me to take Izak to his Personal Fitness merit badge class. I ran to Walmart for our weekly shopping. I got done just when he needed me to be there so I was a little late. That night we had a good bye party for a family in our neighborhood who are moving to St. George. Their daughter graduated so they are heading out of the snowy, cold winters! It was like a big neighborhood party!
Eagle Project donations (some of them) YEAH! |
Wednesday we hoped June would come but alas Anna was thinking we were too busy. We missed her but we hope to see her this week. I had to have my blood re-checked for some specifics for the anemia so I went that morning. It was library day so the kids took turns going in case June showed up some one was here! Zane went to the Kennecott Copper Mine for sub scouts that morning and enjoyed it a lot. I had my tooth made ready for the crown at 1 PM. After I was done there I did my Costco run. That night I was exhausted so I didn't go to YW. I love those women so it would have been fun to hang out--most were going swimming but I opted for more sleep. I did help Timo a little with his Eagle Project by getting treats for the boys who helped. It seems like he got enough donations for his project he may not need to beg for any thing from Home Depot!
One of the boys and their creations from the creek! I love summer for this! |
watching someone paint their weapon |
Boys making weapons out of sticks! |
Thursday I had to have my mammogram at 8:30 AM so we got the kids up extra early to read scriptures and get ready for 7 Peaks. I dropped them off at my mom's at 8 AM so they could mow. Then we went to 7 Peaks. We got there just barely after opening at 9:30 AM. We stayed until noonish. I was able to get Gwen on the Avalanche waterslide--you lay on a mat on your stomach unless you are taking a child with you. I got to sit and she laid on her stomach. She liked. Later I went with Zane on Cave In, it's a dark tunnel waterslide. Luckily it's just short enough to make me not too claustrophobic! We stopped at Macey's for ice cream and I bought some groceries for a dessert I was going to make for a shower that night. I made the dessert as soon as we got home and then I went and helped my friend who is hosting the shower. She is super creative and does an amazing job at throwing parties! When I got home Izak and his friends, as well as Micah and Zane were making weapons out of sticks and bark they found at the creek. They were very creative! That night was the shower and I went a little early then stayed after to clean up. It was a fun, busy night. Timo and friends went to the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, he got home at 4 AM. He says it was the best movie he has ever seen.
Cotton Candy at June's 1st b-day "Cloud" Theme |
Gwen enjoys a cloud cupcake! |
I promise June is in there! She is loved! |
June eats her birthday cake! YUMMY! |
Little boys love Junes new sand/water toy. |
Friday I had my check up, not too exciting. She wants to check my blood after a month to see if the iron supplement is helping. Hopefully I can remember to take it consistently! I got home in time to do some things and then my companion and I took a lady we visit teach out to lunch. She is a stinker and wouln't let us treat her. It was a yummy lunch and a nice visit. I was going to take a picture but I forgot:( Owell. I got home in time to check in on the kids (more weapons were being made!) and then I ran to return some items to a couple of stores. I ended up getting some stuff, school clothes for Gwen mostly. She is very hard on clothes, like a boy. So I am feeling like she needs more than a pair of jeans and a new shirt! I found lots of cute things and I also got Emily a very cute shirt for school. That trip took more time than I had planned but it was pretty cost effective. That night we had our niece Anna's daughter June's 1 yr old birthday party. It was super fun! Anna, Buck, her sister Erin and their parents pulled off the best 1 year old party I've ever seen personally!
Micah's team, the THUNDER! |
Dinner at the ward party |
Timo and friends at the ward party |
Micah got to go first since I was the harnessing person, he loved it! |
Izak was ready! |
Emily is ready! |
Timo mellow but ready. |
Spaztic me, ready! |
Saturday Tim got up early with Timo and played tennis with some friends Tyler and Breton. Breton is one of Taran's friends that Timo is also friends with. He had taken tennis his last semester so he's wanted to play with Tim and it finally worked out before he goes into the MTC next week! Micah had an early lacrosse game in Mapleton. (about 25 minutes away), we got him a ride with our friends whose son is on the team. I wasn't feeling too great but after drinking some coke I felt better so I went. Zane came to watch Micah too Erick (Tim's brother) came as well. We were making good time until a camper/trailer tipped over on the freeway and we went from 3 lanes to 1! We we luckily it looked like no one was hurt. We were late to the game. Owell. Micah and his team played well although it was intense. He scored some, they ended up winning 11-9. After we got back I worked on some of my lesson stuff for Sunday. Emily needed a ride to a movie with some friends so I took them and then got the stuff for my lesson. I was almost done with making some of the stuff when I got a call it was time to pick them up. Tim was at his parents' helping them move stuff to get ready for new flooring. I made treats for our ward party up the canyon. That night we went to the ward party up the canyon for dinner and games and zipline at the facility we had Girl's Camp, Mutual Dell. It was a lot of fun and all of us did the zipline but Gwen and Zane. I helped put harnesses on since I had learned at Girl's Camp. Tim was on the receiving the zipliners--he caught me. It was super fun. My arms are sore today from all the cinching I did!
Today was the farewell of Taran's friend Breton. He is going to Chihuahua Mexico. We are hoping he gets into the same building as Taran! As well as his friend Andrew who goes in this Wednesday too. We made some treats for it. I taught Mia Maids for an advisor who was out of town. It was fun and they were very receptive. I made them a testimony journal. To write about experiences they have had that confirm their testimony. We went to Breton's after church and basically had dinner there and visited awhile. It was very nice, his mom, my friend Julie made a ton of butter rolls! WOW they are amazing! It was a great day! Tim interviewed most of the kids this evening before bed. It's a holiday week this week, the 24th of July is Pioneer Day here! Have a safe fun week!
1 comment:
The blackboard wall looks great and the zip line looks fun! What is Timo doing for his Eagle project?
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