Monday I mailed a box to Taran. He needed some thank you cards for people who had sent him money and/or gifts in the MTC. I also sent him bread and honey butter in honor of Pioneer Day the next day and some pictures and letters from all the kids and me. Tim writes on Dear Elder so he gets a letter a different day. We stopped at my moms and mowed, trimmed her dogwood bushes, cleaned that up and several other tidying up jobs outside and Emily and Gwen worked inside. We hung out since Teresa can drive now she has her truck so Timo had Tim's car and we dropped Tim off at work. I went and got Tim from work then he went and got some free movie passes, he had a voucher. We went to the Ashford the Alzheimer's/Dementia place near our home to do Family Home Evening. Last time George helped Zane bear his testimony this time he gave the prayer for Izak. Emily taught the lesson on Pioneers. George remembered the story she was telling, it is amazing how deep Gospel principles are for these residents. Gwen, Zane, Micah, Emily and Timo each played a song. Emily sang with her song. Gwen played I Love to See the Temple and George sang along, his own version. We enjoy this opportunity. Gwen is still nervous but it is good for her, maybe over time she won't feel that way so much. We shared cream puffs with them and then we came home. I would love to take photos of our FHE because they are really are sweet people. But because of privacy issues it is not allowed.
Tuesday was July 24th Pioneer Day as in the day the Mormon Pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. Tim and I went to breakfast that morning. Then Teresa had Izak, Micah and Zane work in her classroom. I did our weekly shopping. When I got back we went to my mom's and ate our picnic lunch we brought. We weren't sure the weather was going to let us go to Bridal Veil Falls. After we ate it had cleared so we took my mom and their wheelchair with us to Bridal Veil. Teresa and my dad were tired so they opted out. My dad has been having a rough time sleeping or not sleeping I should say. It's been hard on my mom as well. We had fun at Bridal Veil even though it was very crowded. We saw my uncle Brian who was riding his bike through the canyon--in the collage he is in the picture with Tim. It was a nice break for my mom so we are glad we took her. When we got back Charl and Katie were there with their kids. So the younger kids played, Tim took our boys to Trafalga (we had planned it before we knew Charl & his family would be there) and we had an impromptu pizza dinner. It was a fun time for not planning the day! We had planned to go to the Orem Owlz baseball game--they are affiliated with the Anaheim Angels. We get in free with our Pass of all Passes and they were doing fireworks that night there. We still have a ban absolutely no fireworks where we live--we had that big fire just before the 4th of July so they are still banning fireworks. We got rained on part way through the game--in the collage it's Gwen and Izak under the blanket we brought. It was a nice warm rain so once it cleared out we were fine and they played the game through it. It was a fun game they were winning until the end the other team got 5 runs to put them ahead. We came back to within 2 runs in the 9th but to avail the other team won. The fireworks were set off right behind us so we just turned around and watched them. I actually filmed the whole thing it was pretty cool!
Wednesday Tim took the day off. Timo went to work. I went to the temple in the morning. Tim went to the temple with Emily and the YW he helped out with baptizing, I helped with driving them and the young men who came later. Timo and Izak went. I took Emily from the temple to a play in Orem on of her friends from school was in it. My mom was going to the temple that afternoon and was able to pcik her up when it was over. Tim wanted to go to Seven Peaks since it was his day off so we took Gwen, Zane and Micah. The older kids wanted to hang out with friends. We had fun and went on several slides--Tim and I took Gwen on a slide with a 3 seater tube. She liked it a lot. Zane is a maniac wanting to go all the time on the slides! I love the wave pool best but I will go on the slides when I can. I usually just hang with Gwen at the wave pool which she loves too. When we got home that night Emily and her friends were making tacos. I helped them a little bit. I made them wear the Mexican hats we have! They complied.
Thursday June was coming over so the kids were excited about that! Later that morning my sister took the 3 boys to see the Avengers for helping her in her classroom. They loved the movie! Gwen and I took June for a walk and deliver stuff. I was going to take them to the park after we delivered stuff but it was so hot I thought we should go home. June fell asleep on the way home. I just wheeled her into the boys' room since they were gone it would be quiet in there. She slept about an hour. She played with Gwen and Zoe in the playroom. She is a genius which we knew that but she did manifest it in how she was playing. That night I had a dinner with all the YW leaders and camp leaders. After Girls Camp one of the leaders emailed us all that she missed us and was organizing a dinner at Cheesecake Factory. So we only had a few ladies that missed. It was super yummy and fun! We plan to get together again. Tim was a great sport feeding everyone and such. Gwen had her first late night eating dinner and watching a movie at Zoe's in her pjs, fun!
Friday I went visiting teaching in the morning. Then it was free swim at my sister's pool so we went right when it was supposedly open, well it wasn't so we ate lunch and waited. Then I had to pick up Timo and his friend Clay from work--since we are sharing a car. By the time I got home Katie and kids were there. The kids had a blast, don't we love cousins! The three boys are trying to earn a sleepover with their Pew boy cousins--they have to not fight with each other. They are doing better. We ate dinner early since the Olympic Opening Ceremonies were at 6:30 PM. Wow! I have to say that cauldron was the most amazingly engineered thing! So cool looking as it came together! Wow! We stayed up so late watching it all. Tim got donuts in honor of the event! I should have done more but I am feeling a bit worn out on creativity!
Saturday Tim and Timo helped a neighbor move to another house in the neighborhood. I ran a box to Taran with Emily's camera since we found out his broke. He is going to use it until we figure out his camera. When I bought it for his 18th birthday I bought an extended warranty that I need to find. I also sent him some treats with it. I got back in time to go to lunch with my friend whose birthday was in May! Yes, I have been busy. We had a great visit and got back late. Tim was great and had things under control. I had some medication to pick up so I ran and got that. Tim took Micah and Izak and some friends to Trafalga--they had a lot of fun. We had leftovers and it was Emily's friends joined us so we pretty much got cleaned out so Tim and I went out on a mini date later.
Today was great we had a senior missionary couple spoke who are going to the Baltimore, Maryland. The youth speaker and couple were great! The young women and their leaders sang "Light on a Hill" our camp song, Tim said that it was good. After Sacrament Meeting I took Emily home to get her stuff to go to Cedar City with my mom. For Christmas my mom got tickets to see Les Miserable and The Merry Wives of Windsor for Emily. They left just after 4 PM and we just heard that they had made it. Fun! Timo went on splits with the missionaries after dinner. Pretty cool. Our Hometeachers came and that was really nice. Hopefully I can get this to work! I have been having fits with it all this time!
We are weeks away from school starting, I am not excited! I need to gear up! Have a great week!
The life and times of our family as we face the ups and downs sometimes muddling is all we can do, and that is okay!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Testimony Journal
This week I taught the Mia Maids, I am the secretary so I substituted. The lesson was on Testimony: what is a testimony, how do we get one and why we should share it. I added why we need one. I got the impression to make them testimony journal. I really want to make things meaningful not just to make them to be cute. I kind of ignored the impression but I had some impressions that I really needed to do it. So finally Saturday I got the supplies--yea, usually I do this sort of thing early in the week to allow plenty of time for problems. I was guided at what to do from buying supplies and on. A testimony that this was what these young women needed. I shared with them something that I do, when I have an experience that confirms my testimony of a Gospel Principle I write about it in my special diary on the computer. I have written experiences from as far back as I can remember as a kid. I gave them a list of Gospel Principles to help inspire them of things they can write about starting with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ his Son...The girls loved them and thought they were really cute which made me feel better since I was worried it might be too cheesy. They seem excited to write about their testimony. If it helps just one of them it was worth it!
Supplies: yellow jr tablets from Walmart, pack of 3 $1.50 (they are about scripture size so I really liked this size for them to be able to carry them in their scripture cases, almost a 1/2 sheet of cardstock, I printed the theme scripture 2 per sheet and had to do some trimming, I got the graphic here: , I had the black ric-rac I got on clearance in the spring at Walmart, I had these tags also but you can get them in the office supply area of Walmart that's where I got them a few years ago, I used yellow polka dotted paper (1/8 of a 12 x 12) and I used double sided tape to tape the papers to each other and over to the back then I glued the ric-rac over the seam. It took me an hour and half to make 18--I made 2 extra in case we had visitors, which some other leaders snatched up! So maybe this will be helpful for someone out there.
Back to Normal?
I think I am going to surrender to thinking I will not have a "normal" week. There seems to be things that are more important in life than schedules and plans. This was such a week where this was the case. I am not trying to brag I just had family and friends in need and so I did what was necessary to try and help them, lift their burdens some.
Monday I had planned to take the kids to Seven Peaks. I was still pretty tired from camp and all so I told them to let me sleep after scriptures then I would take them. They were fighting outside my room so I didn't sleep much so we didn't go to Seven Peaks. I did write a letter to Taran and sent it with the kids' letters and some treats. Emily, Gwen and Zane came with me while Izak and Micah went swimming with friends. Emily and Gwen helped my mom inside her house and Zane and I picked up all the yucky apricots under the tree--not a few. I also picked all the apricots on the tree I could reach. We visited for a little bit and returned home in time for dinner. Timo gave a lesson on choosing good friends from the Strength of Youth Pamphlet. Then we played SkipBo. It was really fun. Tim was able to finish the wall with the chalkboard paint and metal board. It's very cool, I just need to get some chalk!
Tuesday I had YW Presidency Meeting at 8:30 AM. My visiting teachers came at 10 AM which is always enjoyable. Emily, Micah and Gwen had fillings filled at 1 PM. We got home in time for me to take Izak to his Personal Fitness merit badge class. I ran to Walmart for our weekly shopping. I got done just when he needed me to be there so I was a little late. That night we had a good bye party for a family in our neighborhood who are moving to St. George. Their daughter graduated so they are heading out of the snowy, cold winters! It was like a big neighborhood party!
Wednesday we hoped June would come but alas Anna was thinking we were too busy. We missed her but we hope to see her this week. I had to have my blood re-checked for some specifics for the anemia so I went that morning. It was library day so the kids took turns going in case June showed up some one was here! Zane went to the Kennecott Copper Mine for sub scouts that morning and enjoyed it a lot. I had my tooth made ready for the crown at 1 PM. After I was done there I did my Costco run. That night I was exhausted so I didn't go to YW. I love those women so it would have been fun to hang out--most were going swimming but I opted for more sleep. I did help Timo a little with his Eagle Project by getting treats for the boys who helped. It seems like he got enough donations for his project he may not need to beg for any thing from Home Depot!
Thursday I had to have my mammogram at 8:30 AM so we got the kids up extra early to read scriptures and get ready for 7 Peaks. I dropped them off at my mom's at 8 AM so they could mow. Then we went to 7 Peaks. We got there just barely after opening at 9:30 AM. We stayed until noonish. I was able to get Gwen on the Avalanche waterslide--you lay on a mat on your stomach unless you are taking a child with you. I got to sit and she laid on her stomach. She liked. Later I went with Zane on Cave In, it's a dark tunnel waterslide. Luckily it's just short enough to make me not too claustrophobic! We stopped at Macey's for ice cream and I bought some groceries for a dessert I was going to make for a shower that night. I made the dessert as soon as we got home and then I went and helped my friend who is hosting the shower. She is super creative and does an amazing job at throwing parties! When I got home Izak and his friends, as well as Micah and Zane were making weapons out of sticks and bark they found at the creek. They were very creative! That night was the shower and I went a little early then stayed after to clean up. It was a fun, busy night. Timo and friends went to the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, he got home at 4 AM. He says it was the best movie he has ever seen.
Friday I had my check up, not too exciting. She wants to check my blood after a month to see if the iron supplement is helping. Hopefully I can remember to take it consistently! I got home in time to do some things and then my companion and I took a lady we visit teach out to lunch. She is a stinker and wouln't let us treat her. It was a yummy lunch and a nice visit. I was going to take a picture but I forgot:( Owell. I got home in time to check in on the kids (more weapons were being made!) and then I ran to return some items to a couple of stores. I ended up getting some stuff, school clothes for Gwen mostly. She is very hard on clothes, like a boy. So I am feeling like she needs more than a pair of jeans and a new shirt! I found lots of cute things and I also got Emily a very cute shirt for school. That trip took more time than I had planned but it was pretty cost effective. That night we had our niece Anna's daughter June's 1 yr old birthday party. It was super fun! Anna, Buck, her sister Erin and their parents pulled off the best 1 year old party I've ever seen personally!
Saturday Tim got up early with Timo and played tennis with some friends Tyler and Breton. Breton is one of Taran's friends that Timo is also friends with. He had taken tennis his last semester so he's wanted to play with Tim and it finally worked out before he goes into the MTC next week! Micah had an early lacrosse game in Mapleton. (about 25 minutes away), we got him a ride with our friends whose son is on the team. I wasn't feeling too great but after drinking some coke I felt better so I went. Zane came to watch Micah too Erick (Tim's brother) came as well. We were making good time until a camper/trailer tipped over on the freeway and we went from 3 lanes to 1! We we luckily it looked like no one was hurt. We were late to the game. Owell. Micah and his team played well although it was intense. He scored some, they ended up winning 11-9. After we got back I worked on some of my lesson stuff for Sunday. Emily needed a ride to a movie with some friends so I took them and then got the stuff for my lesson. I was almost done with making some of the stuff when I got a call it was time to pick them up. Tim was at his parents' helping them move stuff to get ready for new flooring. I made treats for our ward party up the canyon. That night we went to the ward party up the canyon for dinner and games and zipline at the facility we had Girl's Camp, Mutual Dell. It was a lot of fun and all of us did the zipline but Gwen and Zane. I helped put harnesses on since I had learned at Girl's Camp. Tim was on the receiving the zipliners--he caught me. It was super fun. My arms are sore today from all the cinching I did!
Today was the farewell of Taran's friend Breton. He is going to Chihuahua Mexico. We are hoping he gets into the same building as Taran! As well as his friend Andrew who goes in this Wednesday too. We made some treats for it. I taught Mia Maids for an advisor who was out of town. It was fun and they were very receptive. I made them a testimony journal. To write about experiences they have had that confirm their testimony. We went to Breton's after church and basically had dinner there and visited awhile. It was very nice, his mom, my friend Julie made a ton of butter rolls! WOW they are amazing! It was a great day! Tim interviewed most of the kids this evening before bed. It's a holiday week this week, the 24th of July is Pioneer Day here! Have a safe fun week!
Tim finished the chalkboard/magnetic board wall in the playroom! Yeah |
Tuesday I had YW Presidency Meeting at 8:30 AM. My visiting teachers came at 10 AM which is always enjoyable. Emily, Micah and Gwen had fillings filled at 1 PM. We got home in time for me to take Izak to his Personal Fitness merit badge class. I ran to Walmart for our weekly shopping. I got done just when he needed me to be there so I was a little late. That night we had a good bye party for a family in our neighborhood who are moving to St. George. Their daughter graduated so they are heading out of the snowy, cold winters! It was like a big neighborhood party!
Eagle Project donations (some of them) YEAH! |
One of the boys and their creations from the creek! I love summer for this! |
watching someone paint their weapon |
Boys making weapons out of sticks! |
Thursday I had to have my mammogram at 8:30 AM so we got the kids up extra early to read scriptures and get ready for 7 Peaks. I dropped them off at my mom's at 8 AM so they could mow. Then we went to 7 Peaks. We got there just barely after opening at 9:30 AM. We stayed until noonish. I was able to get Gwen on the Avalanche waterslide--you lay on a mat on your stomach unless you are taking a child with you. I got to sit and she laid on her stomach. She liked. Later I went with Zane on Cave In, it's a dark tunnel waterslide. Luckily it's just short enough to make me not too claustrophobic! We stopped at Macey's for ice cream and I bought some groceries for a dessert I was going to make for a shower that night. I made the dessert as soon as we got home and then I went and helped my friend who is hosting the shower. She is super creative and does an amazing job at throwing parties! When I got home Izak and his friends, as well as Micah and Zane were making weapons out of sticks and bark they found at the creek. They were very creative! That night was the shower and I went a little early then stayed after to clean up. It was a fun, busy night. Timo and friends went to the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, he got home at 4 AM. He says it was the best movie he has ever seen.
Cotton Candy at June's 1st b-day "Cloud" Theme |
Gwen enjoys a cloud cupcake! |
I promise June is in there! She is loved! |
June eats her birthday cake! YUMMY! |
Little boys love Junes new sand/water toy. |
Micah's team, the THUNDER! |
Dinner at the ward party |
Timo and friends at the ward party |
Micah got to go first since I was the harnessing person, he loved it! |
Izak was ready! |
Emily is ready! |
Timo mellow but ready. |
Spaztic me, ready! |
Today was the farewell of Taran's friend Breton. He is going to Chihuahua Mexico. We are hoping he gets into the same building as Taran! As well as his friend Andrew who goes in this Wednesday too. We made some treats for it. I taught Mia Maids for an advisor who was out of town. It was fun and they were very receptive. I made them a testimony journal. To write about experiences they have had that confirm their testimony. We went to Breton's after church and basically had dinner there and visited awhile. It was very nice, his mom, my friend Julie made a ton of butter rolls! WOW they are amazing! It was a great day! Tim interviewed most of the kids this evening before bed. It's a holiday week this week, the 24th of July is Pioneer Day here! Have a safe fun week!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Trying to catch up...again! The 4th and Girl's Camp
I was going to write last week but alas this computer was being really fritzy and kept turning itself off. I gave up and decided to write earlier in the day this week, hopefully that will make a difference!
Monday we had our dental check ups, only a few kids had cavities, I will keep their identity secret. I took up most of the morning. For family night we watched Tim's Father's Day DVD Mall Cop--on Clearplay. I exercised on the elliptical. The kids have been dying to watch it. It's pretty funny.

Tuesday was Tim and I, our 21st anniversary. He took the day off and we went to breakfast. We went to 7 Peaks once we all got ready. Emily and her friends had planned to go and had planned on us taking them so it was convenient that we were already going. We had a lot of fun and left early afternoon as it got busier. Emily and friends stayed an one of their parents picked them up. We stopped at Macey's for cones which ended up being our lunch! On our way home we saw the fire in Alpine about 5 miles away just starting. It raged all day and night. The kids spent most of their time watching it from our porch. Tim and I decided to take advantage of the early bird menu/discount meal--we are becoming old people! We went to Texas Roadhouse. It was yummy but too much food so we ate it for lunch the next day. We went and saw The Amazing Spiderman, the new movie. I was skeptical, I mean really do we need a new Spiderman movie? This one is way better than the other 3. Granted I like super hero shows so I am probably not a good judge for those who don't like them. I loved Avengers and this is close. I guess with low expectations I was pleasantly surprised. We got home early and could see that the fire was huge. By dark it was amazing to watch.
Wednesday was the 4th of July. We had brunch at brother Charl's with the Louwside. It was yummy! After eating and visiting, we took the kids to the park by their house to play. Later we went to Tim's parents for the Pewside gathering. We were early but they live near Charl so we hung out instead of going all the way home and back again. They watched National Treasure and finished it just as the other families were getting there. I napped. I had bought an e-book from Amazon that I put on my tablet and it was so fun I had been staying up late every night! It's a fantasy book, A Posse of Princesses. The covers (I've seen 2) for it aren't very enticing so don't judge it based on that! Emily has since read it and loved it too! It would be a very fun movie. We had a yummy BBQ. After most of us went to the BYU Men's Soccer game. Juan (bro-in-law) had got us all tickets. It was super fun and BYU won 3-1. After the game we stayed and watched the fireworks from the Stadium of Fire--it was spectacular! We got home late of course and we could see that the fire had spread to the backside of the mountain. It looked like lava.
Thursday we woke up to rain! It was a miracle, really--the fire went out. It was a steady rain until 4 PM. I spent the morning helping Izak and his friend Luke work on their Environmental Science MB--they started it at scout camp but had a few things to finish. They had to do 3, 20 minute observations of 2 different places. So they did it in the rain and then the sun the next few days. But it is done, yeah! I also helped Micah finish some WEBELOS stuff. I worked on a the camp decorations and devotionals whenever I could. It really was coming together. Friday I ran to the store before my friend's sons came over. She was taking her mom out to lunch. Her sons were doing a midnight ride that night on Antelope Island with their grandpa so she didn't want them to be too active that day. Once it was hot we rented a Redbox, Journey 2. Zane had seen it at a birthday party but he liked it a lot. They enjoyed it. I finally finished all the banners for camp (see above from camp) I thought they turned out pretty good. The girls helped with some of it but I had to finish them. That night we had a wedding reception for a guy from our ward. It was really nice and we got to visit with a lot of neighbors there! Saturday morning I finished the devotional stuff so I could give it to the youth leaders over it. We made some last minute changes, one of the youth leaders wrote a Declaration of Independence and personal Constitution, all going along with our theme! It was amazing and we wanted to integrate it into the devotionals so everything I had done in preparation had to be reworked. It's unfortunate that some of our greatest inspiration comes the last hour! One of the leaders came up with the genius idea of making the girld Smash books. We put the declaration inside it and personal constitution with stuff for Golden Hour. After getting things in order around the house we had a reception for a young man in our ward who got married. He was one of Tim's scouts, his mom worked with me in WEBELOS, his brother and Timo have been really good friends for years, his mom taught Zane in Primary, his dad and Tim are in the bishopric we all went since we love them! It was fun and they had an ice cream sundae bar--yum! That night I helped Izak on his talk. Sunday Timo and I had BYC and then a camp leader meeting after that. Izak did a great job on his talk. He spoke on how he is preparing for a mission. It had some funny parts. He spoke with a young man who just returned--he was the drummer in Taran's band before the mission. It was really good. After church his family had an open house we went since they live 2 houses down and are our good friends as well. They had a meal for us so we ended up eating our dinner there and saving the food in the crockpot for Monday! It's so great to see these young men who were already pretty amazing before come home even more refined and AWESOME!
Monday was crunch time to get packed and all the stuff for camp ready--we were meeting at the church at 7:15 AM so no time for last minute gathering. Since our ward has the most girls we got to go up first--they staggered the times. We had 47 girls--6 weren't able to come. I felt bad I was in and out all day! We still had family night, Tim talked about service from the Strength of Youth then they helped me put wire handles on our tin lanterns for camp. I sewed our sign for the entrance of our camp. We also watched our wedding video with the kids (the cans took about 10 minutes with everyone helping!). They enjoyed it more than they have in the past. It was fun for us to watch it too! Once Emily and I were packed we took our stuff to one of the camp director's home where our ward trailer was set up to load. Tim and I helped out with various things she needed until 10 PM and it was mostly done. Tuesday I showered before going. I also had Tim give me and Emily a blessing. That was nice. We had a short devotional and got up there at our appointed time 8:30 AM.
We set up camp and then we had stake orientation, some stake activities including lunch. One of the co-camp directors and I ran back to camp after the camp photo of our ward to finish setting up the decorations. The girls put up most of them--all the cans with battery tealights, banners and their own virtue banners they made to take home later. FYI our theme we were given was the Revolutionary War and the value virtue. The Stake theme was Modern Girls Vintage Values and each ward had a era and value. The stake did the Restoration/Pioneer and faith. So we were the first era and it went up to Future. It was very inspired and clever! That first night they did a faith walk and we walked through all the eras and they had quotes and the youth leaders (YCLs) dressed in their era clothing. Then at the end of the walk they inspirational music playing while we wrote some things down--things we are grateful for, good at and things we want to change. Wednesday we had our hikes. I went on the 3rd year hike with Emily's group.
It was all very up hill and then very downhill.
It rained just as we got to Julie Andrews Meadow. We were blessed to stay clear of lightning and it cleared up quickly but we were soaked! My toes got a rug burn/type burn on the tips. Luckily no blisters. It was fun and we were back by noon. We had pedicures and lunch when we got back. We also had a craft they made to give to a stake secret sister. That night was the skit night. We went first and we rocked. one of our YCLs wrote the skit and it was super clever using musical songs that had words for our theme. The stake leaders did "Kid History" of the pioneers and it was hilarious! I think it was the best skit overall. They wrote it and had kids tell it and they lip synced it and had some funny props. Honestly all the skits were clever there were just 2 I couldn't hear so they may not have been as good but they all seemed really well done.
Thursday morning we had rotations with the stake, ropes course,
lunch with a cool speakers from the YW general board and the
stake YW President. They were excellent. Canoeing on Tibble
Fork Lake and the Zipline. We were going to make another craft but we decided to let the girls rest or write on each others Smashbooks on the front. After dinner we had a fireside with Michael McClean. The bishopric arrived just as we were leaving to go there--including Tim. So it was fun to be with him. Unfortunately I got the giggles during the flag ceremony--no sleep will do that to you! I could not stop and you know how I snort so I fought hard but made enough commotion that everyone turned around and laughed at me (I had my head as far down as I could to keep from losing it completely). Oh my, all I could do is whisper, "I am so sorry." All I can say is that Michael McClean was amazing. I thought it would be entertaining but it was AMAZING. He really brought the spirit, it was powerful. He was so good about telling the girls that this was the spirit sharing the love of Heavenly Father with them that their leaders had prayed that they could feel that at camp--he was so right! I could go on and on but that is the just of it and many girls shared how his fireside was life changing to them! After the fireside we went back to our campsite for testimony meeting (after a few of the girls, including Emily, met and/or hugged Michael McClean). Testimony meeting was great of course and most frequent thing said was how they had come to know that Heavenly Father and their Savior love them. This is huge, when we understand that we are children of God and he loves us we treat each other and ourselves with more love and compassion. It was super! The bishopric brought up ice cream for us and that was nice treat too! We stayed up late packing things up to make it easier in the morning. We got to bed after 2 AM! Then up at 7 AM. We had the stake secret sister exchange at 9 AM--vintage facebook is what they actually called it. So every girl got a gift and somewhat met another girl they may have not known before! Then we finished packing up and did our cleaning assignment for that day and went home! I got home around 11 AM since I was helping with the cleaning. We had the girls help us unload the trailer and cars. Then they went home with their stuff and we leaders organized everything and put it away in the ward shed. By the time I got home it was 1 PM. I made lunch, did laundry, took an Epsom salt bath and then showered then took a 2 hour nap. I was interrupted here and there until I could actually go down at 4 PM. Tim took care of dinner and took the kids (Izak on down) to see Madagascar 3 at the discount movie theater--they all liked it but Izak.
Saturday Micah had a lacrosse game in Spanish Fork--45 minutes away at 9 AM so he and Tim hurried out. BTW Micah scored 2 and they won by 1. I had chore duty and tried to finish the laundry. We got all the camping gear put away. Tim organized stuff, and tidied the garage a bit. He took a load to the dump, he painted chalkboard paint on the wall in the playroom. Hopefully he'll finish that tomorrow--he's putting up a metal piece for magnet stuff to go on and some trim. I will post a photo next week. It should be fun! Emily and her friend Ashley went to see Annie some people from our ward were in it. Izak took the little kids to a short play that some kids and their cousins were doing at the park while Tim and I had a little date to our Cedar Hills Grill! It was yummy and the view beautiful! Then we went and helped my mom with some stuff--actually Tim did while I visited with Teresa, and my parents. Today was the farewell of Taran's friend Andrew and the homecoming of Derek who is the brother of his friend and roommate from BYU Scott. It was a good meeting. Tim was the chorister for Sacrament meeting and Primary today! After church we went to Andrew's farewell and then to my mom's to 'celebrate' my birthday! It was yummy and fun even though Charl couldn't be there. We did miss them though! So there you go! Phew!
Oh, so I forgot to write about how my mom and neighbors watched my kids and Timo drove them to things while I was gone. Tim also took care of them after work. They got to go swimming, and to the Provo Beach Resort and other fun things so they didn't miss me at all!
Monday we had our dental check ups, only a few kids had cavities, I will keep their identity secret. I took up most of the morning. For family night we watched Tim's Father's Day DVD Mall Cop--on Clearplay. I exercised on the elliptical. The kids have been dying to watch it. It's pretty funny.
Tuesday was Tim and I, our 21st anniversary. He took the day off and we went to breakfast. We went to 7 Peaks once we all got ready. Emily and her friends had planned to go and had planned on us taking them so it was convenient that we were already going. We had a lot of fun and left early afternoon as it got busier. Emily and friends stayed an one of their parents picked them up. We stopped at Macey's for cones which ended up being our lunch! On our way home we saw the fire in Alpine about 5 miles away just starting. It raged all day and night. The kids spent most of their time watching it from our porch. Tim and I decided to take advantage of the early bird menu/discount meal--we are becoming old people! We went to Texas Roadhouse. It was yummy but too much food so we ate it for lunch the next day. We went and saw The Amazing Spiderman, the new movie. I was skeptical, I mean really do we need a new Spiderman movie? This one is way better than the other 3. Granted I like super hero shows so I am probably not a good judge for those who don't like them. I loved Avengers and this is close. I guess with low expectations I was pleasantly surprised. We got home early and could see that the fire was huge. By dark it was amazing to watch.
Wednesday was the 4th of July. We had brunch at brother Charl's with the Louwside. It was yummy! After eating and visiting, we took the kids to the park by their house to play. Later we went to Tim's parents for the Pewside gathering. We were early but they live near Charl so we hung out instead of going all the way home and back again. They watched National Treasure and finished it just as the other families were getting there. I napped. I had bought an e-book from Amazon that I put on my tablet and it was so fun I had been staying up late every night! It's a fantasy book, A Posse of Princesses. The covers (I've seen 2) for it aren't very enticing so don't judge it based on that! Emily has since read it and loved it too! It would be a very fun movie. We had a yummy BBQ. After most of us went to the BYU Men's Soccer game. Juan (bro-in-law) had got us all tickets. It was super fun and BYU won 3-1. After the game we stayed and watched the fireworks from the Stadium of Fire--it was spectacular! We got home late of course and we could see that the fire had spread to the backside of the mountain. It looked like lava.
In God We Trust |
virtue=priceless |
united we stand virtuous |
virtue |
Thursday we woke up to rain! It was a miracle, really--the fire went out. It was a steady rain until 4 PM. I spent the morning helping Izak and his friend Luke work on their Environmental Science MB--they started it at scout camp but had a few things to finish. They had to do 3, 20 minute observations of 2 different places. So they did it in the rain and then the sun the next few days. But it is done, yeah! I also helped Micah finish some WEBELOS stuff. I worked on a the camp decorations and devotionals whenever I could. It really was coming together. Friday I ran to the store before my friend's sons came over. She was taking her mom out to lunch. Her sons were doing a midnight ride that night on Antelope Island with their grandpa so she didn't want them to be too active that day. Once it was hot we rented a Redbox, Journey 2. Zane had seen it at a birthday party but he liked it a lot. They enjoyed it. I finally finished all the banners for camp (see above from camp) I thought they turned out pretty good. The girls helped with some of it but I had to finish them. That night we had a wedding reception for a guy from our ward. It was really nice and we got to visit with a lot of neighbors there! Saturday morning I finished the devotional stuff so I could give it to the youth leaders over it. We made some last minute changes, one of the youth leaders wrote a Declaration of Independence and personal Constitution, all going along with our theme! It was amazing and we wanted to integrate it into the devotionals so everything I had done in preparation had to be reworked. It's unfortunate that some of our greatest inspiration comes the last hour! One of the leaders came up with the genius idea of making the girld Smash books. We put the declaration inside it and personal constitution with stuff for Golden Hour. After getting things in order around the house we had a reception for a young man in our ward who got married. He was one of Tim's scouts, his mom worked with me in WEBELOS, his brother and Timo have been really good friends for years, his mom taught Zane in Primary, his dad and Tim are in the bishopric we all went since we love them! It was fun and they had an ice cream sundae bar--yum! That night I helped Izak on his talk. Sunday Timo and I had BYC and then a camp leader meeting after that. Izak did a great job on his talk. He spoke on how he is preparing for a mission. It had some funny parts. He spoke with a young man who just returned--he was the drummer in Taran's band before the mission. It was really good. After church his family had an open house we went since they live 2 houses down and are our good friends as well. They had a meal for us so we ended up eating our dinner there and saving the food in the crockpot for Monday! It's so great to see these young men who were already pretty amazing before come home even more refined and AWESOME!
Monday was crunch time to get packed and all the stuff for camp ready--we were meeting at the church at 7:15 AM so no time for last minute gathering. Since our ward has the most girls we got to go up first--they staggered the times. We had 47 girls--6 weren't able to come. I felt bad I was in and out all day! We still had family night, Tim talked about service from the Strength of Youth then they helped me put wire handles on our tin lanterns for camp. I sewed our sign for the entrance of our camp. We also watched our wedding video with the kids (the cans took about 10 minutes with everyone helping!). They enjoyed it more than they have in the past. It was fun for us to watch it too! Once Emily and I were packed we took our stuff to one of the camp director's home where our ward trailer was set up to load. Tim and I helped out with various things she needed until 10 PM and it was mostly done. Tuesday I showered before going. I also had Tim give me and Emily a blessing. That was nice. We had a short devotional and got up there at our appointed time 8:30 AM.
The 3rd years, Emily's group |
our tables |
the walk way in front our our camp--we had a Don't Tread on Me Flag as well |
Our sign: CH 8th Ward Virtuetown, Land of Liberty, you can't afford NOT to live here and Guardians of Virtue |
the backside of our sign has the Declaration of Independence | we all signed during one of our devotionals. |
We set up camp and then we had stake orientation, some stake activities including lunch. One of the co-camp directors and I ran back to camp after the camp photo of our ward to finish setting up the decorations. The girls put up most of them--all the cans with battery tealights, banners and their own virtue banners they made to take home later. FYI our theme we were given was the Revolutionary War and the value virtue. The Stake theme was Modern Girls Vintage Values and each ward had a era and value. The stake did the Restoration/Pioneer and faith. So we were the first era and it went up to Future. It was very inspired and clever! That first night they did a faith walk and we walked through all the eras and they had quotes and the youth leaders (YCLs) dressed in their era clothing. Then at the end of the walk they inspirational music playing while we wrote some things down--things we are grateful for, good at and things we want to change. Wednesday we had our hikes. I went on the 3rd year hike with Emily's group.
Thursday morning we had rotations with the stake, ropes course,
lunch with a cool speakers from the YW general board and the
stake YW President. They were excellent. Canoeing on Tibble
Saturday Micah had a lacrosse game in Spanish Fork--45 minutes away at 9 AM so he and Tim hurried out. BTW Micah scored 2 and they won by 1. I had chore duty and tried to finish the laundry. We got all the camping gear put away. Tim organized stuff, and tidied the garage a bit. He took a load to the dump, he painted chalkboard paint on the wall in the playroom. Hopefully he'll finish that tomorrow--he's putting up a metal piece for magnet stuff to go on and some trim. I will post a photo next week. It should be fun! Emily and her friend Ashley went to see Annie some people from our ward were in it. Izak took the little kids to a short play that some kids and their cousins were doing at the park while Tim and I had a little date to our Cedar Hills Grill! It was yummy and the view beautiful! Then we went and helped my mom with some stuff--actually Tim did while I visited with Teresa, and my parents. Today was the farewell of Taran's friend Andrew and the homecoming of Derek who is the brother of his friend and roommate from BYU Scott. It was a good meeting. Tim was the chorister for Sacrament meeting and Primary today! After church we went to Andrew's farewell and then to my mom's to 'celebrate' my birthday! It was yummy and fun even though Charl couldn't be there. We did miss them though! So there you go! Phew!
Oh, so I forgot to write about how my mom and neighbors watched my kids and Timo drove them to things while I was gone. Tim also took care of them after work. They got to go swimming, and to the Provo Beach Resort and other fun things so they didn't miss me at all!
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