Phew! I thought having May over with
would lighten my load. Owell, I guess until Taran leaves we are
still going strong!
Monday was Memorial Day. We went to
the cemetery Sunday to lessen the running around on Monday. We saw
our friends the Warrens whose daughter Emily is buried there. Their
oldest is just older than Taran and is serving in Florida, Spanish
speaking. It was fun to catch up with them even though it was at the
cemetery. We also saw my mom, Gwen and Emily went with her for a
little bit. I showed her where some of my dad's relatives are
buried. So we spent the morning of Monday working on our yard. We
tried to put up the new trampoline mat I had ordered. But I made the
mistake of guessing since the product description didn't tell how
many rings. I should have asked! So I had to pay to exchange it
plus the difference and then to ship it back. We MIGHT get it this
week! I hope the kids have sorely missed it! Let's hope it lasts
more than a year too! That afternoon we had both sides (most
everyone came) over for a BBQ. Tim and Nate made homemade ice cream
for dessert—both made Peach! They were a little different but
still both very good. It was fun. Charl took Katie to a Vocal Point
concert at the SCERA which also featured the A Capella group that won
the Sing Off Pentatonics and Delilah which was an all girl group in
it with a couple of local girls. It sounded fun. So we had the kids
Anders, Holly & Tate until it was over. Tate fell asleep. We
watched Captain America which Anders did not like. I felt bad. The
bad guy was too creepy for him.
Tuesday Emily was in the Jr High Talent
Show. Tim went and videoed the practice before school. I was going
to go but by the time she figured out when it was going to be I
wasn't sure I could make it. I have had to let some important things
go until this week because I have just been too busy for other stuff.
I was in charge of our Personal Progress Night the next day which I
knew I was busy until the afternoon so I couldn't wait to do stuff
for that the next day. She said that she did her best that practice
run so I am glad Tim recorded it! Timo had to be early to catch the
bus to go to the graduation ceremony at UVU. He was singing in the
choir, he said that they rocked the house and a lot of seniors were
crying after their songs! I don't remember what he did after
that...wrote in yearbooks I think. Gwen got to go to Pizza Pie Cafe
for her last field trip for preschool. She made her own pizza, she
thought that was pretty cool! Micah had the egg drop at school and
his never broke so he won a prize. He was proud of himself, with
reason! I finally got all my stuff done for Personal Progress Night
that night.
Wednesday was Izak's 6th
grade Promotion. I know, they have done it forever and I still
wonder about the relevance for them. It wasn't too long and I took
June with me—she was perfect. Gwen went to her friend Sophie's—it
was her last day of preschool so Luke's mom dropped her off there. I
got some photos of Izak and some of his buddies but it was crazy busy
and hard to find the kids and then they were wanting to change for
the 6th grade party afterward. He didn't care so we just
got who we got! I wanted to get all the neighborhood boys together,
owell. Sophie's mom took Gwen and Sophie to a free dance class and
dropped Gwen off on her way home. She and Sophie played with June.
It was fun. After June left I put some food in the crockpot for Tim
to feed the kids while I was at P2 Night. Emily got her yearbook so
it was fun to read some of the stuff kids wrote. Timo went to
Trafalga with some of his friends. Later I had to run Timo to work
and then I ran to Walmart for things I couldn't get the day
before—balloons and milk. We had our pancake/IHOP night again.
The girls really enjoy it. The Laurels came early to help me set up
and cook the pancakes. This made it so we could start on time 6 PM.
The President gave out the awards, ribbons the girls had earned since
our last P2 night. After we got it all cleaned up I had a mini camp
meeting with one of the camp directors for our ward. She wanted to
bounce some ideas off me and show me some things she had found. I
have been so busy I haven't really focused on my camp assignments
yet. This got me thinking and helped me have a better plan for the
meeting this week with out YCLs (youth camp leaders).

Friday Taran took the other kids (Timo,
Emily and Izak) to the Provo Temple to do baptisms. It was super
busy so a long wait. Meanwhile, Gwen, Zane and Micah and I dropped
Tim off at work. We also took flowers and a card to my parents—it
was their anniversary 46 years. Since dad doesn't do much I hoped
the flowers would help her feel celebrated. My brother Keith took
them out to Macaroni Grill that night so they enjoyed it. Dad was
feeling just okay enough—he was not feeling well most of the day.
I helepd the little kids go through their rooms and get rid of stuff.
Trying to do some summer decluttering and get ready for visitors
next week for Taran's farewell. Not like it's going to stay as nice
as it was Saturday night! I also ran to Orem later to get Taran some
stuff at the Missionary Mall, Deseret Book and I also was looking for
some nylon covered material. I had painted the outdoor swing Tim's
parents gave us last year. It is red! It needs a new pad. I am
planning on putting this material over the seat part then buy
cushions that can be removed when the weather is nasty. I couldn't
find the material ANYWHERE! I picked up Tim on the way home. After
dinner we worked on the rooms some more. Timo took Gwen, Zane, Micah
and Izak to an outdoor movie at a neighbor's. They had fun. Gwen
got tired so Timo brought her home. He went back. Tim and I were so
tired after Gwen fell asleep we went to bed. Then we woke up when
the boys came home from the movie. Emily spent all day and night on
her room so she went to bed.
Saturday was a service project at 7 AM
helping neighbors in their yard. Izak, Taran and Timo went to that.
Tim had to take Emily and a friend to a breakfast at a friends and
then onto Lagoon (a local amusement park). He is the nicest dad
ever! He drove her and 10 friends up there. She tried big rides and
had fun. He picked her up around 8:30 PM. He just brought her and
one other girl home. The rest left at closing at 11 PM. She was
tired so she was not sad to leave then. Timo played tennis with his
friend. Then he finished his room. His friend got his wisdom teeth
out Friday so he went with some of their friends to visit him. He
came home later to clean the living room. He did it in less than an
hour. Then he went back to his friend's since he was super bored
recovering. Tim also fixed 3 holes in the sprinkler line (it took 3
trips—poor guy!), touched up the paint on the swing and put tile on
the baseboard in the bathroom. He IS superman! I was able to pack
some of Taran's stuff, organize things that needed boxes and we have
enough for a van full of DI stuff!
Today was fast Sunday and I think I had
a long list I fasted for. Lots of people in need. It was one of the
easiest times for me. Church was good but I had a hard time staying
awake in Sunday School. I am in the Family History class and I love
it but I didn't sleep well, bladder or something. I tried some new
Pinterest treats today for dessert: chocolate chip cookie dough,
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and brownie batter on top and bake! WOW!
Yummy! We also tried it with Oreo in the middle, and only 2 Oreos
with peanut butter between them and around them and then brownie
batter over it. You put them in cupcake pans. I think I might make
it as a bar thing in layers since it isn't easy to get out of the
paper. Timo and Taran had meetings/YSA fireside tonight. We are
waiting for Taran so we can have our devotional. Timo's was a
meeting about Scout Camp. We have to get him and Izak ready this
week for scout camp besides Taran going into the MTC. Our last full
week together. Hopefully we'll be ready for it all! We are have a
mini-vacation tomorrow. The kids are very excited! Me too. Have a
great week! Enjoy the weather!
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